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Another Attempt

Posted on Wed Aug 31st, 2016 @ 6:15pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant Commander Rann & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Captain R'nard Lokran & Commander Hades,MD & Mörder

1,304 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 0820hrs - 'Current'


Mike looked over a report which detailed another incursion into Federation Space by Klingon ships fighting with each other. In this case the loyal vessels were able to destroy the opposition ships, but that fight was too close to Archanis. He hoped once the Marines deployed there, some of the incursions would stop.

Getting tied, Mike left his Office, walked through Ops, and took the turbolift down to Tactical Operations. Commander Rann was on duty and monitoring Klingon ship movements. Mike watched the big board for a while. The majority of Klingon ships were in Klingon space with three separate fleets loyal to Martok spread out. One protecting QonoS, another attacking Opposition Forces near Ajilon, and a third protecting K’Vak Station in the Narendra system where a major ship production base was located. The Opposition forces were spread thin but were making a push on Gorath while trying to defend the Ajilon system. The fighting near Ajilon system concerned Mike the most, with that system close to M’Para Station and the Federation border. Mike was certain the fighting that had spilled over into Federation space were skirmishes from that major battle. He zoomed in on that area. Loyal Klingons had a fleet of over eight hundred ships while the Opposition had a small based and fortified position with just over six hundred ships.

Mike saved some information on a PADD and told Rann if anything changed or if an engagement began to let him know at once. He then left Tactical Operations and headed for Section R-2 Level Fourteen-Twenty-Six. He spoke with Commander Stark for a while about a project he was working on for him, then Mike headed back to Section H-1 Level Seven-Zero-Five. He stepped out of the turbo lift and ran right into Danielle Cole.

“Miss Cole, I apologize.” Mike replied with a smirk.

“No, it’s my fault.” She replied with a smile.

“I meant to talk with you sooner, congratulations on your engagement. I’m really happy for you and my brother and I know you’ll both be happy.” Mike said as he gave her a hug.

Danielle smiled, “Thank you. I’m so excited and I know we will be too. As a matter of fact, he’s asked me to move in with him, I’d just dropped off a few things in his quarters and was heading back to my Science Lab.”

“Let me know if you need help.” Mike replied.

Danielle nodded, “Thank you.”

They both gave each other a respectful nod before Mike turned to walk down the corridor while Danielle waited for the turbolift. While Mike walked away Danielle smiled and even blushed a little. She glanced at her PADD before she felt someone grab her from behind. Before she could say another she was spun around and came face to face with her fiancé.

“K’Temoc!” She said with a smile.

K’Temoc kissed her. “What were you smiling about?” He asked.

“I ran into your brother, literally.” She replied.

Before either could say another else they heard a thud down the corridor and around the corner, followed by a few grunts then the sound of someone falling to the deck.

K’Temoc ran down the corridor followed by Danielle. As he rounded the corner he saw he brother in a fight with a slender man. Mike appeared to be bleeding from his forehead, lip, abdomen, and thigh. Mike was putting up a valiant fight but it was clear the other man had ambushed him and stabbed him a few times with the knife he was holding. Mike was able to slam the other man against the wall, punching him in the face, before he himself fell to the deck. The attacked grabbed Mike’s hair and pulled his head up and appeared to be about to slit his throat when K’Temoc charged in. He tackled the attacker and threw him to the deck as he stood between his brother and the attacker.

“Morderin!” K’Temoc said.

Morderin eyed K’Temoc for a moment, then looked at Danielle as she knelt beside Mike as he called for Medics. He then smirked, tapped a button on his wrist band, and was beamed away.

K’Temoc slapped his comm-badge. “K’Temoc to Ops, Red Alert! Lock the Station down, raise shields, and prevent all vessels from departing! Admiral T’Lar and Commander Lokran report to Section H-1 Level Seven-Zero-Five, Section Two-Delta!”

“Medical team is on the way.” Danielle said.

“Mike stay awake!” K’Temoc said as he took off this uniform jacket and put direct pressure on the wound on Mike’s abdomen. Danielle had already done the same for thing for the wound on his thigh.

Hades had just finished a general check-up when the emergency call came through. “Nurse Lin! Medics!” Not wanting to take any chances he ordered a direct beam out there. The medics were to meet them there with a grav bed. He materialized to a brutal scene. Bremer was on the ground. K’Temoc holding the Admiral’s abdomen and Cole held her jacket to Bremer’s thigh. “Damn!” He didn’t ask what happened. It didn’t matter, what mattered was stabilizing the Admiral for the move to sickbay.

Hades dropped to his knees nurse Lin by his side. He scanned the Admiral. “Cole keep pressure on the thigh. K’Temoc when I say so remove your hand and the jacket.” Hades pulled out a several items. He pressed a hypo to Bremer’s throat. “Lin get me that Gurney! Now!” He then looked at K’Temoc. “Now step away.” As the man did blood started to pour from the wound. Hades used another hypo around the wound to prevent infection and neutralize any poison if there had been any on the dagger. One could never be too careful. He rigged up a temp suture to hold things together. The gurney arrived. “Cole step away.” He got a look at the thigh. “Damn.” He worked wiping the sweat with his sleeve as he repeated the procedure for the thigh. “Get him on the gurney. We need to get him to sickbay. The abdominal wound will need surgery.” He slapped his com badge with is bloody hands. “Hades to Surgical bay one. Prepare for surgery. I need everything ready!” He noted others had arrive and but ignored them and helped the medics as they hurried to get Bremer into surgery. He called behind him. “Ya’ll meet me there, it’s not good.” He didn’t believe in lying.

"On my way." Deela rushed out of her quarters, not happy that there was another situation at hand. It seemed like there was always something bad happening. As she walked up, she could sense the strong emotions. She approached K'Temoc who's face matched what she was sensing, "What the hell happened here?"

“Morderin, that assassin for hire that attempted to kill Ra' Graline here last year.” K’Temoc said.

"Morderrrin is back." said R'nard, "And he slipped me again."

"He must of been hiding, I'd just walked passed her a moment before. Ran into the Admiral as he came out of the lift, we talked for a moment and he continued down the corridor." Cole added.

"We heard a fight, ran down the corridor, and found Mike bleeding with Morderin about to give a death blow. I tackled him and he tapped a button on his armband and beamed out." K'Temoc said.

Deela sighed, "Great, just great. Do you have any idea where he beamed to this time?" She looked at all of them but she already knew the answer, "Nevermind. By the look of your faces, I have my answer." She exhaled, "I will be in Sickbay." She cursed under her breath.



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