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Some like it hot

Posted on Fri Oct 21st, 2016 @ 7:02pm by

869 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Star fleet intelligence
Timeline: MD2, 1715

Elsewhere in the Fleet =/\=

::Shortly after the attempt on Admiral Bremer,s life::

Intelligence Analyst Office:

Report after report after report, in Starfleet comes up the chain daily funny enough to actual people who read them. One such report had been flagged for action. It was a report from Starbase 400 involving an attempt on the life of an Admiral. It was read by an analyst and evaluated for authenticity and proven to be fact. It's not everyday that a staff level officer came under attack and almost killed. All the evidence in this case pointed to one individual and by all accounts, this person had the means to bypass fleet security protocols, very much like someone with prior Intel knowledge and experience and this could not be ignored.

Further evidence pointed to Nimbus 3 as a possible base of operation for this individual believed to be someone known as Mordern. If all that was said about him was true, something had to be done immediately.

As the young agent hand carried the information to his commanding officer, his recommendation attached, he thought about who if anyone should be sent to carry out this fact finding mission and lead the charge to bringing this Mordern to justice. Then it hit him. The best they had in the sector was a team of agents simply known of the Red Team. A group of four female operatives, usually used for honey trap missions strictly dealing with humanoid subjects. This was a perfect case for the Red Team.

As the Analyst entered the dark command center, he surveyed the room and found the officer in charge. "Sir." As he approached with pad in hand.

"Yes." Replied the high ranking intelligence officer

"I have just completed my analysis of a report from Star base 400. There is troubling news of a criminal who might just be a rogue intelligence agent." Replied the young man as he handed the report to his boss.

The officer took the report and tapped a couple buttons. As he read it there was no emotion what so ever in his demeanor. When he finished, he handed the padd back to the analyst and look at him as if he were asking, What next?

The younger agent took this as an opportunity to speak.
"Sir, if I may?" Replied the agent, receiving a kurt nod from the senior officer.
"If you allow it sir, I have a plan to gain the Intel needed to possibly avoid this from happening again and possibly bringing this person to justice." Offered the young man

The senior officer gave him another look as if to say, go on.

"Sir, this is a perfect scenario for Red Team. They could deploy to Nimbus 3, set up shop and gather as much info as needed then we could have Security on SB 400 make the apprehension." Replied the young analyst

The officer gave a smile. "Call them in, brief them and get them underway. All resources they need on my authorization and they are to check in an upload findings two times daily. My attention through you. Understood?" Said the officer

"As you wish sir. I understand." He came to attention saluted and executed an about face and departed the operations center. On his way there he tapped his commbadge.

+comm+ "Operations to Special Agent Jean Summers." And there was a brief pause as the system filtered the comms several time as a security precaution.

+comm+ "Agent Summers, send traffic." She replied

+comm+ "Assemble your team for deployment, briefing in two hours." Replied the young agent.

+comm+ "Affirmative will comply, out." Was all she said and then sent a message to the rest of her team.

Two hours later, Intel briefing room:

Four women aged 27/28/28/29 sat at the tables dressed in black awaiting their orders. Very professional and deadly serious about what they did for a living. Shortly there after, the young agent entered the room, dropped four pads in front of the team leader and then took his spot at the head of the table.

Introductions finished, they got down to business. They looked up suspected people who might be close to the target and made dossiers on all of them based on the records from Nimbus 3. After which they checked and doubled checked the info to hand and then discussed how they would approached the situation. Once they had a plan of attack, they went to draw the necessary equipment and procure their normal vessel, a Danube Class Shuttle complete with cloaking device.

After which they departed immediately. A departure which no one saw because they were cloaked from the moment they departed the Intel hub.

That was three weeks ago. At present they were monitoring everyone coming and going and waiting for their team leader to return from dinner with a known criminal. Her cover, new shop owner on the Promenade of Nimbus 3. That dinner took place three days hence and she still had not been heard from. Ordered to stay in place, they watched and waited. New of the man that Jean had dinner with reached them. Apparently he ended up outside an airlock floating in space, but no news of Ms. Summers.

To be continued:


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