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Taking the fight to them

Posted on Mon Oct 24th, 2016 @ 3:41pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Leksander Draven & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo & Commodore Alexandra Harrison

2,192 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD3 0800


The chief had definitely had a busy and enlightening two days. Between learning of an assassin that was after Admiral Bremer, to helping save the life of Captain Casion and finding two new friendships, he was enjoying the pace of this assignment. But, the thought that the Admiral had an assassin after him that not only was toying with him but, was skilled enough to infiltrate a Federation Starship under cloak had gotten him hot under the collar. He was the new guy and had yet to actually meet the Admiral but that could work to their advantage. First thing first though, he had to get more information before making sure his plan had a chance of succeeding and the only way to do that was to finally meet his CO and there was no time like the present.

=/\= "Chief White to Admiral Bremer."

Mike was in his Office reading reports and intel from the probe left at Nimbus III. "Bremer here."

\> "Admiral, while I know you've been busy with everything that has happened as of late, I feel our initial meeting is well overdue and given the current predicament, now might be the best time for it." As he spoke he had both a strength and confidence in his voice that while not overbearing, sounded as if it was coming from someone with decades of experience under their belt. This was his first interaction with his new CO and was also going to be his first problem solution recommendation as well. He needed to bring his A game and sound like he was completely confident in the words he spoke.

"Agreed Chief, please come to my Office." Mike replied. He had a feeling something else was on White's mind besides just meeting.

As the turbolift opened up to Ops and the Chief exited. He had butterflies in his stomach for the first time since being liberated from the Collective. He was about to meet his CO for the first time and in the same instance, lay down a plan to capture a man whom apparently was able to work his way around every security measure aboard a Starship. He got to the Admiral's door and rang the chime. The door opened and he entered the office. He walked up to Bremer and extended his hand, "Greetings Admiral, Chief Joseph Carl White II. It's an honor to finally meet you."

"The pleasure is mine Chief. I've heard some good things about you already. Please, have a seat." Mike replied.

"Thank you." White sat down across the desk from his CO. His posture though was attentive and confident. "You're correct Admiral, I have more than finally meeting my new CO on my mind. I was part of the Away Team that was sent to Nimbus III after your assassin. At the time I only knew were were after a man who attacked a Starfleet Officer. Since then though, I have been brought up to speed on Mordern and honestly sir, we need to put the pressure on him. He has shown the ability to bi-pass station and starship security so increasing measures will not deter him. In my opinion we NEED to bring this quarrel to him, his front door, his turf and take him out before he tries at you or your family again." He took the Padd out from his jacket and slip it to the Admiral. "The probe we left behind has gather enough data to show that our suspect is still on Nimbus III. Let's get a small strike force together of individuals new enough to the station that Mordern has no idea who they are or what they look like. I say you send in a group as a new merc team looking to set up shop but that are willing to become part of a larger organization and a couple solo individuals just looking for hired gun work." The chief stood, his voice building up brovado as he leaned over the desk slightly. "From the different angles we get into the organization, get close enough to Mordern and then we take him down and bring him back for trial." His fist came down on the desk as he said the word "down". He stood up straight and adjusted his uniform, "Thoughts Admiral?"

After listening to the Chief, Mike called a few other Officers to his office. “Pike, Draven, Gillo, Stonebridge, Harrison please report to my office.”

Stonebridge was in security looking over cold cases to see if anything jumped out at him when he got the call.

+tap+"Stonebrdge here, aye aye sir. On my way." replied the newest Security Investigator

Lee tapped his badge "On my way sir." He stood up from his desk after finishing filling out the report from Nimbus III, he then headed out the door.

Alex was in her quarters, bored. So she was happy to get the summons. "On my way."

Lek had been in the Intel office looking over various reports when he got the call to the old man's office. He hoped it was to go after that assassin. When he arrived and saw the people gathered, he knew he was right. He took a seat and readied a PADD.

Holly couldn't help but look up from her reports when the comm went up before she acknowledged the request. Took her several moments but once she reported in she took a seat at the table and braced for whatever it was they were all assembled for.

Once the others arrived he motioned to the chairs in front of his desk. Once everyone sat, he spoke up. “I want Mordern, and the Chief here has a plan. Intel from the cloaked probe at Nimbus III shows the Klingons that met with him have departed, but he’s still on the planet. The shuttle he used to enable his escape from the Yorktown is still on the surface too. Pike, you’re in command, take the Luna under cloak to Nimbus III, find him, and take him into custody by any means necessary…short of killing him.” Mike’s tone and deadly serious. “Take your time, infiltrate his inner circle, infiltrate any Pirate cell that might be assisting him, but get him.”

Mike looked at his Officers one by one. “Questions?”

"Sir when you say any means possible, how long should we count on this operation lasting? Days weeks or a month or more?" asked Lt. Stonebridge.

"Unknown. He's slipped through our security at least three times now, we need to make sure all the bases are covered." Mike replied.

Lee stood there listening to everything going on with his arms folded across his chest. "So we use anyway to get him here as long as we don't kill him correct?"

"Yes." Mike replied bluntly.

White looked over to the Commodore, "That's my thought sir. We need him brought back for trial to serve as an example." The Chief looked around the room at everyone assembled, "The other aspect of this mission is that an organization like this is going to require bending the Starfleet line. You may be called on to prove your worth and loyalty in a few different ways. Those of you that are non-combatants will likely not have to do more than scramble some transmissions and hack some databases. But, the rest of you need to be aware that while killing is not an option, you will likely be ordered to rough some people up."

"My suggestion Admiral Bremer and Commodore Pike is that myself and Lieutenant Stonebridge go in as solo Mercs for hire while the rest of you are the new blood in town trying to make a name for yourselves." He looked at both of them as he spoke wondering what they were thinking in regards to his suggestions. "Thoughts gentlemen?"

Lee looked over at White "If you think that you and Stonebridge are going to be the only ones who get their hands on that honorless petaQ, then you're sadly mistaken." He looked at the both of them with a serious look on his face "No offense to either of you though."

The Chief looked confused for a moment. "You misunderstand my intentions Commodore. My goal is that two single mercy get hired easy while the new group gets drafted by Mordernas well when he sees how much it would add to his operation. Then once we are all on his payroll, we take down his operation and serve him to the Admiral for trial."

"No Chief, I'm saying that I was planning on going with you as having three mercenaries get hired. Captain Harrison will be in command while I'm away."

Alex looked over at Lee with concern. She wasn't crazy about the idea of him joining them but she understood why he wanted to. She looked back at Bremer. She didn't have any questions or comments at this time so she just listened on.

Stonebridge spoke up. "I'm not speaking from experience mind you, and can only contribute from what I was trained to do. But what if, we fake a murder of say one of the non combatants to get the attention of the crew that's closest to our target. They offer us employment and if we are successful, this will get us closer to our final goal?" Offered Stonebridge.

Mike listened to the ideas, "Do what's necessary. Get to Nimbus III, verify data with the cloaked probe, proceed as needed. I think the ideas of the Lieutenant and Chief should open the door to get someone in. Just remember, this guy is good, he's been doing this for years and never caught. This is the closest anyone has gotten to him before. He's credited with the assassination of over two dozen people (Human, Vulcan, Klingon, Romulan, Krazzle, Tralazar, and others) over the last ten years. He's noted to be exceptionally skilled in several forms of martial arts and trained in the use of many forms of bladed weapons as well as energy weapons and demolition. We know he's a Human/C'Hakilian hybrid, but we don't know who trained him, how old he is, where he was born, nothing. You can't let your guard down."

Mike waited a moment for any more questions. "Alright, you guys better get going. Report back to me once a day. Lek, use encryption Sigma-Delta-Three-One and the protocols we used aboard the Pegasus during the Lazon II and Trelka V raids."

Draven nodded. He wasn't sure why Mike wanted to use an encryption code and protocols used just twice during the Dominion War, but he knew Mike had a reason, probably because only three people still living knew of them. He, Bremer, and K'Temoc. "Understood."

The Chief spoke up one last time, "There is just one thing sir." The chief look down at the top of his hand for a moment contemplating the best way to impress someone like Modern and get on his crew "I will need a shuttle, it doesn't have to be Federation or even running as well as the systems and parts of a couple other derelict craft. Minimum of three separate species technologies actually. They just need to be authentic and not replicated." He looked up at the Admiral, "I'm sure you'd approve for why sir but just trust me when I say it will go a long way."

Mike looked at Gillo, "Holly, I'm sure there's at least half a dozen confiscated shuttles in storage. Get with the Dock Master and have one transferred to the Luna for this mission."

Lt. Stonebridge listened with interest as the team began to accept the fact that they were about to put themselves in harms way. Which was in fact the nature of things in star fleet. So Stonebridge began formulating how he would be able to add to this mission in ways the team would not know he was capable of. It was time to do great things, things he had hoped he would not have to do again. As members of the team began to stand, he sat back and waited. He wanted to have a private talk with his new boss.

Holly responded, " There is at least that many if not more, sir. We shall ready one that the Dock Master deems space worthy for the event and transfer it per your orders Admiral." She fell silent as her mind got busy going over what to say and how to sweet talk the Dock Master into letting the best ship in his yard go.

"Anything else?" Mike asked.

White smiled, "No sir." He turned to Commander Gillo, "I will meet you in the dock master's office Commander." He exited the room heading toward turbolift 2.

Holly looked dead at Petty Officer White when he spoke to her and nodded giving him no indication on how much fun her mind was having with this already. Would be interesting to say the least on how all this turned out.

After giving everyone time to reply, Mike stood up. "Lee, depart as soon as the Luna is ready. Good hunting everyone."



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