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Rorrke's Drift or The Alamo PT3

Posted on Sun Oct 23rd, 2016 @ 8:12pm by Major General Thomas Jackson & 1st Lieutenant Klaus Gunther & 1st Lieutenant David Henry & Master Warrant Officer Gaius Aquila & Master Sergeant Atlee Micklin & Staff Sergeant Sam Hopper & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Major Patrick McMichaels & Major Edward Maxwell & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Colonel Danny Lennox & 1st Lieutenant Jericho Alexander & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Sergeant Calthier & Corporal Nas & Private 1st Class T'ork & First Ramata`tar
Edited on on Tue Oct 25th, 2016 @ 12:49pm

3,482 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Arcanus IV
Timeline: MD2, 1730


Thirty Minutes From the Arcanus Star System

The Saratoga Battlegroup glided effortlessly in warp, just short of their objective.

"ETA 30 minutes", reported T'Lyn

"Jackson to task force, Red Alert. Fighter transport, prepare to scramble on my order."

1LT Jericho Alexander scrambled to his Valkyrie, helmet locked. "This is Fenris. Alpha element, ready to rock n roll, locked and loaded" the young pilot remarked.

"Marine Transports, prepare to disembark. Use transporters and shuttles. Saratoga will send relief to LZ Alpha. MT2 will send to LZ Bravo. MT3 will send relief to LZ Charlie."

"This is Val'Mang on MT3. Orders received General" the Klingon responded.

"Hooooooowwwaaaaasa!!" the marines replied.

Jackson looked at T'Lyn, "Major, you will have the ship. I will be beaming down with the relief force. And before you say it, No."

T'Lyn was almost hurt by the order, but she understood his protectiveness. "Understood Sir."

"I am going to suit up. Send to Colonel Hurd that we are almost there." Jackson stared into T'Lyn's eyes, he wanted to say more, but he could not.

T'Lyn understood the look before the turbolift doors closed. "Saratoga to Colonel Hurd, ETA, 30 minutes."

''Understood, get here quickly, he are having a hell of a time holding them off''.

"Soon Colonel, soon," replied Jackson.

Fighter Transport 1

Gunther yelled, "Hurry up Sergeant. I need to launch now!" He sat impatiently in his cockpit as the crew repaired, refueled, and rearmed his Eagle type fighter.

"You are ready Sir!", yelled the crew chief back.

"Get out of the way!" Gunther yelled as he powered up his ship. He placed it on hover quickly before guiding is through the force field of the main doors.

"Frogger to Reaper, I am back in the game, please advise."

"Reaper here. We've got friendly Klingon ships now, we've got their transponder codes so we don't blast them by accident. Join the furball with the Birds of Prey. Tirpitz is in rough shape, so we're trying to keep them off her the best we can, Cairo's helping with the Negh'Var. Hell man, it's a target rich environment."

"Roger that Reaper," Gunther replied. He pushed his fighter towards the Tirpitz.

Above Arcanus IV

USS Tirpitz

The Tirpitz was in bad shape. The Main Bridge was hit, killing the acting command crew. 1st Lieutenant Calahan ran the ship from Auxillary Control.


"Main power is out. On emergency power. Shields and warp drive are out. Torpedoes exhausted."

"Maintain this in and out pattern, and fire phasers at targets of opportunity."

"Aye Sir."

USS Cairo

"Engineering reports shields back up to 50 percent." Shran said.

"Good," Colonel Hannon responded. "Maintain position with the Sutherland."

"Transport ships coming under fire!"

Hannon cursed. "Belay last order. Move into position to protect the transports. Advise the Sutherland and the Loyalists."

USS Sutherland

"It is done." Ramata'tar advised Roebuck.

"It's clear." Archer added from Ops.

"Are they still behind us?" Roebuck asked.

"They are." Ramata'tar replied.

Roebuck waited a moment, took a breath. "Hope this works...detonate."

Ramata'tar tapped a command on the Tactical Console and a moment later the heavily damaged weapons pod that had to be ejected exploded close to one of the Opposition Forces' Vorcha' class ships. The enemy ship shook from the explosion.

"They've taken damage and slowed." Archer advised.

"A Bird of Prey is attacking the Vorcha'. Ramata'tar reported.

The Sutherland turned and fired on the Vorcha too. The Bird of Prey turned and fired on the enemy Klingon ship again as well and several disruptor and torpedo hits later and the Vorcha' exploded.

"That's cutting them down a notch!" Archer commented as he took a breath. "They still have the Negh'var, a Vorcha', and a few Birds of Prey...all have taken some damage."

"Additional ships are dropping out of warp." Ramata'tar reported.

Roebuck jumped out of the Command Chair and walked over behind the big Jem'Hadar First at Tactical. "We have help." He said with a smile. "The Saratoga and additional fighters are coming in."

USS Satatoga

"Saratoga to Tirpitz Battlegroup, as soon as we offload our Marines, we will assist. Our fighters are heading your way." Jackson said.

USS Cairo

Aboard the Cairo, Shran asked his CO, "Did you hear that Colonel?"

Hannon grinned, "Yes I did. We just need to hold on a little longer."

A Vorcha and three Birds of Prey approached, but their fire was directed at the rebel Klingons.

"Looks like we have some more help," Hannon said.

USS Tiriptz

The crew of the Tirpitz was too occupied to answer, or they were unable to answer.

LZ Alpha

"I am almost out of power packs!", barked Aquila. With Klingon Rebels inside the perimeter, it has become a knife fight. Firing his last phaser burst, he let his phaser assault rifle drop behind him, hanging by his one point sling behind his back, as he drew his phaser sidearm with his left hand, and his gladius with his right. This is the kind of fight out of his holo-fantasies.

Throwing his lifeless rifle to the ground, Hurd Pulled his Combat Knife from a sheath on his his arm. Grinning under his helment, Hurd yelled, ''Hey Gaius, want to drive the dogs back by the points of our knives?''

Giaus looked at his bloodied gladius, "Yes Sir!"

"I'm game for that Colonel, if you could spare a spot for a lowly Major" Patrick said with a smirk and a twinkle in his eye.

"Hell yes i am!!!'', Hurd yelled back over the sounds of screams and battle.

Patrick secured their advance and made his way to Colonel Hurd; firing at enemies along the way. When he reached his CO, he paused briefly then turned. "Let's do this " he remarked.

''Already there'', he said charging into the midst of the Klingon Troops.

Giaus joined the fray, wielding his gladius with deadly efficiency.

Patrick fired his rifle and swung the sword Colonel Hurd gave him earlier. The blade moved swiftly, its sharp edge cutting through whatever blocked its path.

In the medical section things were chaos.. Mitchell had a handful of the third helping with wounded the rest in a circle around them.. ""Die at your post if you must, keep the Klingons back..." fortunately only a small number of these Klingons were being dishonorable and going after the wounded... Unfortunately he'd already lost the Captains two ensigns, one by disruptor the other by Batleth.

His one surviving officer a 2nd Lt. was actually doing quite well with four kills to himself.. Mitchell was tiring, he was getting far to old for such a fight.. IF the Captain were here things would be different.. She'd be a dervish against which the Klingons would suffer greatly... He only hoped to survive to tell her of the battle...

Another beam in could be heard.. "WARRANT DROP!!!!" Mitchell heard from his left.. He barely hit the ground when a flung blade glanced off his helmet. He barely got to his feet when the young stupidly fast Klingon was on him.. Mitchell went down, his energy almost gone.. Setting up for a death blow, The Klingon suddenly shuddered as a spear of duranium plunged through his armor destroying his heart. "Move back Warrant I got this..." 2nd Lt. Manix stated firmly... Warrant officer Mitchell, aged, gruff and proud, didn't even fight as a pair of marines semi dragged him out of the fight...

LZ Bravo

Lennox walked the line again. His men were ready for another assault they knew would be coming at some point. He had the Engineers and Corporal Schmidt rearm the demo-traps and bring the portable shield generators brought back online.

Taz and Agtx continued to watch the tree line in the distance to any movement but so far their area was quiet again. For how long, no one knew.

LZ Charlie

Hopper lost count as to how many Klingons inside the wire he killed, half of them by knife.

Henry was reduced to using his antique Glock that the Colonel gave him, dropping Klingons left and right with the projectile rounds.

Ermey, the old Gunny was bleeding, but most of the blood on his uniform belonged to Klingons that laid dead around them. He loaded his last power cell into this side arm as he looked at what was left of his rifle laying on the ground, broken, after being used as a club.

He walked the line, getting young Marines ready in case another attack came. "Load your weapon, that's not going to do you much good with a dead power cell." "You going to lay on top of that rotting Klingon or move his dead ass out of your way?" "Suck it up buttercup! There's no use being scared now, we're too deep in the shit to worry now!"

LZ Alpha

Pulling his .45 with his other hand, Hurd yelled, ''Hurd to General Jackson, when you are in range, we are going to need danger close fire support.

Without even a reply, constant phaser beams started to surgically cut all around the perimeters off all three landing zones. Many Klingon rebels evaporated in the onslaught.

"Jackson to Hurd, your wish is my command."

''Sir, request Danger Close Quantom Torpedo Strike''.

"Colonel, your troops or the local population do not have the gear for the fallout. Phasers will have to suffice."

After leaving his knife stuck in the skull of a Klingon and not being able to remove it, Hurd drew his .45 and started firing point blank into the crowds of very hostile, very bloodthirsty, very angry Klingons charging the Marine's lines. Throwing a look over his shoulder, Hurd yelled, ''Henry get your ass over here now i need back up!!!''

"No can do Sir, having troubles of our own." Henry replied from LZ CHarlie.

A trio of klingons started to run towards the Colonel, but suddenly they were cut down by phaser fire from their flank. Micklin and his team of MARSOC Marines appeared. "Sorry we are late for the party Colonel."

''Keep fighting, drive them back!!!!'', Hurd yelled as he reloaded his weapon and kept firing.

Suddenly, someone tossed a drop pouch full of power packs to the Colonel. "I thought you can use these Sir!", yelled Micklin, whose team was making short work of the exhausted Klingon Rebels.

"Colonel. On your 6" Patrick replied as 2 squads of Klingons collapsed from heavy phaser fire.

''Understood'', Hurd said firing away.

More fresh Marines appeared via transporter beam in all landing zones.

Jackson approached. "Quite a party you throw David."

''Hell yes it is, i am driving these bastards back, we will not retreat nor surrender, we will die fighting if we have to''.

"Today will not be our day to die!", Jackson yelled as he fired his phaser assault rifle.

Above Arcanus IV

The Saratoga approached the battle, torpedo launchers blazing. "This is Major T'Lyn of the Saratoga, how can we assist?"

USS Sutherland

Sutherland to Saratoga, Major this is Commander Roebuck, please provide cover for the Tirpitz, they've taken heavy damage.

"Stand by," T'Lyn answered.

"Tactical, Quantum torpedo, full yield, spread pattern Omega 4." Adjusting its course slightly, the Saratoga let loose a shotgun like pattern from her multiple torpedo launchers, damaging several enemy vessels in proximity to the Tirpitz.

"Major, the Tirpitz has no communications, and is losing power to her engines and tactical systems. "

T'Lyn ordered, "Bring us in close to her, and continue covering fire with phasers and torpedoes."

"Saratoga to Sutherland, the Tirpitz is losing power, and has no communications. Since we are fresh, we can cover if you can ascertain her damage, and assist her crew. Fighters, establish a perimeter around the Tirpitz."

"What the hell do they think we've been doing up here?" Ed muttered to himself. "Reaper, acknowledged." He replied across the comm. "What'd they do, leave two or three squadrons at 400 and bring everyone else?" He asked himself as he toggled a pair of micro torpedoes at yet another Bird of Prey.

The Cairo somehow got separated from the formation, due to battle maneuvers.

Aboard the Negh'var class ship IKS Qua'pa, commander of the Klingon Opposition fleet Tragg Sa' was angry and paced the Bridge. "How could these petaQ reinforce their fleet and their group positions so quickly?"

"We shouldn't have attacked a Federation planet, now the Federation might fully support Martok!" A la' spoke up beside Tragg. Tragg didn't like the comment, drew his d'k tagh and stabbed the la'.

As he put his d'k tagh away, "Have our ships break off, form on us, cloak, and return to the Amar system."

The attacking Klingon ships that were still operational, a Negh'var, one Vorcha', and a few Birds of Prey turned away from Arcanus, cloaked, and warped away.

The Cairo fired phaser blast at a retreating Vorcha as it went into cloak. Connecting on the vessel with no shields, the Vorcha erupted into a fireball. "Target destroyed," Shran said. "It appears the enemy fleet is disengaging." Hannon pressed his comm button, "Cairo to Fleet, the enemy is breaking off."

"Bring us to the task force. We cannot give chase." Hannon ordered.

USS Sutherland

"They're disengaging Commander." Archer spoke up from Ops.

"We're in no condition to chase them. Have all ships form up on us, secure from battlestations, and get started on damage control." Roebuck ordered. "Also, have the Saratoga contact our Marines on the ground to see what assistance they require."

Roebuck took a seat in the Captain's Chair and tapped the comm. "Bridge to Sick Bay, Doctor Thr'elanon, I know you're busy with the ship's casualties but can you spare yourself and a medical team to beam down? I'm sure the Marine medics down there need a hand.

Piloting his fighter, Gunther's ship was vibrating from new damage. "Frogger to Reaper, looks like they are bugging out."

"Agreed Frogger." Ed said as he stretched his neck from side to side. He knew he was gonna get his with exhaustion in about a half an hour, once the adrenaline in his system wore off. Being a fighter jock wasn't all glamour like the holovids showed, but then he'd known that for years now. "Reaper to all squadrons. If you're based on Fighter One, return to base. Squadrons from Fighter Two establish a local CAP and send out patrols along the system edge, four birds to a patrol. Tie your sensors in to the Task Force ships, let them see what you see. I want casualty reports from all Squadrons no later than 2300 tonight. Helluva job people, we held up our end of the bargain for the Task Force. Fighter One squadrons, form up and head for the barn. Reaper out."

Ed cracked his neck, and for the first time since this fracas had begun, could take his hands off the controls and work his hands and hopefully get the stiffness out of his fingers. Looking down at himself, his flightsuit was soaked in sweat. He grinned and shook his head. "I need a shower." He said over his squadron channel, drawing a few tired chuckles from his own pilotwhatever.

"Roger that Reaper. Fenris ready" Jericho replied as his fighter slipped out and in formation with the rest of his element.

On the Surface

LZ Charlie

Henry sat on top of his command bunker, holding his empty weapons. Like his men, he was exhausted.

Hopper knelt over Ermey, who was being treated by a Medic. "You are one tough marine Gunny. You take care. "

He gave a nod, and a pair of marines carried him to a shuttle on a stretcher. The rest of his platoon guarded their prisoners, as fresh marines manned the defensive positions.

Sogh K'Leela approached Henry. "Lieutenant Henry, you are relieved. And I bow to your tenacity."

"Um..Thank you." Henry was not expecting a compliment, let alone from a Klingon.

LZ Bravo

Fresh marines now appeared in large numbers. Some guarded prisoners, others manned positions.

Val'Mang hit the ground running. He hit the rise of the hill and made a quick, cursory evaluation then moved on, firing his rifle at the enemy.

In little times, the attackers were overwhelmed by the fresh marines.

LZ Alpha

Like the other Landing Zones, the relief force relieved the original marines from their positions, many of whom were out of power packs for their weapons.

Jackson walked up to Colonel Hurd, and Major McMichaels. At first, he did not speak, then he reached into his untility pouch, and pulled out an antique cigar case. He handed a vintage Cuban to both Hurd and McMichaels, and lit one up for himself.

"Gentlemen, the rebel fleet bugged out. The GOOD Klingons are coming down soon to take custody of the prisoners. Overall, you did great."

Patrick took the cigar, inhaled the exotic fragrance and lit it. "Thank you, General. We did we had to do, when we had to do it. Hooowaaah Sir" he said.

''Great my ass, we should have killed them all''.

"Well, my friend, you get an 'A' for effort. Between your efforts, and the Saratoga's phaser arrays, we will never get a whole body count." Jackson said.

Jackson then had a puzzled look on his face. "Where the hell is Chief Aquila?"

"General ! ", yelled Micklin. "You have better get over here." Jackson ran to Micklin's position. On the ground in front of him was Giaus, being treated by a Medic. There was a disruptor blast on his chest plate. His was struggling to breathe.

"Chief Braxton, come to my location now!" Jackson yelled in his combadge.

Running over and dropping he checked over the Chief with the medic, turned to the general quickly, and said, ''Sir, with your permission i can ensure he keeps breathing, please let me do this!!!''

Jackson regained his composure, and stepped back. His medical team knew their jobs.

Patrick looked in horror at Gaius. He hadn't know the senior NCO very long or very well but still the shock was there.

Eventually, Giaus was evacuated to the Sutherland, once he was stabilized. There, he would undergo emergency surgery.

USS Tirpitz

Shran peered around another corner. His EVA suit made visibility difficult in the dark corridors. With the exception of the dozen or so Tirpitz crew who donned on their EVA suits on time, the Cairo away team encountered mainly bodies in the lifeless ship. "Shran to away team, scan every compartment before you open the door. There might still be pockets of air survivors would have escaped to."

He approached the Battle Bridge. Double checking with his tricorder, he detected both no atmosphere, or life signs. With the help of another away team member, he forced the door open. He was greeted by the sight of the bodies of the remaining bridge crew. "Shran to Cairo, it is really bad over here. We will need Damage Control Teams over here to restore life support. That will make our search easier."

USS Cairo

"Ops, rig a tractor beam on the Tirpitz." Hannon ordered.

"Aye Sir. Tractor beam rigged."

"Engineering, I need damage control teams in EVA to beam aboard the Tirpitz to restore life support as a priority."

With the Tirpitz in tow, the Cairo towed the Tirpitz into formation along side of the Sutherland, Saratoga, and the combined force of transports.

"Cairo to Fleet. When we depart, the Cairo will have the honor of bringing the Tirpitz home."

USS Saratoga

T'Lyn may have been half Vulcan, but along with many of the marines on the Bridge, tears escaped her eyes for the Tirpitz crew.

"Saratoga to Jackson, the Tirpitz lost life support when she lost power. The Cairo rescued over a dozen survivors. The search will continue."

On the surface

Jackson, who was still alarmed by the critical condition of his friend Giaus, paused his worry to take in what he just heard. Even after dumping her marines to the surface, there were still 565 marines manning her.

He looked at Hurd, knowing that he must have monitored the transmission.

The color drained from Hurd's face as he said, ''Just what in the hell did she say?'' standing to his feet he roared, ''T'LYN WHAT IN THE HELL DID YOU SAY!!!!''

T'Lyn took a deep breath before speaking. She was aware of the Colonel's personality. "Sir, the Tirpitz is intact, but suffered a catastrophic life support failure. The Cairo away teams have rescued some survivors. The search continues. Will advise." She closed the channel after speaking.

Jackson shook his head, "David, we need to see to our casualites on the ground. Our people above know what to do. Keep focused."



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