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Romulan in the bar

Posted on Mon Oct 17th, 2016 @ 11:03pm by Tom Vercetti

893 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: SB400 Promenade, Good Fella's Bar and Grill
Timeline: MD2 1600


Lai'lira had the day off. Splendora was still away and she decided to try Tom's bar. Good Fellas or something. She walked quickly through the promenade until she found the bar. She set her smile in place and headed inside. It was filled with people for the lunch hour period. She picked out a seat by the bar where she could people watch. Her eyes rested on the bar owner. She smiled and waved at him.

Tom noticed the Romulan come in, and several of the guests did too. They stopped talking and eating for a moment to look at her, but when Tom stepped forward with a smile they took a moment and went back to their convocations and meals.

"Miss S'Nai, good evening. What can I get for you?" Vercetti asked.

Lai'lira smiled. "Cranberry juice and veal parmesan.. I think I said that correctly right?" She looked at him..."And I'd like to speak with you."

She looked over her shoulder as the door opened and a Naussican walked in. She sighed as she watched him walk in and sit down a few tables away.

"Close enough. Please, have a seat." Tom said with a smile and motioned toward a table. He felt odd being so nice to a Romulan, his experiences with with members of that species weren't pleasant. He had a waiter bring S'Nai her meal.

Lai'lira sat at the table and once the food was ordered he looked at Tom. "You don't like Romulans do you?" She was empathic so she could tell when someone was uncomfortable. "It's okay." She said patting his hand. "Many of my people are not that nice." She smiled at him. "But not all. There are some of us left that aren't so bad."

Tom smirked. "I've had some not so nice dealings with a few Romulans in the past."

The waiter had brought her food and drink. She polished off the drink in no time, she loved cranberry juice. As she cut up her food into manageable bits she looked at Tom. "I work for Splendora, you know? I'm her new receptionist slash assistant." She smiled at him. "Thank you for helping her by the way."

Tom nodded. "She's a nice lady. I didn't know you were working for her." He paused to let her take a bite. "Are you planning to remain here?"

She gave a nod after she finished chewing and swallowed her food. She wiped her mouth with the napkin before she spoke. "I hope to stay. Splendora will teach me stuff and then I hope to one day go to medical school." She grinned.

Tom nodded. "Medical school? Starfleet or private sector?"

She smiled. "Starfleet. They saved my life and gave me a home. This is my home now and I would like to do something good with my life. It's really hard to explain."

She looked at Tom. "So I came here for the food but...I wanted to talk to you."

Tom cocked his head to the side, "Oh, what about?" The bartender in him was curious, the rest of him was more cautious.

She smiled. "Well.... Splendora. She's become a fast friend and I care for her and well..." She looked around as if expecting Splendora to drop in. "She'd kill me if she knew I was here but...She likes you Tom. I mean not the kind of like that you like someone who is nice and kind and sweet. She likes, likes you...the romance book kind of like."

Tom flashed a brief smile. "She's sweet, but she doesn't really know me. She could do better." His expression turned more serious, "There's a lot about me she doesn't know."

She saw his face. "Sorry I've basically lived in a little room most of my in addition to having no filters I'm still learning this interaction thing." She smiled.

"It's alright, really. I'm flattered and I think she's a doll but she doesn't need to get mixed up with a guy like me." Tom gave a respectful nod. "Enjoy you're meal."

As he walked away he smiled, he really was flattered and did think Splendora was a special lady and he was fond of her, but there was a lot she didn't know about him, a lot he didn't want her to know.

Lai'lira left her food and followed Tom. She placed a hand on his shoulder as she called out to him. "Tom wait..."

He looked back.

"I'm not sure what you mean by guy like you but she really does like you. If you don't feel the same then...maybe you could let her know or if you do feel the same tell her about yourself and let her decide."

"Don't worry. I'll speak to her, but she isn't the problem at all." Tom replied.

She looked at him. "I really like her, she's my friend and I don't want to see her hurt and you seem like a nice guy. I think maybe you're being hard on yourself."

Tom smirked for a moment then looked more serious. "There are things about me you don't know. That she doesn't know...and I don't want any harm to come to her because of that."

He gave a respectful nod then walked over to speak to guests at another table.



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