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Family Visit

Posted on Wed Aug 31st, 2016 @ 6:15pm by Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Becca Bremer & General Janice Fultian-Bremer

903 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Hurd Quarters/Bremer Quarters
Timeline: MD1 0915hrs -Following 'Another Attempt'

Hurd Quarters

Jay and Liberty was kinda upset that their mother had to go on a mission the day after they returned. But, they understood and realize that the mission is an important one that really needs their mom there. Katana had just finished feeding Jr., the twins had already eaten.

"So what would you like to do?" Leah asked the twins.

They both looked at each other then back at Leah. "Can we go see my Aunt Janice?" Liberty asked "By ourselves?" Jay added.

Leah thought for a moment they were old enough to go on their own and Jr was about to lay down for a nap. "Sure as long as you two are careful and call if you run into trouble." Leah said with a smile.

"We will," they both said together. They already knew Leah when their mother served under her on the Cairo several years ago so they felt comfortable around Leah and knew that she wouldn't do anything to put them in harms way.

"You two go enjoy your visit, come back when your done because I might have a surprise for everyone when you return." Leah said with a smile. They both nodded then walked out of the quarters and headed to see their Aunt Janice.

Bremer Quarters

When they arrived they felt nervous all of a sudden, but they both pressed the door chime together and awaited for someone to answer the door to let them in.

Janice was in the floor playing with Christopher. He'd discovered an old Earth toy called legos and was quickly building something, even he didn't know what. Janice watched him and handed him pieces as he built. When the door chimed, she stood up and opened the door.

Liberty and Jay stood their looking at Janice, the both hugged their aunt. "Hey Aunt Janice," they both said at the same time.

"Come on in." Janice said. "Christopher is in there playing."

Then twins kinda looked at each other for a moment before entering. "I missed you, where is uncle Mike?" Liberty asked looking at her aunt. Liberty looked a lot like her mom but has a totally opposite attitude then Jewel. She was more calmer, Jay happened to be more quiet. "We missed you," Jay said as he took a seat just looking at Christopher watching what he was building.

"Uncle Mike is on duty, but I sent him a message so he'll be stopping by soon. And we missed you guys too." Janice replied with a warm smile.

Jay looked at Christopher, "so what are you building?" Jay asked looking at the young boy.

Christopher shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I wanted to build a castle but it wasn't right." He then handed Jay a few of the small blocks.

Jay smiled and sat on the floor next to him and started helping him build a castle. Showed him that they needed to build the base so the castle would stand better. Liberty smiled, "he always like building, repairing things." Liberty told Janice.

"He may be an Engineer one day." Janice replied.

The door opened and K'Wor and Becca came in. K'Wor smiled at this little brother and Jay and got down in the floor with them. Becca sat down in one of the chairs.

"Looks like you have a house full." Becca said with a smile.

"I wanna be a doctor like my grandmother was," Liberty smiled then looked at Becca. "We got five more years before we're old enough to go to the Academy." Jay spoke up.

"Doctor huh?" Becca replied. "I'm taking Medical classes at the Academy now, then Medical School. It's a lot of learning."

Liberty nodded, "Ya I like learning and studying." She stated with a smile. Jay was being quiet playing with Christopher and K'Wor.

K'Wor played with the boys for a while before getting up and taking a seat on the sofa. "I can't believe we return to the Academy in a few days to start our second year."

"Isn't Dad coming by?" Becca asked.

Before Janice could reply, K'Temoc come in. He was missing his uniform jacket and had blood on his hands and uniform. When he saw the younger kids he stepped back into the corridor and had Janice, Becca, and K'Wor come out.

"I'll....I'll have Katana come sit with the kids." Janice's voice was shaky.

Christopher could tell something was wrong but couldn't hear what. It made him worried.

Liberty looked at Jay then sat down by Christopher keeping him calm, "It will be okay, it always is. Wanna go play in your room?" Liberty asked looking at Christopher.

Christopher stood up and didn't say anything, he just looked at the door and waited for his mother. A few minutes later Janice had composed herself and walked back in. She picked up Christopher.

"Katana will be here in a little bit, and I'll be back soon." Janice said. "Why don't you go play in your room."

Christopher nodded, but didn't fully understand. He got down and walked to his room.

Short time later Katana arrived holding little Jr in her arms, she quickly reassured Janice that everything would be ok that she'll take care of the kids. She entered and walked in the room. "Hey how about I take you kids to get a surprise?" Leah asked with a soft smile.



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