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Love and War

Posted on Wed Aug 31st, 2016 @ 5:53pm by Major General Thomas Jackson

542 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: USS Saratoga Gangway
Timeline: MD1, 0815hrs

With the Tripitz Group departed for Archanis IV, the ships of the Saratoga Group now had a place to dock, and onload the 18th MEU. Jackson just finished tying up loose ends on the star base,and was now heading to the Saratoga. A short distance ahead of him, he noticed T'Lyn. "Major T'Lyn."

She stopped when her name was called, she turned around and seen the Tom. "General," She said looking at him as others passed by her.

He guided her to the side of the gangway, "T'Lyn. Are you going to be okay with this?"

She looked at him as they were alone, "Tom I..." She started to say but then corrected herself. "We will be fine," she said as she looked at him.

"T'Lyn, I intend to treat you like any of my other officers on this mission, but seeing the scope of our deployment, I cannot help but be concerned."

"I know, I don't expect to be treated any differently just because I am carrying." She stated looking at him, "I understand your concern Tom," she stated looking at him.

"Just be careful when I order you to lead your troops." Jackson said, with a serious look on his face.

She looked at him for a moment without saying anything, she grabbed his hand and squeezed it to reassure him. "I will Tom," she said looking at him.

"And since I would be on the ground too, I promise to be careful as well." Jackson said.

She looked at him, "You better be." T'Lyn stated with a slight smile. She wanted to kiss him but wasn't sure if now would be a good time.

Tom gave her a quick kiss before speaking, "Well, Major, let's get to it."

She returned the kiss, she could sense that he was nervous and concerned. She would be lying if she wasn't cautious as well, she just nodded, "I guess we should." T'Lyn stated as she looked at him.

He squeezed her hand for a minute, and then let go. He picked up his duffle bag, and started walking through the gangway.

"Tom wait," She said as she looked at him, "I got one more thing to say before we leave." She said as she needed to say this before leaving. Because nothing was promised, this was a risky mission no point about it so she needed to say this before they did leave.

Jackson stopped, curious as to what she wanted to say.

She looked at him, making sure no one was around. "I have to get this off my chest before we leave. But..." she said as she paused as she almost felt nervous even saying this. "I love you Tom," She said as she looked at him still making sure no one walked by when she said it. Now she felt nervous if Tom felt the same. T'Lyn was the type where she couldn't tell a lie or hide anything from anyone.

"I love you too T'Lyn." He said.

She smiled kissed him on the cheek before walking ahead of him onto the Saratoga. She had a million things to do before they arrived at their destination.

Jackson's mind went back intoo business mode as he boarded the Saratoga.


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