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Some like it hot part two

Posted on Fri Nov 4th, 2016 @ 6:50pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Mörder

1,000 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Nimbus III
Timeline: MD3 0900hrs


Special Agent Jean Summers was 5ft 9 1/2 inches tall. Her measurements were 36 24 39, built like a brick shit house, with long Red hair that she kept in a ponytail and had been in Star Fleet for 13 yrs. She began as a Security officer and within two years had become an investigator. Whilst working undercover on a job, she met a member of Star Fleet Intelligence. He just happened to be the subject of an investigation involving infidelity and was very amiable when it came to him being caught by a female investigator. So he promised her if this situation remained confidential, that he would put in a good word for her with someone at Fleet Intel who could possibly, bring her over as it were.

Three weeks later her transfer papers came through. She hadn't worn a proper uniform since. That was 10.5 years ago. Today she found herself undercover and in deep shit. But she was a seasoned agent. The guy she had sweet talked and come in with was now dead. And by all accounts, she was being held against her will. She just hoped her back story would stand up to close scrutiny and be sufficient if they checked her out which she knew they would. It was day three now that she had been locked away. All the guards told her was, the Boss has asked if you would be patient, that he had taken a liking to her and would come see her as soon as he could.

She protested and used her business as grounds to be on her way, but her protests fell on deaf ears, this was a back water planet and everyone here was running from something or someone. She was kept in the quarters of the man who brought her in but not told what had become of him. She could get a signal out to her team, if she wanted to, but she had a feeling that she should play it out, hoping her team would just stand fast until she signaled them. After all it was protocol. So they waited, and she got ready so that when the boss did come to see her she would be as natural as possible for someone who had been held against her will.

Mordern was looking over a PADD he'd received from the Klingons he'd met with recently. It was payment for his attacks on Bremer and K'Temoc as well as intel on Federation ship movements in the area, mostly patrol routes and information regarding then Sutherland, Cairo, and Tiriptz mission to Arcanis IV. With the Klingon Civil War, Starfleet's patrols along the Triangle border were scaled back, and there were small gaps that a pirate raider could exploit.

Mordern was a loner, but knew there were times he needed to cooperate with pirates based within the Triangle. They weren't trustworthy, but their hideouts and security offered him a level of protection he wouldn't have on his own. The small band he'd taken up with had recently lost their leader, and Mordern had taken over the role...even though he didn't really like it.

"Sir, there's something I need to show you." A voice said from just outside the room Mordern was in. He stood up and walked down the hall and was led to a room where a woman sat.

The woman was tall and possibly the best looking woman he would have seen in ages. Long Red hair and dressed as a typical shop owner. But too the trained eye, there was something very special about this woman. And lovely.

“Who are you?” Mordern asked of her. “Why are you here?” He eyed the woman. Something about her was captivating, but something else bothered him but he couldn't put his finger on it...and that bothered him even more. "What's your story? Most women in the triangle are either whores, lost, prisoners, or to cunning to be taken prisoner. So which are you?"

She hesitated only briefly; "I was lonely.....and now embarrassed. The man who brought me here promised excitement and pleasure. So after him asking me several times, I consented to come here with him, an obvious mistake. Now can I please go so I can run my little shop without being accosted further?" said Jean as she thought briefly to her back story. If they checked, at first they would find nothing. But on closer more in depth examination they would find that her real name was Ilona Giffers, a woman on the run from an abusive husband who had taken to beating her. She had had enough and run away. The triangel was the obvious choice for a place to hide.

Morderin nodded after a moment. "Let her go." He eyed the woman again. "Have Densin check in on her from time to time."

Morderin pulled a small PADD like device from his pocket and tapped in some notes and a few commands.

"You never told me your name." He said to her.

With a danty smile and a message that said she might be interested in him, she told him her name. "I took the name Jean when I ran. But my real name is Ilona, Ilona Giffers. I hope I can trust you with that information." She said and stood to leave thereby showing off her amazing body. In her line of business, the most successful operatives understood, there might become a time when compromising your integrity to stay alive was part for the course, or you have to pay to play, and even though she was a professional, she also was a woman, with feelings and a labedo.

Morderin allowed her to go, but made sure to not only type her name and assumed name info his PADD but he also took several scans of her, including visual scans. He planned to check into her story. Something didn't 'feel' right, but then again in his line of work, you couldn't be too cautious.



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