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Permission to come aboard

Posted on Mon Oct 17th, 2016 @ 9:52pm by

394 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Starbase 400 Docking Bay
Timeline: 1530 hours


With a barely felt shudder the docking port mated with the side of the ship. Lieutenant (junior grade) Sullivan looked up from the book he was reading and pulled himself up into a sitting position. He had been laying in his bed in the small stateroom he was given on the ship he hitched a ride to the Starbase on. He placed the book in his travel bag and hoisted it on his shoulder. Years of Starfleet service had taught him how to travel light.

He left his quarters and navigated his way through the corridors of the ship until he reached his destination. He smiled at the Lieutenant manning the docking port and the officer gave him permission to disembark with a nod of his head. Sullivan headed down the long tube and entered a large observation lounge. He turned around and took in the sight through a large picture window. He saw an elderly Excelsior class and a newer Intrepid class plus the smaller Miranda class which had already disengaged from the docking port and was making a slow turn out towards the entrance.

He consulted a map on a display and decided he would find his quarters first and stow his gear before introducing himself to the senior staff. He checked his PADD which contained his orders and found that quarters had already been assigned to him on level 760. He looked for the nearest turbolift and made the long descent into the lower levels of the station.

Sullivan found the correct room number and keyed the door open. He took a glance around his new home. There were two rooms in the small quarters. A living space with a couch and table and a bedroom with a bed, dresser, night table, and closet. There was also a head with a sink and shower. He unpacked the contents of his travel bag and began stowing his belongings. Sullivan smiled once his labor was completed. He crossed into the living room and accessed the comm panel. He sent a message to the yeoman asking for an audience with his new commanding officer at his discretion and another message to the Chief Engineer asking the same thing. He than accessed the replicator and ordered a turkey club sandwich for lunch.

He ate his sandwich and waited for a response to his messages.



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