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Digging the tunnel.. Is there light at the end???

Posted on Wed Oct 26th, 2016 @ 7:00pm by Commander Hades,MD & Major General Thomas Jackson & Lieutenant Shrivol Thr'elanon

1,789 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Starbase 400, Sickbay treatment rooms
Timeline: MD 03 0700 hours


Hades headed back to see Deborah after finishing his appointments. He was almost time to wake her. He hoped she would be okay. It had been rough on her, these last few days. The device was now functioning and was doing a great job. Remus had finally agreed to have her sedated and now that her body was up and running he had to wake her.

He smiled at White, who was still standing outside Deborah's room watching. "I'll go wake her. You wait here for now."

"Sounds good Doctor. I was just checking up to see how she was. I hope " The Chief said as he looked through the window at the sleeping captain.

Hades entered her room and was immediately taken back to the day the device had been put in...

********* A Few Days Ago *********

Her mind was ON fire... Deborah would have reeled in pain except she was to exhausted.. So she just lay there senses confused, mind going at warp speed.. LONELINESS was all consuming. Her senses were barely functional.. The Borg overload had taken her to places she didn't know existed, self doubt, condemnation, guilt?? She'd NEVER felt these things..
She USED to be unstoppable, But the universe had gotten around to proving her wrong, Now she didn't know anything for sure.. LONELINESS only, despite Amir's dedication, was eating her and No one was there to help her combat it.. WHAT WAS THE POINT?????

The door to the prep room opened and Joseph entered with the device in hand. He went over to the sterilization unit and placed it inside the unit's tray. He was no surgeon but he had the most knowledge of the device and its implementation so he was there in a consultation capacity.

She felt unyielding Panic?? The Borg!! She was to exhausted to move,, she was Done for... Her eyes wide she could barely process what was happening.. A figure she did not know came into view on the other side of the room.. She started to tremble in genuine fear.....

White stepped into the changing room and removed his uniform then replaced it with a surgical gown. He stepped outside back into the main room and went and sat down towards the side of the room waiting on the doctors to arrive.

It confused both of them.. From her protected hiding place under Deborah's head, Amir looked at the new face, could feel the Borg but it wasn't acting like one.. She climbed over Deb's head till she could be seen clearly...
"What do you want from us you MONSTER!!!!!" Amir yelled at the now seated figure..

The Chief looked at the Captain for a moment then did a double take as he hear the arachnid speak. =/\= "White to Hades. I could use you in the captains room asap. I seem to be hallucinating."

Amir climbed over Deborah's face.. "Right here you monster.." Amir said.. She could hit him a few times before he got to them.. She bristled protectively.. Too exhausted to do anything.. Deb just stared at the unknown male....

The Chief got up and walked slowly towards the bed keeping an eye on the speaking arachnid. He raise his hands slowly palms open towards the creature. "I mean you no harm. I am one of the Command staff here aboard this station and I'm trying to save this young woman's life." He stopped about five feet from the bed waiting to see if the thing was capable of interactive speech.

"Don't come any closer!!" Amir said loudly.. Deb looked at him closer as well.. He was handsome, older, but he had Borg?? It was confusing... "Helping..??.. Me??? She breathed barely.. It took most of her focus,, She panted and nearly passed out.. Amir stayed on top of Deb's shoulder protectively..

White focused on the Captain as she tried to speak. "Yes. You see I am very familiar with the situation you're in due to your age and racial characteristics. I have been working with Doctors Hades and Shrivol with a plan to fix what has befallen you so you can resume your normal routine." He looked up at the arachnid, "But your, umm companion seems to feel I mean you harm." He looked back at Deborah, "But that is far from the truth."

Barely awake, "Be...lev..." Than Deb passed out. AMIR MOVED SLOWLY down from Deb's shoulder. " You've been warned.." she hissed than disappeared into her companions long loose hair...

Nurse Nancy came in than. "Sorry chief we're still getting things sorted out." Seeing Deb passed out she grabbed her Padd and tricorder. Frowning and shaking her head.. "if we don't start Soon there won't be much left to repair??..

Hades had come in to see the exchange.

Shrivol walked in, looking a bit frustrated. "What is the status of the treatment?"

"The device is working Remus had a few things to add so I had to add them. We're ready to get the device on and working in the next hour." He looked at Amir. "I won't let anything happen to her. This device will help keep her body fed and yours."

AMIR climbed up to get a closer look at the device,, shaped like a combadge, with slender viles attached, Amir could smell the Arsenic.. She turned to the man that created it.. "If this Harms her,, I die destroying you..."

Hades looked a Shrivol and White. "I will need both your help getting the device on and in place."

White acknowledged the request, "Then let us get started doctor."

"Doctor, Shes near Comatose, shes not fighting anyone.." Nurse Nancy stated.. She showed the newest readings on the screen above the biobed.. Everything was creepingly slow now.. She was near starved to death...

From the Comm Doctor Remus stated. "You'll have to shock her. At least 10cc direct injection,, Her glands will react instantly giving her needed energy. She will likely seize, But it will pass quickly in the time it takes to absorb the Arsenic, likely a few heartbeats possibly a few seconds..." It was another of those calls that were gut wrenching at best...

Hades was going to find Remus and knock the dren out of that man. He gritted his teeth as he watched Shrivol comply. He watched Deb indeed go into a seizer and calm quickly. Taking the scalpel Hades made the incision. "White I will need you to monitor the device as I start inserting it."

The Chief pulled up the monitor waiting for the device to be inserted before activating it.

Shirvol listened to Remus as he instructed Hades on the procedure, he trusted them both, but was still slightly nervous about this procedure. He monitored Deb's vital signs "So far so good." he said outloud even though it was mostly to himself. Shrivol was also monitoring Hades, he could tell he was also a little nervous but was confident at his own skills.

Nurse Lyn wiped the sweat off Hades' brow as he slowly inserted the device. He knew that when the Nano-Bites made contact with tissue and locked in it would be a bit...painful. He looked up at his spider friend. "My friend, Amir, she will feel some pain while the device connects to her system. Please do no be alarmed. She will recover quickly." He kept his voice calm for both her and Deb.

The second jolt wasn't so bad. It was better than being Dead for sure. AMIR HUDDLED against her neck, weak, scared but defiant. They'd get through this, Death could kiss their Ass!!! Deb WOKE with a start, blinked a few times. Than passed out Again...

As the device was implanted and Hades began regenerating the soft tissue Chief White activated the injectors. the veins around the device became grey for but a moment then went back to her normal color as the Arsenic began pumping into her system in small be needed doses.

Shrivol stared at the instruments "Well this has been...interesting." He was relieved that everything was working properly, he also was relieved he didn't have to write the report on this procedure. "I must congratulate all of you for this success." He said to Hades and White.

"White looked down at Deb, she was sleeping but the pain in her face was gone and replaced by calm. "Same to you doctor. I'm going to head out as I have a few meetings still for today and I could use a drink. Give my best to the Captain when she wakes." He headed towards the door.

Hades pulled out a tricorder and scanned Deb. Her system was adapting. He hated to use that word but it was true. He finished closing the incision that was made and then turned to his little spider friend. "Amir...Are you alright?"

"I'm hungry too.." Amir said tiredly.. But I can't feed from Deb in her condition.." She maybe could but the risk?? Amir didn't know... "I'll just stay here till shes awake..."

Hades smiled. "If you can last an hour my friend then you will be able to eat as well."

Amir chittered weakly. And clung to Deb..

He turned to Shrivol. "The device is active and supplying her with the food she needs."

Shrivol exhaled loudly. "Then we get to figure out what it does, I am not a praying man but maybe we should." He said half joking and half seriously. "This is the most unorthodox treatment that I have ever participated in, I am glad it was with you all."

Deb awoke sometime later.. Still "Hungry" but she felt better, not "starved" at least.. She felt weak but wasn't in pain.. She felt Amir at her neck.. barely awake, barely breathing... "Feed,, FEED! baby,, I can handle it..." With what little strength she had Amir sank her fangs into the back of Deb's neck.. It only took a few heart beats and Amir was better, withdrawing her fangs... "Next time we die, lets just get blown up please..." Amir said climbing around to huddle under Deb's chin.. "Sounds like a plan.." Deb agreed before they drifted back to sleep...
In her dreams things were strange. maybe.. People, faces came and went, she wasn't sure if she were even asleep.. Maybe this is what a True telepath feels? sees? It wasn't bad just weird... She could feel Amir there, her presence tiny, tired, mildly afraid.. [It's ok baby, we'll be OK, I promise...].....

*****Present time******

Hades snapped out of his memory. He made sure she was okay and then headed back out. He had a break coming soon. He saw that White was already gone from the window and then headed back to his office.



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