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Emergency Surgery

Posted on Wed Aug 31st, 2016 @ 6:16pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Becca Bremer & General Janice Fultian-Bremer

910 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Surgical Ward, Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 0945hrs - Following 'Family Visit'

Surgical Room One

Hades quickly scrubbed in when they arrived. Bremer was already taken to surgery, his uniform cut away. As the mask was being tired onto the red surgical garments Hades called for the anesthetic. “Nurse administer 10 ccs of Anetrizine.” He watched as she. He stepped up to Bremer. “Not to worry Admiral. We’ll take good care of you.”

Mike looked around and tried to nod. He tried to speak, he had something important he needed to say, but he couldn't speak as he closed his eyes.

“Biofunction monitor up.” He watched the display come to life and took in all the levels. He looked back at Bremer noting that he was out like a light. “Nurse Lin. Take care the wound on the tight. That one is no too bad just bleeding a lot. Muscular regenerator and then dermal regenerator. Clean the wound well. Also Surgical aid Volter I need you to get blood for the Admiral he’s lost a lot. Get an IV going and the rest of you we need to tend to this abdominal wound. I need to make sure that nothing major was hit.”

Hades worked for the most part silently every now and then calling out for suction, swabs, or other things. His hands were in Bremer’s abdomen working efficiently and with great care to make sure everything was okay. “Cellular Microsutures at the ready.” He called. A few internal organs were nicked but nothing major. The Steri-field blinked. “Damn it! If we have a power outage I will personally bite every engineer in this place!” he yelled. He felt the nurse mop up the sweat from his brow.

“I need a scalpel.” He preferred to go old school when dealing with certain surgeries. He cut around the area he needed access to gently. “Stats.”

“All readings normal.” He heard Nurse Lin say.

“Okay folks, we’re just about done. Closing now.” He’d checked and double checked to make sure it was all taken care of. After a good long hour it was done. “Take the Admiral to recovery. I want another pint of blood introduce it slowly. Also I want stat read outs every 30 minutes on the dot. The slightest change let me know. Wake him as soon as possible. Manage the pain but keep him awake. Treat his forehead. I'll be there shortly."

Hades removed his gloves and mask. He was bloody and should have changed his scrubs but he needed to tell the people he was sure were gathered outside that Bremer would be okay.

K'Temoc had told Janice what happened and walked with her, K'Wor, and Becca to the Trama Ward's waiting area. He met Danielle, T'Lar, and Lokran there. They had waited patiently for news, any news. Janice and Becca were nervous wrecks and Danielle tried to comfort them. K'Wor paced the floor, sat for a few minutes, then paced again. K'Temoc stood over to the side lost in thought. The last time Morderin showed up he tried to kill the leader of the Krazzle Empire. He and Mike had fought when Mike protected Graline. Was this an attempt at revenge for bring stopped a year ago, or was it more...was it related to the Klingon civil war now raging? He needed answers.

R'nard plunged his fist into the wall. He was incredibly frustrated and angry. "I am going to find him if it is the last thing I do!" he said.

Deela glared at Lokran, "Yes, you do that." She was not happy herself.

Hades left the surgical room and his staff to finish up and walked out into the hall seeing Janice, Cole, K’Temoc, Becca, K'Wor, Lokran, and T’Lar and others there.

"He's going to be alright." It was the first thing he said. "We repaired the thigh wound. It wasn't bad. The abdominal wound was a bit tricky but we managed to get the bleeding to stop and we won't have to go back in. His intestine was nicked but not badly so he's recovering. He does have a small concussion so I want him awake. You can see him once the staff moves him to the iso ward. I want him secure so if you can have security there I will have a nurse with him at all times as well."

Janice nodded, "Thank you Doctor."

Becca spoke up, "How bad is the concussion? You said his intestine was nicked, is there any chance of sepsis setting in? How long do you plan to keep him?" She wasn't trying to question the Doctor, but with her own medical training and courses at the Academy she wanted to know and learn.

Hades smile at Becca. "Not a bad concussion. It' a grade 1 concussion and as you know in a grade 1 concussion, symptoms last for only a few minutes and there is no loss of consciousness. But still I want him awake for a bit and to monitor it. The nick is just a nick a small cut. Actually the wound was a bleeder but missed all the vitals I was shocked. I will be keeping him a few days for observation just to be sure." He put a hand on the woman's shoulder. "Good questions Becca."

Deela nodded, "Thank you Dr. Hades." She started to walk away, then turned to the others, "If any of you need me, I will be in OPS." She left.



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