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Day 2

Posted on Sun Oct 9th, 2016 @ 4:57pm by

339 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Security
Timeline: Just before next mission

=/\= Day two on Starbase 400

Lt. Mike Stonebridge responded to his arm in his normal fashion. By shutting it off and offering a word of thanks and praise for the job it did in getting him up and moving each morning. As he rolled out of bed and on to the floor he assumed the position. And began push ups as a matter of course. The blood got pumping and he felt as though he had earned the shower he was about to take. Ten minutes later he was brushing his teeth before he would get dressed and leave his quarters.

Today would be a day of reflection. He had solved a murder in three and a half days. Which was not hard to do if you had the skills training and help that he had during this whole investigation. He hoped he would have such cooperation in future investigations while here on SB 400.

As he made his way down the corridor to the turbo lift, he mind drifted to the Admiral. True to form, all of his gear materialised in his room mere moments after she departed. Somehow, her knowing where his quarters were made him happy. In fact thinking about her made him happy. But time would tell.

He entered the turbo lift. "Operations deck."ordered Stonebridge
As the turbo lift took off, he began to think about what working here would be like. First thing he would do, would be to check out the Cold Case Files. If he found one worthy of his skills, he would see how he got on with it, that is if his boss did not need him for something else. Something more substantial.

As he sat in front of his station, he read case after unsolved case. After awhile he went to lunch and when he was done he was back at it. But it wasn't long before he was called away. To something he hoped would be both challenging and rewarding.

Lt. Michael Stonebridge
Security Investigator

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