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Posted on Wed Sep 21st, 2016 @ 6:09pm by

487 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Isen's Quarters
Timeline: MD1 1900


The lights were on low, as Isen stared at the computer screen. he was typing in his personal duty schedule. Wasn't usually much to it, as for every one 'interesting' day, there were so many more that were routine in the life of a Starfleet officer or enlisted member.
It was the routine he hoped to figure out.

So far, it read like this:

Wake Up - 0600
Swim - 0630
Begin duty shift (Alpha) - 0730
End duty shift - 1700
Off duty *
Bed - 2300

*Volunteer maintenance at Creroks once a week.

Wasn't really much to it. He'd prefer to sleep eight hours or more, but there were always times when he'd be lucky to get half of that. Even El-Aurians get sleep deprivation, like most species do.
Meals? He never ate breakfast, save for the cup of tea. Sometimes he didn't care about a lunch, unless work was light. And setting a time for dinner? Well, he wasn't that anal.
Then there were the things he wanted to do when he wasn't working, and they needed some time. His father had once told him of the Earth adage of all work and no play; but he literally played to work with music. Still made sense, mind you.

That brought up something, as he tapped his fingers along the desk. ~Right, for starters I could use some of that music,~ he thought. "Computer, play a serenata. Any random composers will do."
The dimly lit room gained another kind of light, as sound filled it. ~Good enough.~ He wasn't really paying it full heed, but it helped.

Looking back at the screen, Isen shrugged and saved the file. Not like it couldn't be edited later, and it was there for simple record keeping with the Boatswain anyways.

Getting up from his chair, Isen walked over to the replicator. "Tea. Jasmine. Hot." As the drink materialised, he looked at the walls of his quarters, wishing he had been assigned one at the outer hull with windows. Somehow going from a senior non-com to a junior officer had its drawbacks.
Chuckling, he picked up the saucer and moved to the couch. Maybe it wasn't so bad, a he'd focus on these assistant chief engineer duties displayed on the PADD before him. Everything from parts requisitions, repair logs, personnel allocation to a recommendation on how to get a .000012 increase in transporter functions. Heck he even had to read up on updates to Romulan singularity core drives. Matter/anti-matter injectors, they were not.

It could be worse. He could have been assigned to go with those starships heading around Klingon space. If they were lucky they wouldn't need any repairs themselves when they got back. If they weren't...well, repairs would be the least of their worries.

Maybe he shouldn't put that he was off duty after the shift?

Shrugging a tad at first, he sipped the tea and dove into the reading.



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