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No One Left Behind

Posted on Sun Nov 13th, 2016 @ 11:41pm by Major General Thomas Jackson & 1st Lieutenant Klaus Gunther & 1st Lieutenant David Henry & Master Warrant Officer Gaius Aquila & Master Sergeant Atlee Micklin & Staff Sergeant Sam Hopper & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Major Patrick McMichaels & Lieutenant Shrivol Thr'elanon & Major Edward Maxwell & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Colonel Danny Lennox & 1st Lieutenant Jericho Alexander & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Sergeant Maal son of Torg & Sergeant Calthier & Corporal Nas & Private 1st Class T'ork

4,685 words; about a 23 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Arcanus IV
Timeline: MD3, 1200 hrs

Arcanus IV

Archon City

The Klingon officer smiled, as he led a group of rebel prisoners to the Klingon transport point. He gave the Governor, and Jewel a salute as he passed them. The Governor appeared happy, yet Jewel appeared sad. "Why the long face General? We prevailed.

Jewel looked at the Governor. "Sir, I am familiar with the fate of traitors in the Empire. They will not die quickly."

Shaking his head, the Governor retorted, "Better them than us." He walked away. Jewel held a PADD that told her that the Klingon Loyalists would be watching over Arcanus IV until the 5th Fleet arrived with the 10th Marine Division to establish a permanent presence in the colony. Her job was done here, and she would be beaming to the Sutherland soon.

LZ Alpha

19th MEU HQ

Jackson sat in the Command Bunker, staring at his PADD. The 19th MEU suffered 565 KIA, 900 Wounded. The 18th MEU suffered 124 KIA, and 455 Wounded. After the Tirpitz survivors were tallied, the Tirpitz suffered 411 dead. Other ships in the combined task forces also suffered numerous casualties, though not as high as the Tirpitz and ground forces.

He walked out of the bunker, and he could see Klingon Loyalists beaming away with rebel prisoners. He felt no pity. He looked around, and saw marines stacking klingon rebel bodies like firewood, as the combat engineers dug trenches with their machines for mass graves.

Looking at the Aide Station, he could see Federation body bags lined up in neat rows, awaiting transport to the waiting ships above.

He was worried about Aquila, but he had a job to do instead of burning up the Sutherland comms with inquiries about the MARSOC Group Leader.

Micklin stayed close to him. In the field, when MARSOC Marines were not on mission, they were tasked as the General and Colonel's security. He too worried about his Group Leader.

Jackson saw Colonel Hurd, and Major McMichael, as they watched their troops. He walked up to them, "Gentlemen, the Klingons are going to watch over the Colony until 10th Division's arrival. We are bugging out as soon as we are ready. What is our progress?"

Turning around, Hurd still had not removed his helmet, which enclosed his whole head, and as such nobody could see his face nor tell by his voice, which was mechanically filtered, how angry he was. He said, ''Permission to speak freely?''

Jackson raised an eyebrow, "Granted, but the window is short."

''Progress is good, but just how in the hell hell are wee supposed to feel?'', David said. ''Besides the men lost down here, and those lost on the Tirpiz, i have to write a Couple thousand damn letters, but yet they get to take prisoners and and leave while the they are piling God Damn Body Bags in the Corridors of the Tiripiz?'' ''That is screwed up beyond words dammit, but yet nobody seems to give a shit because they they still get to leave''.''

"We do give a shit, and like most battles, we get to cope with it, short of committing a war crime. Those Klingon Rebel prisoners are going to get sliced apart, piece by piece, dying a slow traitor's death. The ones we just killed on this battlefield are the fortunate ones. Every command officer here will be writing letters, myself included. Now our current mission is to get our Marines home, both living and dead. That is the mission, understand Colonel?!?" Jackson said. He could not blame David for the anger, for he felt the exact same way.

''Understood, but still does not still not do much damn good for the dead''. ''And you want to talk about a war crime, i am very tempted to resign right here, go over there and start shooting, now THAT is justice''.

Deep inside, Jackson agreed. Unfortunately, there was reality. On the other hand, he was worried that David was aspiring to become the next Colonel Green. "This is not open to debate. You have your orders, now carry on."

Patrick put his hand on David's shoulder. "We all feel the same as you and the General. But retribution is unacceptable right now" he remarked.

Looking at them both, Hurd said, ''Yes General, ill carry out my orders, but screw you, and Patrick, you ever put your hands on me again, you lose the arm.'' Shrugging, he walked off.

Jackson just let it go, knowing how emotional Hurd can get. He also patted Patrick on the shoulder and just shook his head. "Leave him be."

Patrick sighed and nodded. "As you say, Sir. Let's get going " he said.

Manix was stunned silent.. In the medical section news had hit Home Hard, Again.. Warrant Mitchell had heart failure shortly after being brought to the tents.. This effectively Put Him in charge of the unit.. They'd barely saved him.. At nearing 53 Mitchell had grown to old for active warfare.. Manix had to inform the General. and somehow the Captain.. Mitchell would Have to be medically retired... He tapped his comm =^= General Jackson,, 2nd lt. Manix 3rd CE I need to speak with you urgently...

"I will be on the way," Jackson answered. He walked to the Aide Station. "Report."

"Casualty report General, Not to bad,, eight dead, 16 injured, at least 50 dead Klingons,, I have one major exception.. Warrant Mitchell, Sir. He suffered Heart failure shortly after I sent him to the tents, he'd collapsed under attack.. We were able to pull him back,, But the damage is done.. My Medics guarantee they won't bring him back a second time....." "I know you and the warrant go back a ways,, If he hasn't told you, in the last three months, He's been hiding growing affections for Our Captain..." Manix didn't know much about the Captains private life, preferring to work out his own.. "I believe we need to retire the Warrant, he's served with honor long enough.."

Braxton had heard the exchange between the men. "He's right sir," he interjected. "This is life and death. He needs to stand down."

"Understood. We will wait until the Doctors back home make it official. Who knows what they can come up with, depending on his desires." Jackson said. "Where is Doctor Thr'elanon anyway?"

Shrivol was resting his back from being on his feet with the injuries from the action when he heard General Jackson mention him. "I am here, General." Shrivol said as he stood up, his back and knees popping.

"Have you taken a look at Chief Aquila before he was beamed up to the Sutherland?" Jackson asked.

"Doctor I would really like to get Warrant officer Mitchell up to the Saratoga.. Can you tell us anything?? I'll need to tell the Captain something too.." Manix took a deep breathe.."General, Whats the Captains status?? The Men really need to know this was worth it, we're all rather beholden to the Captain.."

"He will be okay to beam to the ship as long as no further complications arise." Shrivol said, a somber tone in his voice. "The issue is waiting it out to see how he will recover but I don't believe there is any question on his retirement at this point."

Braxton listened to the exchange before him. His mind was already working. He was glad Shrivol agreed with hi about the retirement although he knew that the captain would not take it well.

Manix had the 3rd spread across the battered battlegroup after getting things stowed. He and half the 3rd were in suites onboard the nearly destroyed Tirpitz, with the gruesome task of removing things, looking for remains...

LZ Bravo

Lennox looked over a group of prisoners Taz and Agtx had captured in the woods just after the Opposition fleet retreated. Most of the Klingons were engineers that had operated their damping field generators when the Klingons first attacked. One prisoner however wasn't Klingon, he was Human, and a citizen of Arcanus IV. Hanson Murphy was his name, but he refused to talk or explain why he was helping the Opposition Klingons. Lennox sent information about Murphy to General Jackson, then he walked a few meters to his right.

There, laid in rows were the dead. Lennox walked past each, looking over each name. He stopped at one, Lieutenant Ross McCain. Lennox had known McCain over fifteen years.

LZ Charlie

Second Lieutenant Henry put down his PADD, and stepped out of his bunker for fresh air. Hopper was ranking NCO since Gunny Ermey was sent to the Sutherland for medical treatment. Hopper made sure the men cleaned up. Loyalist Klingons started to relieve his marines from their positions. The rebel prisoners were long gone, beamed back to the Klingon fleet.

Above Arcanus IV

USS Tirpitz

With life support restored, Shran assumed command of the dead hulk, supervising both engineering teams on repair detail, as well was search teams. Body bags were sitting on the side of many corridors, awaiting their move to one of the cargo holds that were converted into a makeshift morgue. The Tirpitz would not be able to make it back to SB400 under her own power. The Main Bridge module remained uninhabitable.

Braxton finished zipping up the latest bag. He had been a Marine and a doctor and seen so much yet this was leaving him in a damn near panic state. So many lives, so many good men and women...all lost.

USS Cairo

Hannon was tired, but he continued to sit in the Captain's Chair as the task force continued to prepare for their departure home. He could see Klingon ships assume a protective orbit around the colony on the main viewer. Once in a while, he would walk to Medical to visit the wounded marines who were beamed aboard. The Cairo also took in some ground units, since the Tirpitz could not transport them. Their Medical Department was busy with the wounded.

USS Saratoga

Like Hannon, T'Lyn refused to leave her post. The wounded who were not brought to the Sutherland and the Cairo were brought on board the Saratoga, along with the ground units she carried, and other units that came with the Tirpitz.

Fighter Transport 1

Gunther shook his head as he inspected his Eagle. His fighter sustained substantial battle damage, but he fared better than 9 of his wing mates.

Ed climbed out of his fighter, but looked around for any nearby pilots. The last thing he wanted was for anyone to see him hit the deck if his legs failed him due to exhaustion. He was aware of a pulsing pain in his left side but forced it from his mind. He had pilots to check on. He looked over his bird and shook his head, no wonder his side was killing him. His port wing was shredded. Explained why he'd had to use so much right pedal. Likely he had some busted ribs or worse, but as long as he could stay upright, he'd check on his people.

"What's your tally Frogger?" He asked, coming to stop beside the younger pilot. He wasn't looking forward to his mms messages this evening.

Gunther turned his head towards the Captain with a look of regret on his face, "Sorry, I haven't given it any thought yet Sir. " Gunther was literally the first to come under enemy fire at the onset of battle, as part of a Security CAP. He even landed in the middle of the fight to repair, rearm, and refuel, just to launch to rejoin the fight. He was almost too exhausted to think. "After my wing man got splashed, I just started blowing stuff up, then running like hell, just to turn around and blow more stuff up. It became a steady cycle for me. I THINK 5 BOPs solo, many assists including a Vorcha, but I am not sure. My weapons log will tell me for sure Sir."

"I wasn't meaning your kill count." Ed said with a tired sigh. "Losses Frogger. How many empty seats are we looking at in your squadron briefing room." He said and winced at a particularly sharp jolt in his side. "Just trying to get the preliminary numbers, the brass are gonna want to know when they start beating down my door wanting answers. Especially about how we let Tirpitz take the beating she did and the loss of the vast majority of her crew when she lost all life support."

"Sir, as far as I know, the Squadron lost nine pilots, five wounded that managed to either eject, or get their birds home. One of them is on the Sutherland for surgery, and she might not make it. I will get a confirmed tally for you." Gunther responded. This was his very first taste of actual combat, and watching Federation fighter craft explode was not sitting easy with him. He looked at his wing XO's face, "Sorry I misunderstood your question."

"Simple thing to get confused." Ed agreed tiredly. "Unfortunately, I can tell you from experience that watching your friends die doesn't get any easier with time. Ten years I've sat in these birds and the downside doesn't outweigh the highs of combat and flying these things to the limit."

The skipper had a point, Gunther thought. There was a "High" when it came to flying these ships. That high was enough to take him off track from becoming another Star Fleet Engineer, though he could still give one a run for his money regarding warp theory. Plus, he liked changing the limits of his ships on occasion. "Yes Sir."

"Carry on then. I'm going to medical and get these ribs checked. Pretty sure a couple are busted, maybe worse." Ed said with a sad shrug. "You can find me either there or in my room later if you need me."

"Aye Sir." Gunther said.

Fighter Transport 2

Jericho flew his Valkyrie back to the transport and landed. This was one of his better performances; meaning, he didn't lose one of his pilots.

USS Sutherland

Roebuck looked over the damage report for the Sutherland, and had Ramata'tar send that to General Hurd for her to be aware. The weapons pod was gone, shields were down to twenty percent when the Klingon withdrew. Impulse and Warp engines were damaged, but the ship would be able to make it back to Starbase 400 on her own.

With Doctor Thr'elanon on the surface helping with Marine casualties, Roebuck sent a message to Doctor Raya for a full casualty report for the ship.

Raya received Roebucks message and sent a full list his way. Once she finished she continued to help treat the wounded.

Roebuck looked over the list, his heart hurt for the dead and wounded, and their families. This didn't have to happen, traitorous Klingons were to blame.

IKS Gro'po

The Loyal Klingon ships that had survived the attack took up defensive positions of the planet. The Quag class IKS Gro'po had taken moderate damage but was in good shape. The older k't inga class battlecruiser had been destroyed, but more of the Birds of Prey were still operational.

The Gro'po had beamed up Chu'moR HoD, his remaining crew, and their data logs, as well as Rodak la' and his crew and put them in the brig. They were making room to have the rest of the Opposition prisoners beamed up and locked away for the trip back to Klingon space. Klink HoD had already reported to G'Tar Sa' and the report was being send to Chancellor Martok. Honor was their's and it was a great victory over Opposition forces.

LZ Alpha

The casualty figures were almost complete, except those from the fighter wing. Jackson put down his pad to rub his eyes when he got another PADD handed to him. " Hanson Murphy? Never heard of him. Send for Colonel Hurd."

"Yes Sir!"

Walking in a few moments later in his tarnehed and burnt armour, Hurd said, with the edge still in his voice, ''Yes General?''

"I have a special project for you. The Klingon Loyalists on LZ Bravo were kind enough to give Captain Lennox a human prisoner who assisted the Rebels in their attack. A Federation citizen named Hanson Murphy, a resident of this colony. The local militia had nothing on him, except to confirm his identity and residency. Would you be kind enough to take a trip to LZ Bravo, link up with Captain Lennox, and see what your can learn from Mr. Murphy?

''How far am I permitted to go sir?''

Jackson turned his head too look at the Marines loading body bags into awaiting shuttles. Then he looked at the Colonel, "David, there are not enough tricorders to spare to record the interrogation. I am sure the under your care, the prisoner will be alive when we turn him into Star Fleet Intelligence."

''Very well, just pretend you dont hear screams here in a few''. With that, Hurd walked out, intent and focused.

Maal was walking around the area with his phaser rifle in his hands checking out after the battle was over, he shook his head but said nothing.

Fighter Transport 1

Gunther tallied his figures, and made his way to the Acting CAG's cabin. "Sir, I got the figures. The total losses for both groups on this ship are 23 ships with the loss of 14 pilots. Out of the 5 that either transported or ejected out of their birds, 3 are still in Medical. All 4 pilots who brought their damaged ships home are in Medical. The relief groups on the other ship are zero. Just 6 damaged ships."

"Could have been a helluva lot worse." Ed said somberly. "23 birds destroyed, 14 personnel killed, and only a handful wounded. You wouldn't happen to have the number of birds damaged on hand would you? Once I get those I can send my report to the General."

"Sir, the remaining 25 birds on this ship are damaged. That includes the four that crash landed, plus our two birds. Lieutenant Alexander on the other fighter transport might know his exact damage figures. Plus I do not know how many of the damaged ships are beyond repair at this time. I have a good idea that my bird has had it."

"No matter how we look at it, the Wing is short for at least a month, maybe longer if there's any delays in getting us new birds and pilots." Ed sighed and leaned back in his chair. This one fight was going to put a damper on things for some time to come as far as the fighters were concerned. They weren't exactly hot seating birds, but they weren't exactly far from it either. He had no doubt other birds were going to be listed as damaged due to internal issues in the systems once maintenance went to work checking them all out. "We have any nuggets actively training in the training squadron right now?"

Gunther shook his head, "No Sir. In fact, I was in the last group of nuggets to train, and that was some time ago." Gunther cleared his throat before he continued, "The entire wing sat out of the last major engagement the grunts were in. So there hasn't been a need to replace combat losses since I joined the wing."

"Well we'll be replacing them now." Ed sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Congratulations Frogger, you survived your first major engagement and are now one of the old men in the wing. I'll get things sorted out once we get home. For now, go check on your pilots and get some rest. We've got a lot of work waiting for us back at 400."

Jericho put his helmet up and reported to Captain Maxwell. "Captain Sir. Lt Alexander reporting in. We lost only a few but none from my element" he said.

"You have the numbers for both groups on Fighter Two?" He asked looking at the new man. "May as well give me everything you've got now and then you have the same orders as Frogger. Check on your people and get some rest."

Jericho quickly did a count in his head. "From my recollections Sir, we only lost a total of 4 from MFT2" he said.

"So four killed on Fighter Two and the 14 on One makes a total of 18 pilots killed and about 30 birds destroyed." Ed sighed and shook his head. "I'll let the general know our losses and tell him that the birds are still being tallied since maintenance is still looking them over. Okay gentlemen, that's all for now. Dismissed."

Gunther nodded his head, and left the cabin.

Jericho saluted Ed then left to go to his cabin. It may not have been severe, but any losses left them all the more vulnerable.

LZ Bravo

Arriving at LZ Bravo a few moments later, Hurd said, ''Captain Lennox, please grab the prisoner and secure him in that tent over there, the three of us are going to have a talk''.

Lennox nodded. "Gunny, bring him over."

Agtx walked over, grabbed the Human by the arm and lifted him up. "Come on."

Agtx walked him over to where Lennox and Hurd were standing and let go of his arm. Lennox grabbed the arm and walked him over to were a table had been set up. "Sit your ass down."

''Now'', Hurd said removing his gloves, ''You are going to tell us what you were doing aiding the Klingons, but first'', Hurd said as he turned to look at Lennox and Agtx, ''Marines, I give the choice now to leave, because what I may have to do to extract this information will, in all likely hood, get me arrested and charged, and I do not want you to get drug down with me.''. Pausing for a moment, he said, ''So, Lennox, Agtx, its time to decide, stay, or go?''

Neither Lennox nor Agtx moved.

Murphy looked at Hurd for a moment then to Lennox who was standing behind Hurd and to the side.

''Mr. Murphy, I give you one last chance before this gets very, very unpleasant to tell me what I want to know''. To emphasize the point he slid his combat knife out of its holster, a sinister smile spreading across his face. Truth be told he had no intention of using it, but Murphy did not know that.

"They, they forced me." Murphy replied as he looked at the knife. "I, I didn't know what to do, they threatened my family."

Lennox looked at a PADD, "According to Arcanus citizen information, you moved here a few weeks ago, alone, and listed your marital status as single."

''Mr. Murphy, you have exactly one minute to start telling us, start to finish, your business on this planet, your background and extent of involvement with the Klingons, any knowledge of their future plans and so fourth, or I will take out your left eye, then for every 30 seconds you still are not forthcoming with information, I can and will start start cutting your fingers off''. Looking at Lennox and Agtx, Hurd said, ''Lennox you hold his head, Agtx hold his arms still''.

Murphy panicked and tried to get up to run but Agtx's big hand stopped him and he slowly sunk back into this seat. He looked at the Gorn's hand for a moment then looked up a Lennox and Hurd. He would accuse them of bluffing but after the fight they had just been in and the look in their eyes, he didn't want to risk it.

My wife, ex-wife is Klingon, B'Tana. She, she's a HoD in the KDF, captain of the IKS D'gral, a Vorcha' class attackcruiser. We met during the Dominion War, married, had two kids, but after some time I just couldn't deal with her Klingon...attitude. When the Empire fell into civil war, she took up with the Opposition. She contacted me after the war started and told me if I wanted to see our kids again that I'd have to help her when she asked. She asked a few hours after the Klingon ships crashed here the other day. You see, I was an Engineer in Starfleet attached to the Avalon Fleet Yards. I, I was also involved in several behind enemy lines operations aboard the USS Falcon during the war, picked up some special skills from there. See, I had no choice!"

Lennox glanced at Hurd, then shared a look with Agtx. "Why doesn't the Arcanus records mention any of this, your time in Starfleet?"

"Like I said Captain, I picked up some special skills aboard the Falcon during the war." Murphy said with confidence.

Lennox motioned to Hurd to take a step back with him, then said quietly. "Colonel, I'm not sure I fully believe his story, but I know a way to find out...and he's probably still laying in Sick Bay aboard Starbase 400 right now. The Falcon's CO during the war was K'Temoc."

''Well cuff his stupid, murdering ass, he is going back with us''. Turning to face Murphy, he said, ''If you resist in any way I will take this knife and bury it in your head, do I make myself crystal clear?''

Murphy nodded. He had a high sense of self preservation, but he also wanted to see his kids ago. He didn't plan to resist.

Arcanus IV Orbit, hours later...

With the Loyalist Klingon ships in position around the planet, the their troops awaiting the Federation relief forces, the two marine task forces were assembled in a single formation.

USS Saratoga

Jackson did not even bother cleaning up after his return to the ship. He would do that when they got home. He too a seat in the Captain's Chair. "Status?"

"The ground forces are aboard. The fleet is formed."

Jackson looked at his XO, "Colonel Hurd, is the prisoner secured below?"

Aye sir, secured and alive, your orders sir?

"As soon as all ships report ready......let's leave this hell hole. Since the Cairo is towing the Tirpitz, our max speed will be her towing speed. We will all arrive home together. The Cairo and Tirpitz will having docking priority while the wounded get beamed aboard the starbase. Understood?" Jackson said with a blank expression on his face.

''Understood sir, Lennox, the Prisoner, and Agtx will remain here, I am going back to my ship'', Hurd said with sadness in his voice.

Jackson placed his hand on David's shoulder, "Understood. Bring them home."

Sutherland, Bridge

Roebuck stood to the side of the CO's chair and waited for General Hurd's arrival. This was her command, and he wanted to make sure she had her chair.

The ship was already in formation with the other ships for their return to Starbase 400. He held a PADD with the ship's status, damage report, and casualty list. He knew Doctor Thr'elanon would have a more detailed casualty report but he wanted to cover all the bases.

Jewel finally arrived on the Sutherland and made it to the bridge, "Status report." Jewel asked as she looked at Roebuck. She was very uncomfortable and was hoping to sit down on their way home.

"It'll take us about a day to return to the Station with the Cairo towing the Tiriptz." Roebuck said as he handed her the PADD but noticed she appeared to be in pain. "General are you okay? Do you need me to call Doctor Thr'elanon?"

"I am f..." she started to say then had a really sharp pain in her stomach. "I think that might be a good idea." Jewel said as she took a deep breathe, she hoped that she wouldn't have the baby yet as it was way to early.

With all the ships of the fleet checked in, Jackson gave the order, and then all went into warp, leaving another memory behind.


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