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A Forced Check-up

Posted on Sat Oct 15th, 2016 @ 7:12pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Commander Hades,MD

1,231 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: SB 400 Sickbay
Timeline: MD2, 1500 hours

Deela went and visited her friend and colleague, Alex. She had been so busy that she hadn't checked up on Alex and her pregnancy. Lee had been so busy himself and she just needed to touch base with her.

Deela rang the chime and Alex answered it. She walked in, "Hi Alex, how are you doing?"

Alex motioned for her to have a seat, "I was wondering when you were going to check up on me. I'm fine, really."

"When was the last time you went to Sickbay and had a check up?" Deela inquired.

"I was going to make an appointment but I've been busy. I'll make an appointment tomorrow." Alex exhaled.

Deela scolded her, "Not tomorrow, today. Come with me to Sickbay. Dr. Hades should be there." Alex continued to sit, not moving from her spot. Deela wasn't going to take a no from her, "Please, do not make me pull rank. Get dressed, hurry up."

" Geez." Alex got up and disappeared into her bedroom. She came back out, "Let's go."

Deela smiled after getting her way. They made their way to Sickbay. Deela saw Hades and approached him, "Hi. I was wondering if you could do me a a favor?"

Hades was having a good day. He'd just updated the files that needed updating, completed the reports, read up on the new Starfleet regulation and research notes, and he'd had a great few hours in the lab with successful test results. He saw T'Lar and another woman walk in. He watched her walk up to him. Hades smiled. "Always! How can I be of service my friend?"

"This is Captain Alex Harrison and I was wondering if you had time to check her over. She pregnant with twins and hasn't seen anyone since she found out. And since she keeps procrastinating, I thought I would bring her over myself."

Alex didn't say a word even though she felt like hitting Deela right now.

Hades smiled. "Of course. Captain Harrison, it is a pleasure to meet you and congratulations! Why don't I have you hop up on the bio bed and we'll have a look." He offered the captain his arm so she could better get on the bio bed." He smiled at her.

Alex smiled back, "You'll have to forgive Deela, she thinks that she's my mother." Alex sneered at Deela.

Deela just chuckled, "I have things to do so I will leave you both. Thank you doctor. I will talk to you later." With that, Deela left Sickbay.

Hades smiled. He scanned her with a tricorder. "Hmmm," he said.

Alex frowned, "What is it? Don't tell me that the nurse was wrong? I'm not having twins?" Hmm was never a good thing.

"No it's twins ...I can tell you the gender of each baby if you wish, you're about two months along and the babies are healthy but your hormone levels are not where I want them to be. I see this in patients who have trouble sleeping. Are you resting well?" He asked.

"Yes." She sighed, "No. She felt uncomfortable talking about her problems, especially to strangers but she was still very angry, "You're new here so you really don't know my situation. Let's just say that we have someone in our brig who doesn't deserve to live." She was more upset that her best friend lowered her security clearance so she couldn't visit him again for the safety of her babies. "I wish he was dead. So to answer your question, no, I am not sleeping. You try sleeping knowing that a cold blooded killer is here on this base." She exhaled while she closed her eyes for a moment, trying to calm down but it wasn't working.

"Okay." Hades said soothingly. "First thing is first. Let's talk about these little babies. You need to take care of them and to take care of them you need to take care of yourself." He smiled at her. "Now you need to take a few vitamins to keep the babies strength up. I will give you a first dose now." He pulled a hypo. "Second you are having a boy and a girl. Thirdly you need sleep so I'm going to suggest some herbal remedies if you are okay with it."

Alex nodded, "Sure, whatever you think is best.

"Now as to the trash in the brig. He is going to stay there and it is scary to know he's there but you need to try and relax a bit. He's not going to get out. You cannot loose sleep over this. You can't hurt your babies like that." He gently took her hands. "Ready for the hypo and then I'll give you the vitamins to take with you. Got it?"

"I know Doc but it's just the thought of what he did to my counterpart. But I know what you are saying. So, with that said, I guess I am ready." She sat there as he gave her the hypo.

Hades smiled as he adjusted the hypo dose and pressed it to her neck. The hypo hissed out it's dose. He set it aside and picked up his tricorder scanning her and giving himself a chance to make sure the rate of absorption was good. "Okay. So it all looks good."

He looked over at Nurse Lyn. "Nurse can you please go to the storage room and prepare the Vulcan Shr'lay herbs and mix it with the Bajoran Kelva root power. Three parts powder to two parts herbs."

Lyn nodded and headed off.

Hades turned back to Alex. "So are you excited to meet your little ones?"

Alex smiled, "I am. I can't wait to hold them in my arms. I'm going to do things differently with these two. I didn't get to be a mother to my son because of his father. I've got a second chance."

Hades' heart broke for the young woman at her comment about not being able to be a mom to her son. "I'm sorry you went through that. It's hard when others interfere in relationships with those what we love it's especially hard when a parent tries to interfere with the relationship of another parent with their child." He knew a lot about that. "I have no doubt that these two babies will be lucky to have you as a mother, my dear."

"Thank you. That is nice of you to say." It took her a long time to be able to accept compliments.

He smiled. "Well I think that all looks good." He took the Herbs from Lyn when she returned. "Take these as tea. Two teaspoons brew a pot. Let the pot cool, strain and drink one class every night. Will help with sleeping and back pain."

"Easy enough. I will do that and I'll let you know if it helps." She stood up, "I guess this makes you officially my doctor." She smiled.

Hades chuckled. "I guess it does!" He gave a bow. "Thank you for coming in today and please try to rest, my dear. If you have any concerns or anything changes in your health just call, night or day. I'll schedule a follow up in a week or two to see how thing are going."

"I will. Thank you again." She smiled one more time before leaving, "See you around Doc."


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