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Repairing the Pegasus

Posted on Sun Nov 13th, 2016 @ 11:11pm by

365 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Docking Bay
Timeline: MD3 0930 hours, following Engineering Meeting


After the meeting broke up Sullivan took the turbolift towards the cavernous docking bay. He found the R&D commander's office and received the necessary marching orders in regards to the USS Pegasus. He strolled down the long docking tube to the hatch on the hull of the Pegasus. Sullivan nodded to the deck officer, a young Bolian Ensign, stationed just inside the docking port.

"Good morning Ensign. I am Lieutenant Sullivan the Refit and Repair Officer. I am here to oversee the rest of the refit.".

"Yes sir, we were told to expect you. Welcome aboard."

"Status report"

"The saucer section is about ninety percent complete.."

"Ninety percent in such a short amount of time? That is impressive" Sullivan interjected.

"Yes sir, It was new construction which was originally built for the USS Houston but Admiral Bremer tagged the Pegasus as priority so it was sent to us instead. It wasn't fully finished so we finished the last of the construction here. All that remains is installing the environmental systems and two new impulse drive nozzles"

Sullivan nodded. "I see, how is the rest of the refit proceeding?"

"We have a new dorsal nacelle, the warp core has been totally refurbished, the battle bridge has been refitted as well with new consoles and chairs".

"Very well, I am going to take a tour of the ship and see for myself. You know how to reach me".

The Ensign smiled. "Yes sir".

Sullivan left the quarterdeck and navigated through the labyrinth of passageways through the ship. Around every corner he saw technicians deep in their labors. Bulkheads were cut open with laser torches, bare wiring hung from the overhead. He saw a Chief Petty Officer supervising the resurfacing of the shuttlebay deck plating. The aft torpedo launcher was being lowered in place by a grav lifter and on the outside of the hull crewmen in EV suits were welding a phaser strip into place.

Sullivan checked his PADD to refresh his memory on his orders and motioned another JG over to him. He passed along a series of orders and fired off a message to Commander Stark, Admiral Bremer, and the yard superintendant.



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