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Arcanis IV Arrival

Posted on Tue Sep 13th, 2016 @ 1:30pm by 1st Lieutenant David Henry & Master Warrant Officer Gaius Aquila & Staff Sergeant Sam Hopper & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Major Patrick McMichaels & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Colonel Danny Lennox & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Sergeant Maal son of Torg & Sergeant Calthier & Corporal Nas & Private 1st Class T'ork & First Ramata`tar & Lieutenant JG Frank Doyle

2,576 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Arcanus IV
Timeline: MD1, 1230h

Arcanus Star System

USS Sutherland

After several hours the USS Sutherland finally arrived at Archanis IV "Mr. Doyle please take us out of warp and make a complete stop." Jewel replied as the ship came out of warp and made a complete stop. "Status?" She asked to anyone who would answer.

"We're in standard orbit General." Roebuck replied.

"Sensors are clear." Roebuck added.

Jewel nodded "Thank you Roebuck," She said as she then heard a few more ships drop out of warp. It was the Tripitz, USS Cairo and the Marine Transports 3 and 4.

19th MEU

Thankfully, the voyage to Arcanis IV went without incident. The battlegroup, consisting of the USS Tripitz, USS Cairo, Marine Transports 3 and 4, and Fighter Transport 1 held formation as they came out of warp at the edge of the Arcanus System.

Getting the 3rds gear off was Slot easier. The bay was one massive transporter. He had three platoons in light environment suites, ready to go down to do a survey.

USS Tripitz

"Colonel, we are being hailed by Arcanis Control."

''Onscreen'', Hurd said standing to his feet.

An image of a well dressed civilian appeared on the screen. "Colonel, welcome to Arcanis IV. Your task force is cleared to establish orbit, and commence Landing Operations. The coordinates for three landing zones are being transmitted to you. They are near our three major cities. As soon as you are situated, the Governor would like a meeting with you at our capital, Archon City, along with General Hurd. "

The lieutenant manning ops looked at the coordinates, and gave Hurd a nod.

''Understood, Hurd out''. In the back of his mind he was already thinking, ''I was sent here to fight and defend this planet and the space around it, not attend meetings''.

The Ops officer nodded in agreement. "Sir, shall we start the landings?"

''Yes, tell all ships to start beaming down Troops and Supplies, divided among the 3 Landing Zones, and also have the Fighters start around the clock Combat Air Patrol.''

"Aye Air." "Attention 19th MEU, Commence Transporting ground forces. MT3, transport your troops to LZ Bravo. MT4, commence transporting your troops to LZ Charlie. MARSOC, Engineers and Field Hospital to LZ Alpha."


Lennox gathered his senior officers and NCOs together. "Lieutenant Taz, I'll beam down with the first group including Gunny Agtx and Corporal Schmidt. I want you to beam down with the second group along with Corporal Nas and Private Tork. We've not been assigned a task yet, so we'll secure LZ Bravo and await orders there."

Taz nodded, "Underrsstood ssirr."

Having a survey team at all three LZ, Mitchell was getting good reports, stable ground. moderate environmental changes within norms, All things needed for the 3rd to successfully deploy.. He selected a zone along an old roadway to the south of the beach a half click.. "Start with the big guys, one at a time..." He ordered and the bay shimmered as the massive heavy earth mover was beamed from the ship....

The Ops officer turned to McMichaels, "Sir, your battalion has LZ Alpha.

Patrick nodded and turned. "Colonel Hurd, I'll suit up and disembark immediately for LZ Alpha " he said.

Maal just sat there ready for combat not moving deep in his own thoughts.

Marine Transport 4

As soon as word was received that the task force arrived to the Arcanis System, Hopper wasted no time getting his platoon ready. "All right boys and girls, I want weapons and equipment checks in five minutes. Suit up. Word about transport, or landing planetside will be soon."

"Yes Staff Sergeant."

In the officers billet, Second Lieutenant Henry suited up, and performed equipment checks of his own. In addition to his sidearm and rifle, David decided to bring the Glock that the Colonel gave him on his first day. Locking it into an antique SERPA shoulder rig, his figured that it might come in handy.

He exited his billet, and made his way to the platoon. He was greeted by Hopper. "Sir, we need to head for the cargo transporter. We will beam down to LZ CHarlie." Henry gave a nod, "Let's do it Sarge." "Okay ladies, you heard the man, get moving."

USS Cairo

"We are arriving to the system Sir. Sensors only detect the USS Sutherland in orbit."

Shran calmly nodded at the Ops officer. "Just follow the lead of the Tripitz. Start of full sensor sweep of the surrounding space. Maintain Yellow Alert."

"Aye Sir."

Shran hit the comm button, "Colonel Hannon, report to the Bridge."

Marcus stepped out of his ready room and looked at Colonel Shran, "Status report." Marcus ordered.

"USS Sutherland is on orbit. Standing by for instructions from the Tripitz Sir.", Shran said.

Marcus just nodded, and took a seat in his chair. "Keep sweeps around the area in five minute intervals to make sure nothing comes as a surprise." Marcus ordered.

"Yes Sir", Shran said.

U.S.S. Tirpitiz

Looking around, Hurd said to nobody in particular, ''I want this ship kept on Yellow alert for the time being, and i also want a channel opened to the Cairo''.

Patrick was anxious. He always got this way before an impending engagement. Although he was XO, he still had his troops to command as Regiment CO.

Calthier had meditated for as long as he could. On the bsttlefield, there wasn't time for it. He stored all the inner peace he could. He rose from his bunk and began to put on his armor.

Braxton finished packing all he needed and preparing the sickbay area. He felt... apprehensive. His gut was screaming at him but he didn't know what about. He sighed. He felt all missed up. The anniversary of Nicole's death was approaching and that was never a good time for him but he was determined to give 100% to his team.

"Michaels, open a channel to both the Cairo and the Sutherland, split screen mode"

"Aye Sir. Split screen " he replied as both ships' view screens came up on the main viewer.

Both Colonel Hannon and General Hurd came on the screen. "This better be good Colonel I am about to beam down the the planet." Jewel replied looking at him.

''Apparently we have some kind of bs diplomatic mission''

"I already know David," Jewel said little annoyed the he was telling her something she already knew.

"What can I do for you Colonel." Marcus replied.

''Apparently we have some kind of bs diplomatic mission''

"I see, what are your orders?" Marcus said as he raised his eyebrow.

''Have your ship cover us''.

Fighter Transport 1

"Captain. We have arrived to the system. Do you want to launch any CAPs at this time?"

As soon as word was given, the Combat Aerospace Patrols were launched, each consisting of a pair of Eagle Type Fighters. Some stayed close to the task force, a pair commenced planet orbit, and two patrols made their way to the edge of the star system.

Landing Zone Alpha

Arcanis IV was very earth-like when it came to terrain and weather. In LZ Alpha's case, it was a grassy meadow land 10 kilometers from the capital. The serenity was interrupted by by the shimmer of a transporter beam, as MARSOC Team Alpha materialized. "Assassin 6, transport complete." Giaus then directed his team to assume security positions, awaiting the arrival of the 22nd, Engineers, and Medical."

Braxton had hauled his behind into the transporter room and onto the transporter PADD. He'd checked and double checked to make sure that he had all that he needed. Now he stood and closed his eyes letting the transporter take him.

Braxton felt the pull of the transporter. Within seconds the ship shimmered out of existence and the planet shimmered into existence. When they'd materialized he looked around the beautiful meadow. It was hard to believe that such beauty could be in conflict and hard to think about the fact that the beautiful idealic setting could be turned to hell in a few moments of phaser fire. time for his thoughts now.

Patrick looked over the picturesque landscape. "Tis a shame it won't stay this way" he remarked then signaled for the troops to move out.

Calthier inhaled the earthy fragrance. It was almost pure. He sighed then moved his platoon out with the Alpha Battalion.

Braxton took a moment to inhale the sweet air. It was that calm before the storm feeling and he wanted to just let himself get used to being planet side again. He looked around at the rest of the team. Soon he'd be setting up his medical area. Soon there would be wounded. Shaking his head he kept his eyes on the team leader.

LZ Alpha was actually quite picturesque if you were into it.. Amir would love it here.. The unit came down in good order, with light weight breathing gear and all the trimmings.. With no direct tasking they checked all of there gear and waited patiently.. Not the Captain strong suite... Mitchell mused.
He hoped to get some kind of update on his CO Soon, the unit was getting restless for real time information...

Landing Zone Bravo

Located 5 kilometers from the second largest city, LZ Bravo was a field of cleared trees about five kilometers in diameter. It was surrounded by a heavily wooded area.

Once everyone was accounted for, Taz looked over at Tork. "Prrivate, take thrree men with you and scout thosse woodss."

"Lieutenant Taz, set up a CP and defensive positions to protect the city. Agtx, you're with me, we're going to talk with the city's representatives." He tapped his commbadge, "Lennox to Marine Transport Three, transport Gunnery Sergeant Agtx and myself to the city, their local government facility."

Landing Zone Charlie

Located 11 kilometers from the smallest of the three major cities, LZ Charlie was more rocky then the other two.

The familiar shimmer of a transport beam produced the Second Platoon, Alpha Company of the First of the 327th Marines. Lieutenant Henry was both excited, yet nervous about the operation, hoping he would not screw up. Hopper would make sure he would not. Hopper started barking orders. "Squad Leaders, assume security positions." The squads dispersed around the LZ, awaiting the rest of the battalion to arrive.

Even though his platoon was pulling security for now, Hopper liked to plan ahead. "Lieutenant, this spot right here would be perfect for our fighting positions and bunkers."

Henry was slow, but he could at least take a hint. =/\=Lieutenant Henry to Warrant Officer Mitchell, when you are settled at LZ Alpha, could you send a C-Tractor Team to LZ Charlie to assist in fortifications?"

It did not take not take long for the equipment and squad of Engineers to show up.

Everyone just waited as the rest of the battalion started beaming down. Hopper let his men drop their rucks, so they would be mobile.

Henry has not heard from his CO for some time after the landing. "Sergeant Hopper, I am going to the Battalion CP to see why we haven't heard from the Skipper."

"Yes Sir, " Hopper said. Hopper was impressed that this Lieutenant even caught on to the silence.

Ermey looked around, making sure everyone was accounted for. "Orders sir?" He asked for Davenport.

But instead of Davenport, a very confused Lieutenant Henry answered, "I want you to make sure Alpha Company sets up defensive positions North and North East of our defensive perimeter, Bravo Company sets up South and South West of the DP, both with elements from Weapons, and Charlie Company sets up positions behind them as reserve. I will set up HSC right here. As soon as the Engineers show up, they can use their equipment to help with the digging, and to fill and set up HESCO barriers around our DP. I also want the portable shield generators set up in the best spots Gunny. I also want Patrols to commence immediately." Henry had no clue were the battalion senior staff was, but since he was the only officer around, he decided to take initiative.

Ermey glanced around for Davenport then looked over to Henry, "Yes sir." He turned and starting giving orders. "You heard the Lieutenant, let's get a move on."

Governor's Residence

Governor Pierre Snafu paced his own office, waiting for word of General and Colonel Hurd's arrival. A part of him wondered if the two were related.

Jewel was the first to arrive and was shown the way to the Governors office. "Governor Snafu I am Major General Jewel Hurd, Colonel Hurd should be here shortly." Jewel replied looking at him.

"Excellent." Pierre said.

A split second later, Hurd transported in.

"First, Diplomatic Officer Hurd, I would like to welcome you two to my home. Second, there is a matter of our two sets of guests, resulting from a spill over from the Klingon civil war. Forty seven survivors from a Loyalist Bird Of Prey are currently our guests right here in the Archon City Community Center. Forty two survivors from a Rebel Bird Of Prey are currently our guests the Garth Township Jail, located 10 kilometers from your Landing Zone Bravo. Standard proceedure is to keep both groups here until the conclusion of the conflict under the Interstellar Laws of Neutrality. But, since our planet's proximity to the Klingon Border might invite a possible incursion... So as you could see, we might need additional guidance regarding our guests."

"Understood," Jewel replied looking at him.

"Second, Colonel Hurd, on behalf of the Federation citizens on this colony, I welcome you and your troops. You have full access to anything you need. Due to two centuries of past experience, our three major cities do have shield generators, and we do have a limited number of shore batteries, and defense satellites, compliments of Governor Ward of Alpha Centauri, but not enough to handle a hostile fleet. Our militia is rather limited in resources, and are currently stations in the dozen or so smaller townships. You can coordinate with Major Cabello of the Arcanus Minutemen if needed."

''None on my end, ''Jewel?''

"Do any of you two have any questions of me?"


"I don't have any questions but I do have a request, I would like a place to hold a diplomatic meeting." Jewel stated looking at the Governor. "I will also like one from each side along with security escorted to the meeting." Jewel added.

"I will arrange it immediately General." Pierre said.

"Now I do not want to keep you. We will do this again when your troops are situated Colonel. Again, nice to meet both of you."

The meeting concluded, the two officers exited the office.

Shuttles from the task force started landing to off load APCs, and other equipment and provisions.

Landing Zone Alpha

"Alpha Company, forward positions. Bravo Company, I want scouting squads ahead. Charlie Company, take the rearguard. Let's do this right " Patrick said, issuing his commands.

Calthier moved out with Bravo Company. His Caitian senses were made for being on the fringe.

Overall, the Marines made short work in offloading both troops, and equipment. The defensive positions and shelters were forming out well, and patrols were already out. Now the battle of time started. Would they be ready by the time any incursions occurred?


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