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Some Assembly Required

Posted on Thu Oct 13th, 2016 @ 7:59pm by Commander Hades,MD

2,198 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Science Lab I
Timeline: MD 02 - 1315 hours


Happy with the way the device was functioning Hades left Deborah to speak with her spidery friend and Jackson and headed out of her treatment room. He walked out to see CPO White smiling. "Well my friend you saved her!"

The two men walked down the hall and Hades smiled thinking of the whole process of working with White on the device and about their drink after the incident with Shrivol in the labs days ago...

********* A Few Days Ago *********

As Chief White entered the lab and immediately went to work. Between the computer replicating the materials and his extracting of a few nanoprobes he would have his hands full but he had a direct course of action. Just like he had explained in his schematics he showed the doctors, construction would take a 4 pronged approach. Step 1 was simple, replicate the main components of the device though the materials being not known to this quadrant that meant he had to program the replicator manually to mirror the materials densities and symbiosis with organic tissue. Next step was to assemble the base device along with the components needed to create both the computer board, regulators and power supply, Then the doctors would need to remove about a hundred nanoprobes and reprogram them to specifically wire and encode the device's boards as they would take much longer to do by hand. Finally, because the number of probes was so small, they could neutralize all the nanoprobes inside with a directed neutrino beem set at a high EM Band. Then it was just charge and implant the device.

The Chief got to work, "Computer, access the following communication frequency I am inputting and begin upload of material specifications for replication." He typed in the unique frequency his internal communications node and as the computer linked with his neural processors h began uploading the material specs. Meanwhile, he opened his tool kit and prepared the table for the construction of the device.

Hades entered the lab, put on his lab coat and sat down. He smiled at White. "Okay Mr. White. Today you are my teacher. Let's get this thing built. Here you are the boss just tell me what I need to do."

The Chief continued setting up the station for assembly. "Well doctor, I am currently in remote contact with the computer imputing the specifications for the materials needed for replication. Currently, if you'd begin the extraction of 100 nanoprobes from my bloodstream so we can reprogram them that would be much appreciated."

"Right." Hades headed over to his equipment. He put on gloves and picked up the nano extractor. "Okay I need to see your arm."

He places his arm out palms down and made a fist, the injection tubes erupted from between his knuckles suspended in air waiting for something to latch onto.

Hades let the injection tubes attach to the machine. He monitored the input...50 extracted....67....89...99...100." He detached the device. "Okay. 100 exactly." He handed the device to White. "What else can I do?"

"Great. I have completed uploading the material densities into the computer system. Computer please replicate the desired parts using the new material specifications just uploaded." The replicator began to fashions the assorted pieces needed. "I will begin putting this together, in the meantime, please begin reprogramming the nanoprobes to execute the single function spelled out on the padd then having them go into standby mode afterwards."

Hades gave a nod. "He hated working with nano probes but he had no choice. She took all the precautions and began to follow the laid out procedure. It was going to be a lengthy procedure but it had to be done. Every now and then he stopped working and looked up at White. He was so focused and he worked with a speed Hades hadn't seen in a while. It was like assembling Lego blocks. He smiled. "You work fast," he said.

The Chief began finishing the device's external shell, "Old habits sir. Thankfully, many of them I have been able to break permanently." He could see the exhaustion on the Dr's face and had felt the tension in the room earlier when addressing both the CMO and ACMO. "So why are you burning the candle at both end's Lieutenant? What is stressing you out so much that you're keeping this busy?"

Hades shrugged. "Lots to do, research, writing, patients, projects, lots." He smiled. "Things have a way of settling in the end."

As the Chief finished the housing assembly he looked up at the doctor, "Lots to do yes but you cannot like to me especially in your fatigued state. Something is amiss with you sir and I feel you need to either address it or talk about it. I'm no counselor but as the command officer in charge of everyone on this rig save the other 8 in the command staff, I make it my duty to notice such things." He relaxed his tone and stature, "Look Hades. You're a fine officer and your work ethic is above efficient. So if I can help in any way professionally or personally I'm here to help."

He smiled. "I have more friends on this station then I've made in my life. As big a mammoth this station is it's small enough to give the feeling of family. Frankly Chief I'm ... in uncharted territory now, emotion wise. I recently met someone I never expected to meet. I am confused by everything and there are days when I don't know myself how I keep going."

"Oh love. A source of both great strength and even greater weakness to most cultures." He handed the completed device gently to the doctor to inject the nano probes once he was finished. "Have you discussed it with this individual?"

Hades shrugged. "Things are complicated." He took the device and set about injecting the nano probes. It wasn't the easiest thing to do as he probes had to be introduced to the device slowly. The little things would adapt to the technology so they could do their job. "Can you please take a working holo of the device. I want to do a holo test later so we can send the results to Remus." He handed the device back to White.

Joseph took the device and grabbed the Holoimager to collect the file for Remus. "Well Hades, I cannot say I have any experience in that sort of area yet because I have yet to explore that part of humanity. What I can tell you is that I'm a good listener and will offer a more, level headed outside perspective if you should require a confidant to speak to about such things." He smiled, placing his hand on the exhausted doctor's should, "That's part of what friends are for."

Hades smiled at the word friends. He seemed to be making a lot of those as of late. "Much appreciated," he said as he watched the man work. "So tell me. What do you do for fun?"

White finished his Holoscan and looked at the doctor. "Let's get this device installed and we can continue this over a pint at Joey's pub Hades."

Hades smiled. "Actually we'll have to wait until tomorrow. Dr. Thr'elanon and I will be meeting shortly to run some tests. How about I meet you at the pub after shift?"

"Sounds like a plan. For now lets get the Captain back on her feet."

After his meeting with Shrivol and his almost kiss, again he was a bit wound up but he headed to the bar to meet White anyway. He'd walked in and looked around.

The Chief had is first difficult day since his arrival. Oddly enough, it was for thinking outside the box and trying to help someone through a difficult time. Captain Casion seemed to have a negative reaction to him or maybe just his presence, he wasn't sure. It is true that telepaths find those who are telepathically hidden unnerving. And since the captain was just now developing her powers fully reaching out around her and her eyes seeing someone but feeling a void telepathically was probably unsettling. Given that and the state of her physical being its no wonder she acted like she did to him. He was contemplating this when he observed Dr. Hades enter Joey's Pub. He motioned over for the doctor to join him.

Hades smiled and headed over to join White. "Sorry I'm late We had a bit of trouble with the tests." Hades said. It had taken a several tweeks but thing seemed okay now He was also trying to figure out what just happened with him and Shri. His growing attraction for his DH was starting to affect him and he was getting frustrated but still felt afraid to talk to Shri.

"No worries Hades, this is off time and hopefully you will be able to relax before going home to get some sleep. You need it ... and deserve it after the successful day you had." The doctor had done a great thing, using the device to get Captain Deborah back on track physically. Emotionally, that was left to be seen and was hinder more so by the Chief's presence during the operation than it helped.

He smiled. "Really it was nothing. The device you came up with is genius. I sent a note to the Admiral telling him of what you've done and how you saved her life. You should be proud Joseph. You did an amazing thing." Hades said. His new friend was indeed a genius and it was time he realized it.

"That's awfully kind of you doctor, but we both know I didn't come up with or invent anything. I just gave you a device that had bee re-purposed by the collective to deal with the exact issue." He signaled a server over, "I'd like a tall chilled glass of Romulan Ale. What will you have Hades?"

Hades smiled. "I'll have the same. You did a lot. Never play down your abilities and your genius. You are still young and you will have lots of people who will take away your glory. Unfortunately Starfleet is still riddled with jealousy and the lower emotions. There will be department heads and COs who will try to keep you down so you must take every victory. Modesty has no place my friend."

"Thanks for the tip. My, additions and experience has allowed me to rise fast but I have met with jealousy here and there." They got their drinks and the Chief took a long swig of his that barely seemed to phase him. "So, what the hell is with that talking arachnid?"

Hade smiled. "She is dependant on the Captain. They have a telepathic bond It's much like a Trill host and symbiont but with the obvious difference. The little one she feeds from the Captain and they provide comfort and safety from one another. It's an interesting dynamic."

"But the damn thing spoke. What species is it?"

Hades smiled. "That I haven't figured out yet. But I'm hoping to speak with the captain's little friend. Learn more about her. It's odd but Lemurian Ravens have that same relationship with their hosts."

"Very true. Still it was a first for me, speaking to an arachnid." White took another drink of his Blue Ale and let out a sigh of satisfaction. "So doctor, how shall we fix your situation? I'm afraid I don't have experience when it comes to matters of the heart but I can try and help in any case."

Hades laughed. "If I knew it would be fixed my friend. I think that right now it's best to just leave it be." He shrugged. "These things have a way of working themselves out." He took a sip of his drink. "So tell me a bit about you my friend."

"There isn't much to tell honestly." The Chief took another sip of his drink and seemed to get lost in thought as he spoke. "My childhood was maturation chambers and organ replacement with my puberty filled with sub-dermal enhancements then constant death and assimilation. Since I've been freed from the collective though, I've come to enjoy the little things in life. I like how the sun feels on my face when I visit Earth, or how carbonated drinks bubble and sometimes burn slightly as you drink them. But most of all I really like observing and trying to bring back all the emotional aspects that come with being an individual." He snapped out of his gaze and finished his ale turning towards Hades. "In fact, I envy your complicated love life. It would be nice to have one of my own." He smirked.

Hades smiled. "So why don't you? There are so many wonderful people here. In fact I've heard my nurses speaking of a singles event called....speed dating that will be taking place in the next few days. Would you be interested in that?"

The Chief smiled, "Sure, if you and your crush join me."

*******Present Day*******

Hades smiled. "So Mr. White....about that speed dating thing we talked about the other day..."



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