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The Cavalry Departs

Posted on Fri Oct 14th, 2016 @ 9:19pm by Major General Thomas Jackson & Master Sergeant Atlee Micklin & Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commander Hades,MD & Staff Sergeant Maria Lopez

928 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: SB400-USS Saratoga
Timeline: MD2, 1400 hrs

USS Saratoga, Jackson's Quarters

Jackson was taking a break. His MEU was ready to go, and there was only so much he can do to make sure of this.

=/\=General Jackson, we just revieved an encoded message from the 19th MEU. Colonel Hurd advises that a sizable Klingon Rebel fleet appeared outside the Arcanus System, and engaged our fighter patrols. They also sent a warning to Colonel Hurd, and he feels a major engagement is eminent.=/\=

=/\=Place our MEU on Yellow Alert. I am going to talk to base command. Major T'Lyn is in charge until I come back.=/\=

SB400 Ops

Jackson beamed to the transporter in Ops to save time. He walked in with a fast pace, and made his way to Deela's Office, and pressed the chime.

Deela was going over the report that Stonebridge gave her. She heard the chime and looked up at the door, "Enter."

Jackson came in, and placed a PADD on her desk. "Admiral, I just received a transmission from Colonel Hurd. Apparently a Rebel Klingon Fleet appeared in the Arcanus System, and have engaged our fighters. Since we are a few hours away, I would like your blessing to get the 18th MEU underway to assist him." Jackson knew the history of Arcanus IV, and remembered that Klingons never did anything small when attacking that colony. He also knew the ships supporting Hurd were few in number.

Deela picked up the PADD and looked at it before answering, "My blessing is given. Just keep me in the loop." She looked up at him, "Anything else?"

"No Sir." Jackson said, as he started running out of the office. He did another site to site transport, this time to Medical. He searched for a doctor, as well as Captain Casion.

Deborah was weak, confused, lonely, she'd basically died and been born into a shredded body... But at least she was AWAKE!! For the moment.. She could feel the needed substance, Smell it.. Arsenic, tasted like Jerky to her, IT MADE HER HUNGRY.. So many things were happening, She wasn't even trying to keep up.

Amir, seeing the strange treatment beginning to work had calmed considerable.. She too needed to feed, But Deb was still to weak... Amir stayed in the hollow of the left side of Deb's neck, conserving her strength...

Jackson saw where she was at. "Captain. How are you doing? I am just doing a quick check of your medical status before I go. The 18th MEU is moving out to support the 19th ASAP."

Val'Mang readied his troops on MT3. "The horn has has sounded. There is NO retreat. NO surrender!" he growled, strapping himself in for the trip.

Maria didn't need readied as she always was on the ready to move but it was nice to hear such a rally given before being deployed. Made it easier to cope with things and to silently, mentally brace herself for the enemy. Time to be on the wall is all that she thought to herself as she prepared for deployment for the first time since her assignment to the starbase.

She'd felt him. His powerful mind was Unmistakable.. No matter if he Never took her as his own He would Always be ALPHA.. This made it easier but challenging to be near him.. She still wanted him, But if he did not she'd have to live with it... "I'm still Broken.. Forgive me... Alpha... " She breathed, trembling. The device injected her with More Arsenic and nutrient blend, Giving her needed energy...

Hades had stepped up to Casion. He placed a hand on her shoulder and saw that their eight legged friend was watching. The device had been working for a day and a half.

Being Telepathic he reached out. ~Wake up Deborah. Wake up for me. You must fight. You must wake. Focus on my voice in your mind. My hand on yours and you must follow those back into the light.~

NOT THAT she was surprised. She's passed out in front of Alpha. AMIR had been rocked by the strange treatment as well. Staying awake had proved a challenge. SHE WOKE and looked at the two of them.
She gave them both a smile. "Nice to read you doctor." " I am trying, I'm so hungry.." lonely as well, her emotions felt empty, that couldn't be good.
"You haven't given up on me sir??" She wanted to please him, but didn't know if it were possible. General Jackson was more important to her sanity than she could say...

AMIR stayed quiet and conserved her energy...

Hades stepped aside to let the general step up to the bed.

Jackson asked, "What is Casion's status?

"She still needs a day to recover," Hades said.

"Understood. Sorry I have to leave you like this, but I have to go." Jackson said as he left.

After he left Medical, he boarded the Saratoga. "Major T'Lyn, status on the task force?"

T'Lyn looked at her PADD, "We are prepared to get under way Sir."

"Very well, " Jackson said. "Attention ships of the 18th MEU, Launch when ready."

"Starbase operations, open main dock doors, " T'Lyn transmitted. The massive main doors opened.

"Take us out," ordered Jackson. The Saratoga cleared her dock, and exited the doors, followed by two marine transports, and one fighter transport.

Once the four ships left the spacedock, and assumed formation...

"Jackson to task force, set course for the Arcanus System. Warp 9.2."

"All ships signal ready." T'Lyn reported.

"Execute!" Jackson ordered. All four ships jumped to warp.


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