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Flying Beakers, Broken Oaths, and Opportunities not taken

Posted on Tue Oct 11th, 2016 @ 5:08pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Shrivol Thr'elanon

1,962 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Sickbay, Doctor Shrivol's Office
Timeline: MD 02 -- 1220 Hours


Hades had talked with White for a few minutes and checked on Deborah. He spoke to his spidery friend and then headed back to the offices after assuring both White and his spidery friend that he'd be back in 40 minutes where they would try and wake the Captain.

He walked in silence back to the main sickbay which was a deck down and then entered the offices. He stopped for a moment as a wave of dizziness overtook him.

Hades held on to the wall and let the dizziness pass. Once it passed he straightened and straightened out his uniform and walked on. The first door to his right was Shrivol's office. He had the code, as Shrivol had given it to him in case of emergency. Hades debated about a minute and then entered the office.

Shrivol was lucky. He had a little window where he could look at the stars. Hades gently touched Shrivol's chair. Shri was still out on the Sutherland and he wondered if he was okay.

Feeling a bit worried he walked out of Shri's office and headed down to the lab to make a few adjustments on a project he was working on. When he entered he was immediately overwhelmed by the memories of the last time he was here with Shrivol as they prepared the device that would help Deborah.

********* A Few Days Ago *********

Hades and White had worked through the night and finished the device. It still had to be tested but Hades had sent White home to rest and regenerate.

He sat in his lab coat at the station and looked over the results. Hades sighed. He stood and started pacing and thinking about what Remus had said. How do you turn your back on the doctor's Oath?

Angrily he picked up a beaker and tossed it against the wall.

Shrivol walked in the lab as the glass shattered near him. "It's been a rough day, hasn't it?" Shrivol looked at Hades, understanding what he felt because Shrivol felt the same, but for some reason he was taking it better than Hades.

Hades sat down hard all the fight leaving him. "Yeah." He leaned his elbows on the table and buried his face in his hands in a vain attempt to shut the world out.

Shrivol put on his lab coat and sat down, his legs were aching and he was exhausted too. "Don't take this too hard, Doctor." Shrivol said that in a tone that was not usual for Shrivol. "I know it's a difficult position, a position I have found myself in a few times."

"Yeah but how does he expect us to treat her yet let her treat herself. It ...I ...." He stood and tossed a beaker again at the wall. "That's how I feel." He sat down hard again. "We've finished the device by the way."

"That is good. Except we might run out of beakers." He tried teasing. Shrivol didn't want to give Hades a speech he had probably heard hundreds of times. "Why don't you get some rest." Shrivol almost whispered, not truly wanting him to leave but wanting him to be rested.

"I can't. I need to run these tests and frankly I won't be able to sleep nor do I feel like being alone." He said honestly.

Shrivol tried not to smile, he felt intoxicated being around Hades. "Let me at least help. You need a cup of coffee." He said almost jokingly.

"Yes please. Make it a double." He said feeling his smile return.

Shrivol smiled and went to the replicator and ordered Shrivol's special coffee that he drank everyday. "I hope you like this, I drank this in the academy and it's stuck with me."

Hades smiled accepting the cup and taking a sip. "OH my!" he said. "Now this will wake the dead!"

"That's what I needed, granted mine is a bit stronger." Shrivol said with a slight wink. "It also makes people happy, which is something you have been lacking I think."

"Yeah well it's complicated Shri." He said honestly as he set about prepping the device for testing.

"You don't think I can understand complicated?" Shrivol asked with a raised eyebrow. "If you want I am here to talk to, if not I understand." He was concerned and he was showing it openly.

Hades smiled. "We'll talk...just not now, Shri." He walked over to the section that allowed for holo use.

Shrivol let out a loud sigh, he wished Hades would talk but was beginning to think there was never going to be a time in which they would. "Okay." he said sounding more disappointment than Shrivol wanted. "What can I do to help." Shrivol felt like the awkward teen that he was growing up and he hated that.

"Well I'm going to simulate the device working but I need eyes on the readings to make sure that the device is dispensing and how long the computer thinks it can maintain its charge." Hades said. He looked over at Shrivol..."You had a haircut." He commented.

Shrivol gave a smirk "Had to. Starting to get in the antenna's way." he said as he went to the station to set up the sensors monitoring the device. "If I was on Andoria I would let it grow out just to stay warm. Unfortunately Nature only put hair on our head." Shrivol said with his back towards Hades, and he wondered why the hell he'd just say that. He was glad Hades couldn't see the face he made.

"Well the cut looks nice." Hades said as he finished setting up the machine. "Okay I'm ready to begin the test."

"I am ready when you are, on your mark." Shrivol said focused on the monitors. When Hades activated the test the readings took a few moments to appear. "Interesting." Shrivol said. "So far so good..."

Hades smiled. "Good." Suddenly the computer started beeping. "Computer shut down simulation and analyze."

Shrivol looked at the monitor. "Damn." He said as he saw the readings "Looks like the distribution system wants to shut down before final release of the medicine." Shrivol went to the counter and took a long sip of coffee. "I wonder if it's because it's because of the molecular structure of the substance." He said contemplatively.

They worked together and fixed what was wrong and started the second test. This time the test went well, the third and fourth went well.

Hades looked at Shrivol. "Well the only problem I'm having is the charge. It's taking too long to recharge so maybe I'll ask Mr. White in the morning but I think we can send the schematics to Remus and let the Admiral's and Jackson know what's going on. White should get the credit for his idea because it's a good one." Hades said.

"You all will get credit, I already forwarded it to Starfleet Medical." Shrivol said, leaving out the fact that he made a deal that if anything went wrong it would only be Shrivol that would accept the blame. "I think the power problems will be easy to solve." Shrivol glanced at Hades a few times before finally looking away.

"What are you hiding?" He asked as he headed to clean up the beakers he'd tossed across the room.

Shrivol smirked "What would I ever hide from you?" he said, even though he knew he was hiding quite a bit. "I had a talk with the head of Starfleet medical, you know how cautious he is."

"Yeah well...Damn it!" Hades cursed.

"What's wrong?" Shrivol walked to Hades looking worried.

"I cut myself on the glass. It's fine..."

"Hold on." Shrivol grabbed Hades' hand that was cut and grabbed a regenerator, he found himself caressing his hand subconsciously, in a few moments the cut was gone. "How is that?"

Hades' heart began to pound. Shrivol caressing his hand made him feel as if there was a cluster of butterflies in his stomach. He said nothing trying to prolong the moment.

Shrivol suddenly realized what he was doing and blushed brightly, he let go of Hades' hand trying figure out an explanation. " sorry Doctor." He said clearing his throat nervously.

Hades blushed himself. "For what you healed my cut." He cleared away the rest of the glass. He took a moment of silence to compose himself. "So you read the report about what happened on the station to the Admiral while you were gone right?"

"Mostly." Shrivol said still clearing his throat nervously. "I have to say good to know another doctor who can use an ancient metal scalpel." Shrivol said laughing. "You did excellent work especially with what happened."

"Sometimes old school is better. I'm just glad the Admiral is okay. He'll be here till tomorrow and probably grumpy cause he's being kept awake." Hades wiped down the counter. "Shri...I..."

"Yes?" Shrivol said a mix of nervousness and excitement.

Hades smiled. "You had cake before you came to the lab didn't you?" He saw the little bit of icing on the side of his month. He was fighting not to wipe it off but... he started walked towards Shrivol.

Shrivol blushed. "I couldn't help it, I needed sugar." He said embarrassed, wondering how he knew that. "You are telepathic."

"No.." He whispered. His hand reached out to up Shrivol's cheek and his thumb brushed off the icing. "You had some icing..." but as if it had a mind of it's own Hades' thumb brushed across Shrivol's lower lip.

Shrivol's lower lip quivered slightly at the touch, his blushing subsided. His heart started pounding and subconsciously he took a step closer to Hades. He stared deeply into Hades eyes he wondered if Hades was trying to let Shrivol know something. "What was it you wanted to say, other than the cake?" He said in a whisper.

"I...I feel...I wanted..." He was lost in Shrivol's eyes. He licked his lips and then suddenly realized what he was doing. He pulled back. "Oh my gods! I'm so sorry ...I was out of line..' He blushed. "I... I'm sorry." He turned and ran out the door. Shrivol was probably mad at him...How ?...he just hit on his boss! He hurried out and as the lab door closed he leaned against the door trying to get his breath under control.

Shrivol stared at the empty space that Hades had occupied, he was dumbfounded at why this was so difficult. "What the hell!" He screamed as he threw a beaker at the wall.

Hades jumped at the sound on the other side of the door. "Damn....he's mad. I better avoid him for a few days. How could I be so stupid!"

Shrivol had enough of this accidental meetings, he was determined to make Hades know how he felt. Shrivol figured it was time to plan it out.

********* Present Day *********

Hades shook his head to clear the memory. He looked at the wall and floor. No sign of broken beakers, of course there wouldn't be...this was a few days ago. He sighed and walked over to the lab station. After a few adjustments to the computer he headed out again.

He had a few patients to see and then he'd go back to Deborah to make sure things were okay and to try get her to wake up. Her body had had enough time to rest and regenerate and he knew that Jackson wanted her back.

Hades walked into the sickbay and smiled at his next appointment. "Hello Ensign. I'm glad you are here. It's been a difficult time getting you here for your physical. Please sit down."


Dr. Shrivol Thr'elanon, CMO
Dr. Hades, ACMO

Starbase 400


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