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More to Think About

Posted on Wed Sep 7th, 2016 @ 6:21pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Leksander Draven & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain R'nard Lokran & Captain Jack Solomon & Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Commander Hades,MD & Commodore Alexandra Harrison

1,504 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 1050 - 'Current'


Mike laid in the bio-bed in Sickbay. He blinked his eyes and looked around. He was sore and tried to get up but couldn’t. A few moment later a Nurse came in, checked his vitals and then told Hades Mike was awake.

Hades was just in the next room when the nurse came to update him on the Admiral's condition. He walked over to the Admiral. "Hello Admiral. The nurse tells me that you tried to get up. Try not to do that please. You've had a concussion." He pulled back Mike's eyelids and shone a light in each eye. "Good Seems a bit better. Now you've had surgery on your abdomen so it will be a few days until you're up and about. Also your thigh will be a bit weak for a few days. Take this as a time to rest. Security is posted at your door and you should be find and dandy in no time."

Mike listened to the Doctor, but he had something else on his mind. “I need to see Rear Admiral K’Temoc.”

"I'll call him." Hades went to make the call and when K'Temoc arrived he left the two alone.

A few minutes later, K’Temoc came in. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m alright.” Mike said, sitting up a little. “I need you to look into something. Just before you tackled him, Morderin said to me ‘The battle is already lost, the warrior wants you out of the way so he can get to his real target.’

“What is that supposed to mean?” K’Temoc asked.

“I don’t know. Who is the warrior he refers to, and who’s the real target?” Mike asked. “The ‘target’ has to be someone close to me otherwise why would I he need me out of the way?” Mike replied. “And what Klingon would hire an assassin?”

“A dishonorable one. Could it be Toral?” K’Temoc replied.

Mike shook his head. “When this whole mess started I had someone check up on him, he and his small band have stayed low and out of the fighting. I think he’s waiting to see if Martok is defeated before he makes a move. Let both sides weaken themselves.”

“I’ll call in a favor or two, see what I can find out. You rest.” K’Temoc replied. “I’ll tell Janice you’re awake and she can come see you.”

“Actually, I’m getting out of here. I’ll rest at home for a while.” Mike replied.

K’Temoc’s Office

K’Temoc and Draven had made a few calls to people they knew and trusted in the Empire but hadn’t made much headway. They found out he used Nimbus III as hiding place from time to time, including the last two times he’d been spotted in Federation space. With Pirate activity increasing recently, it made sense, Starfleet hadn’t sent a ship into the Triangle for a patrol in over two years. Everything else however seemed to be dead ends.

“Maybe we’re going about this all wrong.” Draven stated. “There’s not even any evidence Morderin has even been in the Klingon Empire in the last few years. What do we know about this guy?”

“Not much.” K’Temoc handed a PADD to Draven. He stood up and stretched, took a few steps then turned around. “What if the ‘warrior’ isn’t a Klingon?”

Draven looked back at K’Temoc. “Do you think this attack on Mike was a coincidence with the Klingon civil war going on, or do you think a third party is involved?”

“I think I know of a way to find out. I’ll speak to Admiral T’Lar and get her approval. Get aboard the Yorktown and get her ready to depart. I’ll have the rest Special Operations Team join you shortly.”

K’Temoc grabbed a PADD and sent a message to Commodore Pike, Captain Harrison, Commander Lokran, Commander Solomon, Commander Croesus, and Chief White and asked them to report aboard the Yorktown while he headed for Ops to brief T’Lar.

"Acknowledged." said R'nard, as he prepared to report aboard the Yorktown.

The Chief was just finishing up another roster report when the call came through. He sent a reply to let the Admiral know he had received his message. The he grabbed his away mission bag and headed out of the office straight to Turbolift 1. "USS Yorktown" he told the computer and the lift took off.

Jack was headed towards the USS Pegasus to find out an update as to how the refit was coming along when the PADD he was holding beeped for attention. He took a quick look at the orders displayed in the message and he hit the acknowledge button before heading to the Yorktown.

Hades was just finishing up with a patient when he got the call to go to the Yorktown. He sighed. With so much to do he hated turning over sickbay to anyone else. Plus Caison required lots of monitoring. Frustrated beyond belief he threw his PADD on the table, grabbed his bag, acknowledged the call and headed down. It was like that in Starfleet. Your life was never your own and doctors were in short supply.

Lt Commander. Croesus was about to board the lift heading to the Pegasus when the summoned call came. Yorktown was a fine ship, he remembered and imagined why they might need him,

When the summons came in, Alex looked over at Lee, "So much for an uneventful day."

Lee nodded looking over at Alex "True there." He stood up and waited for her.

"Ready. Does this uniform make me look fat?" She laughed, "Just kidding, let's go."

Lee looked her over and smiled seeing his pregnant wife "You look lovely Imzadi." He held out his hand to her.

She took his hand, "Thank you." She thought to herself 'see if you feel the same in five months.'

Lee turned his head "Welcome" He lead them out of their quarters then said to her in her mind "I'll still think you look lovely right up till you give birth and afterwards."

Alex just smiled.


K’Temoc found T’Lar and told her about the little info they had learned and the possibility Morderin could be hiding on Nimbus III in the Triangle.

“If we can find him there, and take him into custody, it could answer a lot of questions.” K’Temoc explained.

Deela didn't need to think about it, "You do what you need to do. Just make sure you keep me apprised of the situation." She leaned back into her chair, "Anything else?"

K'Temoc nodded, "No ma'am, and I'll keep you updated." He left Ops and headed for the Yorktown.

USS Yorktown, Bridge

Once on the Bridge K'Temoc took a seat in the Captain's Chair and looked over the ship's status then looked up at the everyone that had arrived.

"Lokran, Tactical. Draven, Tactical Two. Harrison, Flight Control. Solomon, Engineering. Croesus, Operations/Communications. Chief White, the aft Aux Station. Hades, the Med Bay. Pike, you'll serve as my XO. Make ready for departure. We're heading for the Triangle to track down Morderin, starting at Nimbus III. If you haven't heard, Morderin made another assassination attempt this morning, this time on Fleet Admiral Bremer. It's time we stop this guy. Questions?"

Lee stood next to K'Temoc off to the right with his hands clasped behind his back "No questions from me."

Jack stood behind the Engineering station listening to the orders given out. He couldn't help himself. "Only one question sir, when do we leave?"

K'Temoc smirked, "Now. Alex, release docking clamps and umbilical supports. Back us away then one quarter impulse til we clear the space doors, then set course for Nimbus III. R'nard, cloak the ship as we clear the doors."

"Aye sir." The ship began to move as Alex backed them away as ordered, "One quarter impulse. Course set."

Jack settled in at the Engineering station as the ship was guided out on its mission, however with only a small amount of information to hand about what had happened to Bremer and now this sudden mission being underway, he couldn't help but wonder who this person was that they were after...and he was looking to find out more.

White took the Aux Station and set his bag down behind it. He removed his side arm and place it on his left. He logged into the panel as he addressed the CO, "Admiral, care to give the new guy the reader's digest version of who this assassin is?" The Chief second guessed his question as soon as it left his mouth but, he would rather look foolish and have information and than be quiet and go without.

As the ship left, R'nard engaged the cloaking device. He would make sure this slippery assassin would not get away this time.



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