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Assimilated Knowledge isn't a Bad Thing

Posted on Tue Oct 11th, 2016 @ 9:56am by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Shrivol Thr'elanon

2,973 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Sickbay and Treatment Rooms
Timeline: MD 02 -- 1210 Hours


Hades had just gotten back from the Yorktown mission. He was exhausted and just wanted to sleep but he couldn't. There was so much to do. He settled for a quick shower and shave and then a crisp uniform, an extra large cup of that coffee Shrivol was so fond of and off he went back to sickbay.

It didn't take long for him to be overwhelmed by the paper work. He was half way through the gigantic pile on his desk when Captain Casion entered his mind. He should go check on her.

He stood up and headed to the private area that was set aside for the treatments. He was just walking up the hall when he saw CPO White standing by the viewing window looking on at Casion.

How long had the young man been there? A silent sentinel. He stopped and looked at the young officer recalling how just a few days ago he'd come to Shrivol and then Hades and how his idea had saved the day with Caison...and her life.....

********* Few Days Ago *********

Chief White had just started going through the day's crew reports when one caught his eye. =/\= "White to Dr. Shrivol are you available?"

Shrivol tapped his comm badge =/\="Yes Petty officer White I am in my office, how may I be of service?"

=/\= "I'll be there in a few minutes." The Chief grabbed a Padd and began jotting down some schematics. He took the Turbolift to Level 700 Section H1 to Sickbay. He walked briskly to open doorway and tapped on the frame, "Doctor, Thank you for seeing me."

Shrivol motioned him to come in and have a seat as he drank his coffee. "Anytime, how can I help you? It seems urgent.?"

White stepped in and sat across the desk from the CMO. "I was reviewing today's Crew reports and I see that Captain Casion was Quarantined last night. May I ask what her condition is please?" He was direct.

"Honestly it's touch and go, she is responding well to treatment but its something we have to monitor every moment." Shrivol looked slightly confused. "Is there a problem?"

"Not at all doctor but I thought I might be able to help. The Captain's personnel file says she is part Reman and judging by her age, I am guessing the treatment you're performing is her body becoming dependent on Arsenic correct?"

"Yes, that particular treatment was developed by Doctor Hades. One reason we have to keep her in quarantine." Shrivol replied looking curious.

"I figured as much." He slid the Padd he brought across the desk to Doctor Shrivol. "These is specs for a device that can slowly disperse the needed Arsenic into her system. It typically would need recharged once per week and being the size of a combadge, can be placed just subliminally anywhere you or Dr. Hades feel would work."

Shrivol looked at the PADD and was intrigued, he took a few sips of coffee before replying. "Interesting, right now Doctor Hades is in charge of treatment. I like this idea, I want to get Hades opinion on this." He paused a moment before tapping his comm badge. "Doctor Hades please report to my office at your soonest convenience please." He looked back at White. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"Thank you doctor. Iced tall Raktajino, double strong double creamed and double sweet please." He felt a bit awkward answering that way, "Sorry, I am very particular with my coffee."

Hades had just come out of the quarantine unit having finished the latest treatment. it did not go well. He received the coms. =/\=On my way Doctor.=/\= He hadn't seen Shrivol since the pool and he was glad. He needed time to think but this sounded work related. He could handle that. He walked to Shrivol's office and hit the chime.

"Enter." Shrivol said as he handed White his Raktajino. Shrivol saw Hades he had to clear his throat several times before talking. "Doctor, great to see you, White has a few ideas I wanted to get your opinion." He handed Hades the PADD.

Hades sat down in the empty chair. "Hello Mr. White. If you don't mind before we chat I'd like to look over the padd."

"Of course doctor." He drank his Raktajino slowly while Hades reviewed the Padd.

Hades looked up. "Okay I've read it but walk me through this and we'll go over questions."

"Sure thing." He set his drink down on the desk making sure to use a coaster. "The Borg first encountered the Remans in 2365 while assimilating Romulan and Federation Colonies along the Neutral Zone. A mining vessel carrying a few hundred workers were captured and assimilated into the collective. Designated Species 5621, they proved to be great drones due to thier expanded cerebral cortex's and dense musculature like that of the Romulans and Vulcans." He paused, speaking about assimilating was starting to bring back memories that he wished to keep hidden. He shook it off regardless as his experience and knowledge thanks to what happen to him was something he could use for good now and he needed to do just that. "The Borg though quickly discovered that the adolescent and adult Remans had a flaw in their system requiring arsenic to sustain themselves. So, using technology assimilated from species 2461 the Brunali, that was designed to provide needed enzymes to their people who's body had a genetic deficiency, we re-purposed this device here to be able to provide the constant flow of arsenic that a Reman's system needs. The device is designed to sit just under the skin and can carry enough arsenic to function for a week at a time without recharge. Usually placed just below the neck in the center of the shoulders, it will provide a steady supply of what the Captain's body is requiring and would only need a weekly recharge." He collected himself once more and resumed drinking his beverage. "Thoughts doctors?" He said looking at the two officers in the room.

Hades smiled. "I like this! Okay now my question is during the recharge procedure. How long does it take? And will he be at risk during that time where we would need a backup one while the main one charges?"

"The device is made to continue functioning while being recharged. The recharge time would take less than a half hour and im sure you could modify the designs for my portable regeneration units to supply as a recharge station so the device never needs removed just simply attached above the device over the skin." He shook his head, "Regardless of how wrong they were in their motives, the Borg were efficient."

"I agree. I'm okay with trying this. Dr. Thr'elanon? You have the final say, Sir." Hades said.

It's your treatment Doctor Hades, if you want to try it that is enough for me." Shrivol took a sip of coffee. "If you can Petty officer I would like you to be available if we need to consult with you over the treatment."

"Of course. I will follow your lead if you're ready to begin? The schematics for my regeneration device are in my medical files which you both have so where shall we start?"

"I believe we need to do a few simulations before we start actual treatment." Shrivol said turning to Hades "How do you feel about that?"

The Chief looked worried for a moment, "Hopefully we can get this resolved soon. Her Betazoid side may have already awakened some of her telepathic abilities but a Reman's full telepathic strength happens around the same time the body becomes Arsenic dependent kind of like a mental puberty." He looked towards the quarunteen section, "And if that happens while she is in this much pain, she could backlash and send her pain outward psionically crippling or worse everyone in a half kilometer radius. Well ... " he paused for a moment, "Anyone that is who's brain isn't Positronic or a collection of Neural Processors that is."

"I understand your concern, I just want one or two computer simulations, that should only take less than an hour." Shrivol leaned back. "We want her out of quarantine as soon as possible, but due to the nature of the Arsenic to every other species we do need to be cautious." He said trying to reassure White.

"Let's get started." Hades said. He'd already pulled a double shift but he was ready to keep going. He would need some coffee though. "I'll go to the lab and start work on this and then we'll run the experiment. Mr. White will you help me in the lab? Dr. Thr'elanon can you give the next dose to the captain?"

Shrivol nodded getting up from his desk. "I will indeed, when I am done I will relieve you so you can get rest and work with White. No compromise on this." He said to Hades.

Hades smiled at that. "Thanks Shri." It was the first time he'd used the nickname. Hades wasn't even aware that he had.

Shrivol smiled and blushed slightly. "Thanks, White for your suggestion, if this works I will nominate you and Hades for the Carrington award."

"Lead the way Doctor Hades."


It was at this point that the Comm beeped urgently with Doctor Remus credentials...

A nurse rushed in. "Doctors! Dr. Remus is on the line."

Hades turned to White. "Can you please wait outside a moment." He watched white leave.

The Chief stepped outside of the office and waited patiently for Hades so they could get to work.

He looked at the nurse after white left. "Nurse go and put in on Dr. Thr'elanon's monitor please."

He watched the Starfleet emblem blink out and Remus' face replace it. "Remus. Did you get my update? We have something that might work."

Remus nodded sternly. "I have changed my schedule to monitor this situation full time. Her importance to the Remaining Reman people can not be understated. Please send this new device for me to check. I must demand something of you that will turn your morals inside out, but it is Critical to her successful integration of her telepathy and immune systems.

"I must ask you to NOT invene in her process, no pain meds, neurological aids, any sort of chemical aids, her immune system must learn it's strengths and weaknesses. At the most a strong general sleep aid is ALL I ADVISE . He said with great energy..

Hades looked at Shrivol. He was appalled. "Excuse me? First off I am happy to send info about the device for your opinion and test results. But...not meds and no pain medication....I can't as a doctor do this Remus...." Hades looked at Shrivol.

"I understand my friend, you must follow your conscious, be Extremely exact in your methods and timing. You must not make her immune system think the meds is a replacement for its natural tolerance levels. He said. I will be available from now till she gets through this.. I look forward to speaking to her, she has a great many things to learn about her Reman people. "

Hades turned away from Remus. He was upset. How could Remus ask him to ignore all that made him a doctor.

"Do no harm." Shrivol said looking at the blank monitor. "The first rule, yet if we abide by that the patient could die." Shrivol exhaled a deep breath. "Doctor, I don't like this as much as you do, but if it means the patients life then we are limited. I want to reduce staff involved in this, every order must have my approval from hear on out." Shrivol said sternly, he wanted to make sure that the staff were shielded against any ethics probes from Starfleet or any other oversight agency.

Hades turned back to Remus. "Remus in addition to being a specialist in your field you are also linked with Starfleet as a surgical consultant. I might have to do this but I will be filing a formal complaint with Starfleet."

"I consider you a close confidant, I would be disappointed if you did not strongly hold to your beliefs. Her survival is of utmost importance, I can discuss the particulars later, I am monitoring this full time..." Remus said...

Shrivol cleared his throat and looked at Hades, he leaned in and whispered. "I understand your frustration, but if this is what we have to do for a cure then unfortunately we have to. I hate it too, but he is just informing us."

Hades gave a curt nod. He headed to the door opened it. "Mr. White. Nurse Lin will lead you to the labs. Please get started I'll join you shortly." He closed the door.

He turned back and sat down waiting for Remus to get off the com with Shrivol.

The Chief looked confused but knew time was of the essence so he followed the Nurse to begin construction.

This was Aweful!!!! Amir greatly disliked this so called "Quarantine" She hovered over the Top Of Deborah, still caught somewhere between starvation and unconsciousness.. Amir had listened intently to Doctor Hades explanation.. She understood this "Arsenic" she could taste the difference in Deb's blood, it was Why Amir was woozy.. She would have to feed SOON herself but had to give the process some time.. It was quiet and lonely.. She lowered herself to Deb's shoulder and hid in the hollow of the left side of her neck enmeshed in her hair and went to sleep...

Deb felt a presence, that scared her, there was only ONE thing that scared her.. BORG?!?!? She tried, her mind was so messed up, she could Barely feel her body. Last she remembered she was in.... SICKBAY!!!!!!! She lurched desperately, half screaming half grunting using what rage she could find. She would kill herself before becoming a drone.. FIGHT!!!! Her mind screamed.. She half fell out of the bed partly blind.. NO She was NOT going out this way. Her actions confused Amir who instinctively feed quickly off of Deb to try and build some strength...

Just as they were speaking the nurse called to them. "Doctors! Emergency!"

Hades ran out followed by Shrivol.

"Damn." Shrivol held Deb down tightly. "This is the time we need to sedate her and we can't."

Barely able to hold herself up Deb could barely feel the people that came to help her... But she still felt the BORG.....

"Deb calm down!" Shrivol said as he turned to Hades. "She's going to hurt herself, we need her to be restrained by a force field I don't want her to move more than a few centimeters."

Amir clung to Deb's neck in complete confusion and dread.. She nearly attacked the doctor when he caught Deb from falling.. If this was hell she never wanted to be here again...

Hades transferred Remus from Shrivol's office to the main sickbay. "Do you see Remus! She needs to be sedated! We need to help her damn you!"

On the comm Remus replied, "Doctor Hades, I believe you can give her a cocktail of 10cc Benisum with .1 cc Ventorin, at the base of the spine, it will be more defuse by the time it reaches the brain stem, That should not confuse her immuno pathogenes,, I hope..." He did not inform them that he wast rying to link with her, but the distance was making it mostly impossible

The two meds would not block the absorption of arsenic and hopefully act as a nervous system moderator without convincing the immune system it was a necessity...

Hades prepared the hypo. "Shrivol can you hold her while I administer the medication?"

Shrivol held on to Deb a little harder. "Yes just hope this does the job." He said mainly under his breath.

Nurse Calhoun came in next, whether they wanted her there or not.. She took Deborah's head by both sides at the ears, to brace it. An orderly got control of the feet. Together they turned her to expose her spine...

Shrivol looked down on Deb. "Captain, please calm down, we are only here to help you." He said as they began to sedate her, he was concerned if she did any further damage to herself.

Hades administered the hypo. They got her back on the bed slowly and gently. He looked at the monitors. "Nurse Calhoun. Stay with her. Please let me or Dr. Thr'elanon know if anything changes. I'll be in the lab."

TRAPPED Again in her mind.. Deb was in a misery that knew no limits it seemed, she was certain she'd failed,, that the BORG HAD KILLED nurse Calhoun and Dr. Hades.. In the solitude of her mind she almost condemned herself.... Laying perfectly still, No one noticed her tears...
Amir clung to her, lost in Deb's overwhelming emotions.. This was a torture they'd never known.. Hopefully they'd never have to face it again, Next time maybe they'd just die, together....

********* Present Day MD 02 *********

Hades was jolted from the memory by a voice. He saw that White had been looking at him. He smiled at the CPO. "Chief White! Good to see you. I was just thinking about how this whole process got started."

Hades walked over to chief White and clasped the man on his shoulder. He looked into the room at the Sleeping Captain. "She looks so peaceful. I've read the reports and the treatments are going well."

He couldn't help but feel pride in Chief White and his suggestion. It was a brilliant plan to get that device working. He'd have to speak to the Admirals about a commendation. This young man had a bright future ahead of him. " long have you been here?" Hades asked White.

To Be Continued....


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