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sometimes people die - part 2

Posted on Mon Sep 19th, 2016 @ 6:04am by

893 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Transport vessel on route to SB 400
Timeline: 18 hours after departure

Part 2: Sometimes people die

Mike Stonebridge had taken control of the ships systems and using a couple tricks he learned working at the academy utilized the sensors to tell him who was where at the time of the murder. He had increased the sensitivity of the on board sensors by 125%. Anyone who was Star Fleet would have a com-badge and there locations would be mapped out throughout the ship. Or atleast the location of the badge would be. But there would be a biological signal as well. That's what he was using the sensors for, to track those signatures.

Now he had to ascertain who had MOM. MOM in the investigation world stands for Motivation, Opportunity and Method. The three things you needed to be the person or alien that he was looking for. But first he would get the autopsy from the M.E. a professional physician of Danoblian decent. By all accounts a very good doctor, and more importantly someone who had been removed from the list of possible suspects.

As Stonebridge sorted out the various entries he had made on his tri-Corder and backed them up on a memory disc that no one knew about, just in case all his work on solving this crime were to be stolen. He went to see the doctor. After all, the two of them were all that stood between a killer being caught and convicted or going free. Sanderson stayed with Mike as they made the rounds. This was a master class or crash course in investigations for Sanderson, as he made notes on everything that Stonebridge did. As they walked into the medical department, the doctor greeted them.

"Ahh, Mr Stonebridge I presume?" Asked the Doctor

"And you are?" Asked Mike

"Doctor Fogall. I am the doctor who performed the autopsy. And I can confirm that the young lady was murdered by strangulation and that she was with child." Reported the doctor

This took Sanderson completely by surprise. But Mike was ready as he knew first hand from his previous scan of the body.

"I really hate to ask you to do this but we need the DNA from the fetus. It could lead to a possible motive for this heinous act." Said Mike

"I'll get it to you as quick as possible." Replied the doctor

"Did she fight back? What I mean is, is there any evidence to lead us in the right direction?" aske Mike

"No, her hands were as clean as a whistle. If she did fight back, there is no evidence of it." replied the doctor

"Thanks Doctor, Sanderson, I need you to gather up her belongings after we check her quarters and see what we find there. Maybe there will be a clue as to who she was involved with."

"Her name was Ensign Anabelle Mitchell. She is from Earth and was on her way to SB 400 to fill a position in Operations. She will be missed of that I am sure. We don't yet know why this happened to her, but I intend to find out." Said Stonebridge

They departed to continue questioning the occupants of the ship and checking stories and alibis against the sensor logs and Biological traces made by people walking throughout the ship. The time line of their checks matching the time of death. The list of suspects was rapidly getting smaller. Sooner rather than later, the killer would no doubt try to escape or make an attempt on the Chief Investigator, in this case Mike himself. For the culprit, time was running out.

On the Bridge:

"Sir I have Star Fleet Security on the horn." replied the Conn officer.

"I'll take it over here at this station." replied Mike

A Captains face appeared up on the screen that was familiar to Mike. Which instilled Mike with confidence. He went through the chronological list of events and what evidence had been found. He explained to the Captain what his actions had been during the process and where the investigation was at present.

The Captain expressed his concern and sadness at the loss of a good Star Fleet officer and sent everything he could find on the young ensign to Mike for his perusal. Mike ensured the Captain that he would get to the bottom of this terrible crisis, but he had to allow the ship to continue on its journey. There was equipment on the transport that was vital to the security of the federation. Mike would have to solve this mystery within the next two days or lose his chance to solve this murder. Of course he protested, but to no avail.

"Aye aye sir, I under. I will do my best." replied the Investigator and close the subspace line.

He turned to the Captain. "You can resume our trip, but please give me as much time as you can. I have much reading to do about our victim. And when I am done, we will resume questioning. I have a list of those that can not leave their rooms at present. There's only 20 names that I have not managed to clear as of yet. Everybody else can go about their business as usual." ordered Mike as he stood and headed to his quarters with Sanderson right on his tail.


Lt. Mike Stonbridge
Security Investigator Afloat
SB 400
In transit


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