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Whats Up Jack? [BACKPOST]

Posted on Wed Oct 26th, 2016 @ 12:07pm by Captain Jack Solomon & Commander Hades,MD
Edited on on Wed Oct 26th, 2016 @ 12:13pm

1,075 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD2 1830hrs

Jack was nearing the end of his shift, having returned from duty on the USS Yorktown and made sure that his reports were up to date.

However before heading off for the evening, he decided to pop into Sickbay and have a chat with one of the medical officers about his discussion with Deela regarding her son. Deciding this was worth an early finish to the day, Jack headed over to Sickbay to see if he could have a talk with one of the medics.

Hades pressed the hypo to the Ensign's throat. "Well that should do it for this week. Come back next week and we'll administer the final dose."

He Ensign thanked him and left. Just as he was leaving another man came in. He was just a tad shorter then Hades, black hair, blue eyes and in an Engineer's uniform. A Lieutenant Commander by the pips on his neck. "Hello! Welcome to Sickbay. I'm Doctor Hades. How can I help?"

Jack smiped as the medical officer introduced himself. "Hello Doctor Hades, I'm Lt. Commander Jack Solomon, Chief Engineer," Jack said. "I was wondering if I coupd have a chat with you about a personal issue I'd like to discuss with you," he asked.

Hades smiled. "I always have time." He motioned for Solomon to follow him. "Follow me and we'll chat in my office." He led the man down the hall and to the right. "Please have a seat. Would you like anything to drink?"

Jack waved off the offer politely, "No, thank you, but I appreciate the offer," Jack said as he took a seat in the Doctor's Office. "Actually, I'll take a cup of Earl Grey, double sweet if I may," he said, trying to find the best way to explain his troubles.

Hades ordered the Earl Grey and a Mint Tea black for himself. He handed Jack his tea and sat down to nurse his own. He smiled at Jack. "When something is unpleasant or difficult it's best to say it right out. Contrary to the rumors going around doctors don't bite...unless that's the course of treatment." He tried to get a laugh out of the man.

Jack took a sip of his drink and decided to take the doctors advice. "So, recently, my partners son read up on part of his heritage and I think its scared him into thinking that something has happened to him," Jack began before going on. "My partner is Admiral T'Lar and as your aware shes part Vulcan, Human, Betazoid... Its an interedting mix."

Jack relaxed a little as he carried on. "Her son Brandon read up about Betazoid traits and he's now suddenly waking up each night, scared that he's developed those abilities already....however he's only 11 years old...

Hades thought for a moment. "Well in all honesty it has happened. Some telepaths are so powerful that they develop their abilities between 7-15 years old.. What are the symptoms that he has?"

"Well, he doesn't seem to sleep a lot since he looked up his heritage and he read up on Betazoids and it has made him scared. Deela keeps trying to tell him that he has a few more years before his abilities come into play but he is not convinced," Jack explained. "He is more human than Betazoid or Vulcan, but he keeps telling his mother that he was sensing things from people on the base..."

Jack took another sip from his drink after relaying his and Deela's fears. Despite not knowing Brandon that well, he wanted to help him.

"Okay well just to be sure I can examine him. There are telepathy tests that we can do. It could be just that reading about his culture has made him think about being able to sense from others but it's better to be sure because if he is one of the few that has abilities that strong then...he will need to learn to control them."

Jack nodded in agreement after the Doctors suggestion and decided that was the bestvway to proceed. "Thats sounding like an idea, Doctor. I'll speak with Deela when I see her next and make sure that we get an appointment booked with your good self," he explained, feeling a little better now there seemed to be a light at the end of this tunnel.

"Well this is never easy. The Admiral is a powerful telepath and he could have soaked up her ability. It's important that we diagnose and treat there are Vulcan methods to supress telepathy as well, also there is medication that can do that on a temporary basis but in my opinion it's best to embrace it and learn about it. I'm just glad he's here and not on Vulcan."

Jack stopped for a second and pondered on that point. "Why, would this be worse on Vulcan for him?" he asked, wondering what the difference would be.

"Well the Vulcans have a ritual that happens at that age. It's...not pleasant. I went through it." He looked at Jack. "May I elaborate?"

Jack nodded as he understood how serious this was. "Please, by all means...continue..." He insisted...

"It' known as the Kahs-Wan. Usually when the telepathic abilities show around his age a test is set up. It is a trial that Vulcan's go through. I went through it myself even though I grew up on Romulus but we went back to Vulcan for this. That's when my telepathic abilities showed up. It's a 10 day test where you go into the mountains you must, in a merciless environment, find shelter, food, water, and weapons to defend yourself against the environment. It's a competition and you must survive on your own while learning to deal with your telepathic abilities. It's meant to strengthen the mind. "

Jack listened to how the test was performed on Vulcan and was quite sure he was happy to Brandon to have a scan done here on the station.

"That sounds like a very difficult way to determine the outcome, however I can understand the thinking. I prefer to bring Brandon to sickbay if thats ok," he explained to him.

Hades smiled. "Of course. Let me know when you are ready and we'll make sure he is okay.

"Thank you, Doctor," Jack said before he put his drink down on the desk and thanked the doctor for his time before getting up and leaving to speak with Deela.


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