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Medical Update

Posted on Tue Nov 8th, 2016 @ 8:56pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Hades,MD

769 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Starbase 400, Main Sickbay
Timeline: MD3 0940hrs, Following 'Engineering Meeting'


After his meetings with the senior staffs of Security and Engineering, Mike received a message to report to Main Sick Bay.

Upon arriving, Mike said Doctor Hades beside K'Temoc and he started walking that way but another Doctor that Mike couldn't remember the name of stopped him.

"Sir, I asked you here to check up on your condition."

Mike looked back, "I'm fine."

"Admiral, I have to..."

"I'm fine." Mike replied with a more serious tone, but then added. "I'm not in any pain, my wounds are healing and there's no blood or other discharge. I'll let you check me over in a moment."

Mike then walked over beside his brother's bed to see he was awake finally. There were no scares on his face or neck from the knife wounds he'd suffered at the hands of Morderin, and K'Temoc even flashed a smirk.

"That son of a bitch is tough." K'Temoc said with a smirk in a whisper.

"How is he Doctor?" Mike asked Hades.

Hades sighed. "His injuries were serious enough. I managed to get him patched up but he needs rest. Frankly he's lucky. Just a little more pressure and your brother would not be here." Hades saw the look K'Temoc gave him.

Hades sighed. "Alright I will clear you for duty but not till tonight. You still need rest."

"I agree, you need rest. Task Force 99 is in good hands, Commodore Cantos is aware of your situation, he can handle the Task Force." Mike added.

K'Temoc nodded then looked around for a moment.

"Danielle was here from the moment you were brought in until about thirty minutes ago when Janice finally got her to go get a little sleep. I'll let her know you're awake." Mike commented.

K'Temoc nodded. "Thanks." Then remembered something. In a whisper he said, "Morderin said something when he attacked me, said I was his real target. Said General Tragg put a price on my head."

"Tragg?" Mike replied. "Tragg Sa' is one of the leaders of the Klingon Opposition Forces and behind the attack on Arcanis IV yesterday. Why would he want you killed?"

K'Temoc shook his head then grimaced in pain. "He didn't say."

Hades jumped in. "How are you feeling? Any pain?"

"Just my neck and throat." K'Temoc replied.

"That's going to be soar for a few days. That's why you need as much rest as possible." Hades picked up a hypo and gave K'Temoc a shot. "It should take effect in a few minutes. Now you should also limit your talking as much as possible. I understand you have to give a statement but after that maybe a bit of quiet."

"Get some rest, that's an order." He smiled at his brother and was happy he was going to be okay. "I'm sure Danielle will be back soon."

K'Temoc nodded the closed his eyes and turned his head to try and sleep a little.

"Let me know if anything changes." Mike said to Hades.

Hades gave a nod. "Not so fast. You were injured not too long ago. I want to examine you before you go back."

Mike nodded. "I feel fine."

Hades smiled. "Yes well what kind of doctor would I be if I listened to my patients?"

Mike rolled his eyes and let out a breath, then walked over to a bio bed and laid down. "All right Doctor."

Hades liked being right. He grinned all the way to his tricorder and back to the bio bed. Smiling he ran the little probe over the Admiral. He actually found Mike's frustration a bit amusing. "You know, " he said by way of conversation as he scanned Mike, "We doctors do not bite. I don't know where that rumor started."

Mike wasn't amused and the Doctor's smile wasn't helping. "I have met doctors that bite. I served for a time in the Klingon Defense Force after graduating from Starfleet Academy, believe me, some doctors do bite."

Mike waited for a few moments. He knew he was still on light duty for another day, but he didn't want to spend that time here with his oldest kids returning to Earth and the Academy soon.

"Am I cleared to go Doctor?" Mike asked.

Hades checked the readings again. "Yes you are pending you take it easy and come back in for a final clear before regular duty. I'd say 0600 hours."

Mike sat at and nodded. "Understood." He stood up, "Thank you Doctor." Mike gave a respectful nod and headed toward his quarters to give Janice, Danielle, and the rest of the family an update on K'Temoc's condition.



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