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Posted on Wed Nov 9th, 2016 @ 10:55am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Becca Bremer & Christopher Bremer & General Janice Fultian-Bremer & Petty Officer 1st Class Aquilina de Luca

351 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD3 1025hrs, Following 'Medical Update'


After leaving Sick Bay, Mike headed for his Quarters. Entering the turbolift, Mike was greeted by his Yeoman.

"Admiral, I was on my way to see you." She handed him a PADD. "Here's the latest report from Arcanus. It includes damage reports for the Sutherland, Tiriptz, Cairo, and Saratoga. There's also casualty reports from the planet, our Marines, the Task Force, Loyal Klingons, and Opposition forces."

"Were they able to take General Tragg into custody?" Mike asked as he started to look at the PADD.

"No sir, but they did take a Human into custody that was aiding the Klingons." She handed him another PADD. "A man named Murphy, he said he was a member of the USS Falcon's crew during the Dominion War."

Mike looked at the second PADD, he wanted to ask K'Temoc about him right then but knew it had to wait while K'Temoc continued to heal. "Commander Miles Richardson is in command of the Falcon now, he was a member of her crew during the Dominion War too. Send him an encrypted priority message, ask him for any information he has on Murphy."

"Yes sir. They're along the Klingon border near Gy'tog now. I'll send it immediately." de Luca replied.

A few minutes later Mike entered his quarters. Janice, Becca, and Danielle were sitting on the sofa drinking coffee and trying to relax. K'Wor was over to the side reading a PADD while Christopher read a book.

Mike grabbed a raktijno then sat down. He explained how K'Temoc was doing and that he should be able to go home tomorrow. Danielle shed a few happy tears then excused herself as she headed for Sickbay.

Mike then let Janice know how his own check up had been. Janice gave him a kiss, then punched him on the arm.

"Next time, kick that guy's ass." Janice said with a smile.

Mike smirked, then looked over at K'Wor. "When are you leaving?"

"In few hours." K'Wor replied.

"Then let's get lunch together and share some time before you go." Mike replied. "Want to eat at 'Good Fella's' today?"



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