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Welcome On Board!

Posted on Wed Sep 7th, 2016 @ 4:28pm by Captain Jack Solomon

800 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Chief Engineers Office, Main Engineering...
Timeline: MD1 0945

Jack was closing off one of his reports when he received a comm channel update advising him that he was receiving a new officer to the Engineering section. As he read on further, he realised that he was getting a new assistant Chief Engineer and this was something he was very happy about.

With all the work recently on the Pegasus refit and also getting the Romulan vessel back up to Operating specs, Jack was starting to wonder when someone at Starfleet Engineering would give him a break and send over some help. He received the file on the officer and had a read through to learn a bit more about him.

Isen stepped out of the turbolift as its doors opened onto the engineering decks. He took a moment to take it in, and get his bearings. A small twinge of surprise crept in. No matter how many times he entered a ship or starbase, they always seemed smaller on the outside, despite the technical manuals he read.

Going over to the first console he saw, he activated it. Being a tad loud for voice activation, he went to manual input. On the query line, he asked for the Chief Engineers current location. Seemed he was still in his office.

It didn't take long for the El-Aurian to get there. He waited, catching some glances from passer-by's.

Jack noticed his new officer waiting outside his office and he put the PADD down on his desk. He waved for him to come in. "Please, come in."

Isen walked in and stood to attention, as he'd done so many times previously. "Ens..." A slight exhale of frustration slipped out, before correcting himself. "Lieutenant Isen reporting for duty sir."

Jack stood up and walked around to the front of his desk before leaning back on it. "At ease, Lieutenant," he said, "Please take a seat." Jack offered. As his new officer took a seat, he leaned back a little. "I was having a look at your personnel file before you arrived... so what brings you to Starbase 400?" Jack was a little curious and had some questions

Giving a small nod, Isen sat down himself. "Let's just say, this place stands out on the star charts. For all the exploration Starfleet does, we still have some at the old borders."

Jack nodded and understood. "I understand completely, I spent quite a few years exploring on different starships and I have to admit, once I was assigned her I've found it to be even more exciting and rewarding serving on a Starbase compared to a starship," Jack explained. Despite his fond memories of the Wildcat and the Essex, he was finally settled here.

Jack also wondered about something else as well. "I also noticed that as well as seeing action in some of Starfleets major engagements, you left Starfleet twice... I was wondering what brought you back into the service?"

A slight chuckle came from Isen. "Once, actually. Might happen again in a century or two though eh." He remembered some of the early years in Starfleet. When he first had shown interest in Starfleet's long-time antagonist. It hadn't always been a good or easy thing. The JAG office had almost put in official inquiry into it, as paranoid as Starfleet was about the Romulans active return back then. A then-Crewman Tarses came to mind.

He finally gave an actual reply after a few moments of this thought. "To your question, it's simple. Just like the Borg brought me in at first, the Romulans, and even the Remans, plight brought me back."
He looked down at his hands, attempting to phrase the words. "Just like my species, they've lost a homeworld. And well, I reckon someday, they'll be able to seek refuge with the Federation like most of us did." Then he looked back up at the chief engineer. "I hope to see that happen, and I couldn't do it as a civilian."

Jack nodded as he understood the reasons behind the Lieutenants choice and was not one to question those reasons. He stood up from his desk. "Well, I for one applaud your reasons and I look forward to working with you," he said extending his hand to the Lieutenant. "Welcome on board Starbase 400, Mr Isen."

The El-Aurian extended his own hand, and clasped the chief engineer just above the wrist. It was a tad awkward at first, but Solomon adjusted quickly.
"Thank you sir. Old habits eh. Most non-Humans don't use that handshake thing," Isen said.
Releasing the grip, he gave a nod. "With your permission, I'll get started then. Seems you could use this said hand with repairs, sooner than later."

With a nod from Solomon, Isen walked out of the office, and went towards the first busy group he saw.


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