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Security Meeting

Posted on Sun Nov 6th, 2016 @ 10:20am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain R'nard Lokran

481 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Bremer's Officer
Timeline: MD3 0905hrs, Following 'Taking the Fight to Them'


After his meeting with Pike and the others assigned to the Luna's mission to apprehend Morderin, Mike realized he'd not introduced Stonebridge to Baratan and Lokran since he arrived on the Station.

Mike called Stonebridge back into his Office then tapped the comm, "Lieutenant Baratan, Commander Lorran please report to my office." With Stonebridge about to depart on the Luna, the meeting would have to be a quick one, but the introduction was over due. Besides, after his run ins with Morderin, Mike thought R'nard might have some advise for Stonebridge.

Stonebridge acknowledged the call and left the dock for the CO's office. As he entered the office, he focused on what could possibly be the reason for this summons.

"Stonebridge reporting as ordered sir." said Stonebridge

R'nard then came and sat down. "Lokran reporting as ordered." he said.

Mike stood and flashed a smile. "Have a seat. Hopefully Lieutenant Baratan will arrive shortly. I realized I neglected an introduction between the two of you. Commander Lokran, this is Lieutenant Stonebridge the new Security Investigations Officer. He arrived on the station while you were away about the Yorktown."

Stonebridge extended his hand. "Pleasure Commander, and please forgive my attire. I look forward to working with you." said Stonebridge dressed in civilian clothing as he was ready to deploy on the mission.

R'nard took his hand and shook it. "Think nothing of it, Lieutenant. When I was on missions with Special Forces, I was often in nothing but my fur. It helped me move about more frreely."

"Commander, anything you can share with the Lieutenant about Morderin that's not in the official reports?" Mike asked.

Stonebridge listened intently.

"He is a very slippery character." said R'nard. "To me, he is like Moriarty was to Sherlock Holmes. I have trried to trrack him, but he is always where I am not. I have yet to come close to him or find him with our sensors."

"So if we do find him, we may only get one shot at this, is what you're saying?" Asked Stonebridge

"Only one chance, sirr." said R'nard. "And rremember, Holmes could only defeat his nemesis Moriarty at the cost of his own life. Let us hope it is not the case here, but it is possible."

"On that we both agree." Replied Stonebridge as he continued to ready himself for departure. "As soon as we're underway, I'll conduct that low level systems check to make sure we're good to go. Do we have a method of how we are going to do this? What I mean is do we go in as a team or as Mercs working solo?" Asked Stonebridge

"I would go in solo to start. Too many people might draw too much attention." Mike replied.

Mike glanced at the time, "You better get to the Luna Lieutenant. Good hunting." Mike said as he stood.



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