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Sometimes people die final

Posted on Sat Oct 1st, 2016 @ 7:26am by Admiral Deela T'Lar

2,103 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Transport & Star Base 400
Timeline: Present stardate

Stonebridge had completed the read through of the victims Military Record as well as the last year of her personal logs and everything Star Fleet had on her private life before she joined as a part of her background investigation. There were hints and clues as to who was in her life and what mattered to her the most on a personal level. But the last month of her life on Earth was gone. Someone has intentionally erased it. And to do that, you had to have a reason and rank. It was very obvious that this woman had been running. But from who and why?

But maybe they had not been able to get her gps locations removed as they applied to her commbadge. There would be a foot print showing everywhere she had been broken down to the minute. All he had to do was order the time frame up and cross reference communications with those times and locations. And cross reference those with everyone on the ship and their gps foot print. And as soon as the computer was done with that extrapolation, the most common denominator would be his murderer.

Just a little shocked with the result, he set the pad on the table and put his head back to rest for a bit and dozed off. Not sure how long he was out, he opened his eyes.

Sanderson had fallen asleep in a chair as well. Mike smiled at the man only a few years younger than himself and then checked his demeanor and woke him up. "Ahhhh hummmmmm! Sleeping on the job are we?" Mike asked sarcastically, and with a smile.

Startled, Sanderson popped up like a piece of toast just ejected from a hot toaster.

"Come, it's time we got something to eat, and I'll share what I found out with you." Said Mike. But not everything he thought to himself.
And the two men made there way to the dinning area. Mike reached up a tapped his commbadge.

+tap+"Captain meet me in the dining hall please." Said Mike

+tap+"On my way." Replied the Captain

In the Dining Hall:

Mike looked around to see who was in attendance. The person he was looking for was not there at present. Sanderson and Mike got a table in a secluded location and waited. A few moments after they sat down, the Captain of the transport vessel entered the dining hall with two security officer close behind him.

"Good morning Captain, I trust you had an excellent nights sleep." Said Mike

"Yes, but Its doubtful these two did. They stayed outside my door the whole night." Replied the Captain

Mike looked at the two weary security officers and dismissed them until further notice. "Go get some sleep." He ordered

"Does this mean we have found our murderer?" Asked the Captain

"Not yet, but I think I'm getting closer." Replied Mike as not to tip his hand. Thinking to himself, he who yells the loudest. And the facts did not lie. "I'll need to put in a call to my new post." Said Mike

"Sure, anything you need. You can use my office whenever you want." Replied the Transport Captain

"Thank you. I will." And Mike ordered his breakfast, brown toast with butter, a cup of Earl Gray tea and a news paper from London called The Evening Standard. A paper that he hoped he might someday write for as an investigative journalist. As they sat there, Mike made sure the conversation stayed on small talk. Maybe he would find out something he didn't know. After the brief conversation/small talk, Mike excused himself and went to his quarters before going to the Captains office to make the call to Star Base 400. After checking his information three times, he made the journey to the Captains office.

He sat at the desk and entered his codes to access the subspace network. Once he was in, he dialed up the communications officer on duty on Star Base 400. Now he needed to be quick and quite.

Star Base 400:

[IN COMING STAR FLEET COMMUNICATION] announced the computer.

The officer tapped a couple keys and opened the line;

+Comm+"This is Star Base 400, how can I help you Lt. Stonebridge?" asked the young ensign

+Comm+" This is Lt Mike Stonebridge for Admiral Deela T'Lar. I am reporting a Murder and the status of the investigation on the transport en route to the Star Base." replied Mike waiting for them the connect him to the Admiral which was the only name he had access to at the moment on his new duty station.

+Comm+"Just a moment, I will see if the Admiral is available." replied the communications officer on duty.

+tap+"Admiral, there's a call for you on Subspace. It's a Lt Stonebridge and he says there has been a murder on a transport on it's way to Star Base 400 sir."

Deela had just sat down to relax for a few before moving to her next project. She hadn't even taken a sip of her drink when she was interrupted. She let out a small sigh.

+tap+"Thank you. I will take it here in my office."

+Comm+"Lt. Stonebridge, Admiral T'Lar here. What is this about a murder?"

+Comm+ In a whisper; "Hello Admiral, I hope I did not disturb you. But to answer your question, and I must be brief. I am reporting in to Star Base 400 in the morning, as your newest Security Investigator. But whilst in transit, there has been a murder. In this transmission I have uploaded and embedded the information that I have. Please have a security detail waiting when we arrive. Sorry to be so short and mysterious but I must go." replied Stonebridge as he turned his head and looked to see if anyone was coming.

+Comm+"It is fine, go. Security will be there to meet you." Deela just shook her head.

After hanging up from speaking to the Admiral, Stonebridge made his way back to his quarters where he would remain until time to make an arrest in the morning.

=/\= 08:00 Space near Star Base 400

The Transport ship dropped out of warp. And there was an announcement made to the passengers on the transport.

+Comm+"May I have your attention please. This is the Captain speaking. The lower decks will be disembarking first, as security on the station is high. Have your orders and carry on bags with you and be ready to be inspected by station security. Sorry for any inconvenience we may have caused you and god speed. That is all." and the Captain ended his communication with his passengers.

Just then Mike Stonebridge appeared on the bridge of the ship which startled the Captain slightly. As their eyes met, there was a different eire about Mike. He wasn't his usual pompous typical Brit. In fact he looked like he had a very serious purpose.

"Sir if you will escort me to the docking port, I will tell you what I have found out as I disembark from your comfortable ship. But I must say, I won't miss it. " replied Stonebridge

"Sure, I'll be glad to. My first officer can finish things here, plus I must admit I am rather intrigued as to what you managed to find out. I'd hate to think that someone is going to get away with this horrible deed." replied the Captain and the two men left the bridge for the short trip to the docking bay.

Star Base 400

The security presence at the entrance to the transport ship was unmistakable. The two men stepped through the opening as to greet the security team there and was summarily detained awaiting the arrival of the Admiral. Once the admiral arrived, Stonebridge turned to the Captain and began to address him.

"Admiral this is the Captain of the transport ship. AKA. Bret Cavendish AKA. The Boss. and if I am not mistaken, your murderer and the father of the ensigns unborn child." with that the security took him to hand and held him tight.

The Captain started to protest, but decided not to.

Deela looked at the Captain, "Until we can get this all sorted, consider yourself under arrest." She motioned to the security guards, "Take him to the brig for now." She watched them leave.

Deela turned to Mike, "Lt. Stonebridge, welcome aboard. I would appreciate it if you could make a full report. I would also like to see all of your evidence against him."

Mike produced a Padd; "That will be my pleasure Admiral. His level of Love and Hate for the Ensign is one for the books. But you can read all about that in my report which is also on the padd. Who can I see about my quarters and where I will be working?" asked Mike in a mixed American British accent. It was like that with Mike. One day he was full on Brit and the next crass American. It came from him spending so much time in both places. Which was easy to do when all you had to do was step on a transporter padd these days.

Deela took the PADD from him, "Thank you and that would be me. Fleet Admiral Bremer has been injured so I am taking care of things here for now. Follow me and I will take you to your quarters myself." She looked behind him where he exited, "I can have your things delivered to your quarters if you would like."

"That would be very kind of you, thanks." said Mike unable to ignore how absolutely beautiful she was. In English terms, she was heart stopping. But a jr. officer did not come on to his superior officer especially his commanding officer. "Can we walk and talk Admiral?" asked Stonebridge showing his admiration in his facial features and his smile.

"Of course. Lieutenant." She motioned to him to follow her after she gave orders what to do with Stonebridge's things.

"That's Great. Can you tell me what in your opinion my first priority should be now that this murder case is put to bed?" asked Mike

"That is a very good question, one that I do not have a answer for. It has been a bit crazy around here. We are in the middle of a situation here. There is a man named Morderin and he attacked Admiral Bremer, almost killing him and this is not the first time he has tried it. We have an away team looking for him as we talk. They are hoping to capture him but personally, I am not sure they will. He has managed to get away and disappear." They stepped into the turbolift, "Section H1, level 812."

As the turbolift was moving, "So I would say, your first priority would be to talk to Admiral Bremer and then go from there."

"Then I will follow your lead and speak to the Admiral." he wanted to tell her that she was an absolute beauty to behold, but that would not be professional. So he followed her when she lead and appreciated her Goddess like appeal from within. "I really appreciate you taking the time to show me to my quarters. I'm sure you could have gotten an ops person or someone less important to do this. Not that there are any less important people here, mind you, I'm simply referring to your rank and position. As I know you must be swamped at the moment." replied Mike trying to back track from his comment.

Deela's empath abilities were kicking in but she chose to ignore it as not to embarrass, "Swamped, yes, but me meeting you at the shuttle versus calling you into my office is saving both of us time." The turbo stopped and they stepped out. She led him to his quarters and stopped in front of his door, "Well, here is your quarters. I hope you find it adequate for your needs."

"Thank you. As soon as I've freshened up and read the latest reports on what's been going on, I'll head up to the bridge or in this case the Command deck and meet some of my fellow security personnel." Replied Mike who was now trying to mask the fact that he was very interested in this amazingly beautiful woman.

"Very well. Your things should arrive shortly." Deela smiled, "Bye." She turned and walked away.

Stonebridge watched as she walked away. Then he regained his professionalism and checked out his quarters, his new home.

Lt. Mike Stonebridge
Security Investigator Afloat
SB 400

And several others


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