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Engineering Meeting

Posted on Sun Nov 6th, 2016 @ 10:25am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Jack Solomon & Lieutenant Commander Croesus

790 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Bremer's Officer
Timeline: MD3 0925hrs, Following 'Security Meeting'


After meeting with the senior members of the Security Department, Mike sent a message to Commander Solomon and Warrant Officer Blackthorne to come to his office to meet the new Refit and Repair Specialist Lieutenant JG Sullivan and the new Damage Control Specialist Lieutenant Pyne. Mike also called the acting Chief of the Operations Department Lieutenant Commander Croesus too. With Commander Gillo off on the Luna mission, and since Engineering and Operations worked closely together, Mike wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to meet.

Mike ordered another raktijno from the food slot and waited for everyone to arrive.

Lieutenant JG Sullivan checked his uniform one final time before entering the briefing room. He wanted to make a good first impression on his new Commanding Officer. This was a first for him. He had never served under a Klingon before. He was understandably a little nervous. Like most junior officers he is never comfortable in the presence of the flag ranks. Once he was satisfied with his appearance he keyed open the door and stepped in. He saw his new CO sitting in a chair behind the table. He immediately snapped to the position of attention and reported in. "Lieutenant Junior Grade Daniel Sullivan reporting as ordered sir!".

Jack received the Admiral's message as he was headed over to Main Engineering to see what the days schedule held. He was planning to spend some long overdue time working on the Pegasus refit to get things back on track, however with recent events during the Klingon Civil War meaning that he had been sidetracked, Jack was looking to try and get the refit back on schedule.

He arrived in Operations shortly after and made his way to the Admiral's office. Noticing that there was another officer in the office as he entered, Jack also recognized the aroma of a fresh raktajino steaming away. He reminded himself to sort one out after the meeting. "Reporting as ordered sir, how may I be of assistance?" Jack inquired before standing ready.

A moment later, Xelonul arrived in the Admiral's Officer. It was obvious he had been busy working on something, his uniform was dirty. "Apologies for my appearance Sir."

It was becoming habit. Mike stood up and smiled a friendly smile. "Commander Solomon, this is Lieutenant Sullivan, the new Refit and Repair Specialist. He came aboard while you were away on the Yorktown."

Lt Commander Croesus arrived as well as he was acting chief of operations. As a former operative of a classified unit of Star Fleet Croesus had a lot of experience with working with flag officers. Having a fellow Klingon as one would however, be a first.

"Good Day Admiral, Commander and Lieutenant. My colleague Lt Commander Gillo is on assignment and I am holding down the " fort " for her, I believe is the term, at OPS. Thank you for including me." Croesus greeted.

Lieutenant JG Sullivan smiled and shook the hands of the other officers who were introduced to him as well as the Admiral. "Glad to finally meet you Admiral and you as well Commander and Commander", making sure to include both Department Heads. "Looking forward to working with you Commander Solomon". He also gave a nod and a handshake to the Warrant Officer standing behind out of the way. On purpose or just by happenstance Sullivan wondered.

Jack smiled as he saw Croesus enter the Admiral's office and then shook hands with Lieutenant JG Sullivan as the Admiral introduced him to everyone. "A pleasure to meet you Lieutenant, welcome on board Starbase 400 and welcome to the team," Jack said as he welcomed him on board, "I look forward to working with you."

"Jack, there's also a new Damage Control Specialist, Lieutenant JG Ilyce Pyne. She's getting settled in now, and wants to get right to work. She has some unique needs and abilities, but I think she'll be a great asset." Mike added.

Jack nodded as the Admiral explained there was another officer joining the Engineering section and he honestly felt quite privileged to be getting such a boost of talent when he had plenty of work to do. "I understand sir, I'm sure we can accommodate Lt Pyne's needs and get her to work right away, there's plenty to be done with the Pegasus refit my top priority," he explained.

"Mister Sullivan, you should also stop by the R&D Office and speak with Commander Stark. He's in-charge of R&D aboard the Station and might have something for you to work on specifically related to refitting work. If not, like Mister Solomon said, the Pegasus is priority but we will have damaged ships returning from Arcanus soon."

Mike looked around, "Dismissed, and welcome aboard."



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