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Getting To Know You...

Posted on Wed Oct 12th, 2016 @ 9:08pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Jack Solomon
Edited on on Wed Oct 12th, 2016 @ 9:09pm

1,236 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Local Drinking Establishment
Timeline: MD2 : 1300 Hours

Jack was working in Engineering aboard the Pegasus and his mind started to wonder to a convocation he'd had with Chief White the day before.

Day Before

After speaking with Lt. Hades in Sickbay about young Brandon, Jack signed off his shift before heading off to the Promenade. He was looking forward to having a drink with Chief White after working with him during the Romulan Asylum issue recently.

As he walked over to one of the local bars on the Station, Jack chuckled to himself as he realised that his old way of finding a cinematic finish to sorting out a problem was starting go return to becoming his normal way of sorting things and this was a sign to him that he was settling down finally on board the station.

He arrived outside "Joey's" and went in to take a seat at a table.

The Chief had been off duty for an hour or so and had just sat down at in the bar a minute or so before he saw the Commander walk in. He waved him over to the table.

Jack made his way over to the Chief's table and happily took a seat. "Good evening Chief, thanks for the invite," Jack said. "So whats on the menu for a man who needs a drink?"

"Depends on your mood. I hear they serve a good real alcohol Naussican Stout similar to Guiness so I will be trying that myself." He motioned over a waitress, "I'll have the Naussican Stout please. And for you commander?"

Jack had a thought about what he fancied drinking. "I'll go for a Bajoran Sunrise myself. Its something I tried a while back on a recent stop over at DS9 on my way back from some time on Earth," Jack said, before ordering. As the waitress went off with the order, Jack got comfortable and turned to the Chief. "Ok, I have some questions waiting for answers and I have a funny feeling you don't suffer the ill effects of alcohol," he began.... "So what happened to you so that you can walk into a room of highly volatile gas with your lungs corroding?"

"Oh really? Can't say that I'm surprised I guess." The server returned with their order and he took a long sip from the frosty beverage that he had ordered. "Ahh!" he exclaimed with the sound of approval. "It's not Guinness but it will definitely do." He turned towards the commander and smiled, "To answer your question, would you believe it's the result of a misspent youth?" he smiled.

Jack smiled at the Chief's answer. "Oh if only... Although that can be a great answer to a great many questions..." He said before taking a sip of his drink. "So how about you show me a little trust and tell me something that makes sense..."

"Fair enough." The Chief took another sip of his frosty beverage before continuing. "Are you familiar with the Battle at Wolfe 359?"

Jack put his drink down before answering. "Intimately I'm afraid. Starfleets second engagement with the Borg that saw over 39 starships destroyed and too many lives lost in the battle...including my parents," he recalled..."Were you there?" Jack asked, fearing he already knew the answer...

"I don't remember much of the lead up to the battle, but I do remember the lights and sounds of the combat." He took another long sip from his drink, "I was five years old. My father was the Captain of the Bellerophon and my mother Chief Tactical Officer. When things looked grim, my mother had a few security officers gather all the children on the ship and get us into an escape pod. There were 27 of us on that shuttle when the Borg snatched it up. I was lucky number 13 to be assimilated ..."

Jack sat back for a second, completely astounded at this revelation. He thought for a second as he wasn't sure how to react. "Wow... I lost my parents aboard the Bandit whilst I was living on Earth with family," he explained to try and show some understanding to him. "How long were you with the collective?" He asked, trying to understand more from him. The realization that they had both suffered at the hands of the Borg, but in different ways, dawned upon him.

White finished his brew and raised his hand to the server to signal a refill. "Eleven years ... though when I was severed from the collective I looked like I do today." He looked down at his hands closing and opening them, "I was 5 when I was assimilated so they replaced every organ in my body with synthetic tissues and glands that mimic human organs but function a hundred times better. My musculature, bone structure hell even my cerebrum and cerebellum are all synthetic. The only thing still organic about me is my skin." The Chief chuckled at that comment and looked up in time to take his replacement drink. He took a long sip of it, "Ahh! Thankfully I can taste everything so immaculately. Anyway, while all my dermal additions were removed nothing sub-dermal could be due to it literally having replaced everything almost." He stopped for a second, "Before you ask I'm still a man." He said sarcastically with a grin.

Jack couldn't help but chuckle at his last comment. "Well thank god for good graces your just as human as the rest of us!" He said with a small laugh. Jack was starting to like this guy and got the feeling he was a decent fellow. Taking a sip from his next drink, he carried on in the good manner of the conversation. "I'm just glad a superhuman like you is on our side!"

"It's a great thing when you think of the soldier and asset I am for Star Fleet. I'm immune to telepathy, stronger than any humanoid, retained all the knowledge from the collective and retained most of my internal abilities plus have an unknown but extremely long lifespan now." He looks up from his drink, "And it's not all tragic either as far as my family goes. Yes my father died at Wolf 359 but apparently my mother survived and remarried. I have a brother, sister and step-father who have been there for me since they were informed I was rescued. So it could have been a lot worse. I mean there are still HUGE learning curves I am getting around like developing friendships but I will adap ... manage."

Jack put his drink down and sat forward, having understood how this guys life had improved so much since being freed from the Collective, but knowing there was more to be learned. "Well, I'm sold. You are proof that there is definitely a brighter side to life after being freed from being in the Collective," Jack commented before continuing. "With regards to the learning curves you spoke of, if you ever need anything then please feel free to call on me..." He explained. "You have earned yourself a friend for life today."

Joseph smiled, "Thank you sir. That means the next round is on you then I guess." He laughed as the two enjoyed their beverages. This new assignment was turning out to be his favorite of his career and making a new friend continued that trend for him.

Current day

Jack smirked and got back to work.



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