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Hunting the Assassin

Posted on Sat Sep 24th, 2016 @ 10:34am by Commander Leksander Draven & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain R'nard Lokran & Captain Jack Solomon & Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Commander Hades,MD & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Mörder

767 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: USS Yorktown
Timeline: MD1 1620


The trip from Starbase 400 to Nimbus III within the Triangle was uneventful. The Yorktown was cloaked, but had only seen one Pirate vessel on sensors. As the ship dropped out of warp just outside the Nimbus system K'Temoc stood up from the Captain's Chair and walked around the Bridge. "Report."

Jack had returned to the Bridge after his shift in Main Engineering and had taken his seat at his station. In reply to K'Temoc's order, he looked up from his post. "Sir, Sensors are active now that we've entered the Nimbus system. Main Engineering reports all main and secondary systems fully functional with Aux power ready if you need it.... So far, we're ready for anything," he reported.

White looked forward from the rear of the bridge. He had checked and double checked all the secondary and Auxiliary systems during their flight. "All secondary targeting and tactical system are up active sir, able to take over at a moment's notice. I have the the secondary sensors primed to scan for anything specific you may need."

Croesus, the operations officers, nodded in response as it was he who was maintaining those systems. Eyeing K'Temoc for approval.

"My sensors have picked up one Human/C'Hakilian hybrid on the surface of Nimbus III. He's in a small settlement with about one hundred others. He seems to be located in a public building with just over a dozen others." Draven reported.

K'Temoc nodded. "Harrison, put us in a high orbit but within transporter range. Lokran, any ships in the area we need to worry about?"

"Yes sir," Again, Alex did as she was asked.

"I detect no ships in the area." said R'nard. He so wanted to catch this assassin he could taste it.

K'Temoc looked around for a moment. "Lokran, Pike, White. Change into local clothing and beam down. Confirm it's Morderin and if the situation allows take him into custody."

"Aye, sirr." said R'nard. He wondered how he could pass as a local, as he didn't look like one, but he wouldn't question orders.

"Yes sir." The Chief replied then logged out of the Aux station.

Lee nodded as he rose from his seat, stealing a quick glance at Alex as he did "Aye Admiral" He headed for the lift "Let's go Commander, Chief."

The doors parted as Lee stepped onto the lift.

White grabbed his bag and joined Lee in the lift.

R'nard joined them in the lift.

After the doors opened again Lee stepped off the lift and headed for the quartermaster, he ordered a pair of tan pants, tan boots, white tunic and a light tan knee length coat. He grabbed them then stepped into another room to change.

The Chief stepped up next, "Grey pants and long coat, black shirt, gloves beanie and boots please." He recieved his wardrobe andstepped inside the changing room to get dressed. He knew no Federation weapons Then from his bag, he took out his Bowie Knife and slid it into his right boot and his Borg palm sized disruptor up his right sleeve.

R'nard figured out how he wouldn't stand out. He took off his uniform and went down on all fours in nothing but his fur. Actually, he was more dangerous in this state of undress, as he often went on missions for Special Forces like that. His body was the deadliest weapon that he bore, and he could use it supremely. He was ready.

Lee stepped out of the changing room fully dressed, the long coat opened. He grabbed a tan bandana and put it on then tying it. He also put the Klingon disruptor into the holster he had inside the coat.

White stepped out if the room and checked his bag with the quartermaster and walked over to Lee. "Are we going in together or staggered so we don't seem to be together?"

Lee turned looking at White "With a lot of unknowns here on Nimbus 3, I say we go ahead and go in together."

"Aye sir."

Lee nodded "Let's go then" He headed off towards the transporder room

Yorktown, Bridge

Several minutes later Draven spoke up. "The away team has beamed down, it'll take them a few minutes to get to the settlement's center and the building Morderin appears to be in."

K'Temoc nodded, he'd rather be down on the surface. "Croesus, keep an eye on them, if they get into trouble we'll need to get them out of there quickly."

With a few adjustments to his ops console, Croesus then replied, " I have a firm lock on them sir."



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