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Sometimes people die

Posted on Sun Sep 18th, 2016 @ 2:41pm by

830 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Transport ship enroute to SB 400
Timeline: 12 hours after boarding

Location: Hired Civilian Transport Ship
Mission: Reporting for duty on SB 400
Situation: On Route to SB 400
Log Title: Sometimes People Die


Mike Stonebridge fell asleep with his book, the complete works of Shakespeare on his lap. Somewhere between his present location in space and his home in Stratford Upon Avon, is where he was in his dreams. And a very pleasant place it was. But the sound of ringing echoed in his ears. As he approached the threshold of the real world and sleep, it got louder and louder, until his eyes finally opened.

At first the room was unfamiliar to him then he remembered where he was. Shaking the sleep from his head, he went to the door. As he opened the door, he immediately recognised the ships Captain.

"Captain, what can I do for you?" Asked Stonebridge still a little groggy.

"There has been an incident. And with you being the only Star Fleet investigator on the ship, I am greatly in need of your professional help." Requested the Captain of the transport vessel.

"What's has happened?" As he grab his small investigators starter kit, as he liked to call it. And they started down the hall.

"Well I'm not sure. It could have been an accident, or even suicide. I'm just hoping it's not murder." Said the Captain

Mikes total demeanour changed. The M word had been mentioned and this was no joke. Mike took a breath. "I need you to bring the ship to a full stop. Get me a line to Star Fleet Security and tell them what has transpired and order everyone to their quarters until further notice. Anyone without a room to call their own, have them congregate in the lounge of the ship but there will be no alcohol served. I need you to do that the moment you've left me at the sight of the accident. And I'll need unhindered access to the ships systems." Ordered Mike.

"But I can't just stop the ship." Said the Captain

"Is the deceased a Star Fleet Officer?" Asked Mike


"Do you value your contract with Star Fleet?" Asked Mike

"Of course I do, don't be absurd." Said the Captain

"In that case I'm implementing Marshall Law. Stop this ship and get Star Fleet on sub space. Lock down the escape pods and don't let anyone leave the ship, and I promise I'll get to the crux of the situation as quickly as possible." And they continued on their journey to the location of the incident.

As they approached the intersection in the corridor on the command level of the ship, the small crowd made a hole so they could get through.

Mike looked at those in attendance. He recognised a security office and turned to the Captain. "How well do you know this officer right here?" Asked Mike

"Very well, and when this was reported to me, he was on the bridge and had been for more than four hours." Replied the Captain

"What's your name?" Pointing at the security officer.

"Sanderson sir." Said the young man

"Get a list of all these people present and take statements from them all. The Captain and I will go room to room and interview the occupants of this vessel. No one is to leave their room until I say so. Post officers on every deck until further notice. Is that understood?" Asked Stonebridge

He looked at the Captain for confirmation. And the Captain nodded yes. "Aye aye sir."

"Give me your attention please. Everyone here give mister Sanderson your statement. Who found the body?" He asked

"That would be me sir. And I've been here since. The body has not been disturbed. I would have tried to administer first aid but when I checked her vitals, there were none." Mike believed him, there was something about his demeanour that told Mike this was a good security Officer.

Mike placed his small bag to his side. He got down on one knee and began to perform his preliminary check of the body. "Yes see the marks around her neck?" Asked Mike

The Captain got close and took a look. "Yes. You think she was strangled?" He asked

"Possibly but I can't say for sure. The ships doctor will need to do an autopsy before I can be sure. The only thing we can be sure of is the murderer is still on the ship. And until we know who did this and why they perpetrated this horrible crime, there is still the danger of another one happening." Said Mike as he reached in his bag and pulled out a special tri-corder. He scanned the body an gasped in abstract horror with what he found. He did not say a word. But he could see that she was pregnant and that within itself might have been reason enough for whoever did this, to commit murder.


Lt Mike Stonebridge
Star Base 400
Security Investigator Afloat
In Transit


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