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Stand To 19th MEU

Posted on Wed Aug 31st, 2016 @ 5:52pm by Major General Thomas Jackson & 1st Lieutenant David Henry & Master Warrant Officer Gaius Aquila & Master Sergeant Charlton Gibbs & Master Sergeant Atlee Micklin & Staff Sergeant Sam Hopper & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo & Major Patrick McMichaels & Colonel Danny Lennox & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Staff Sergeant Maria Lopez & Sergeant Maal son of Torg & Sergeant Calthier & Corporal Nas & Private 1st Class T'ork

3,948 words; about a 20 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Marine Briefing Room 1
Timeline: MD1-0650hrs

Previous Day

1400 hrs

MG Jackson's Office

After the first word came down that a Marine presence might be needed at the Klingon/Federation Border, Jackson decided to put some things in place that would enable him to quickly on load a Marine Expeditionary Unit to their ships.

=/\=General Jackson to Commander Gillo, I need the docking area from Dock 33 to Dock 37 closed to all but authorized personnel. The Tripitz and the Cairo are already docked in that area, and I will be moving two Marine Transports, and a Fighter Transport ship in those other docks.=/\=

=/\= Understood I will let the station know to restrict access to that area. It will take a few moments for the protocol to kick in and to get all unauthorized personnel out of the area. Will let you know when the area has been cleared. =/\= She let her hands fly across the panel to let the station know what was going on and to get all necessary walls up so no one could bypass the protocol she was putting in place. Once the station registered ready she was able to speak again in the comm. =/\= Area locked down your marines should be set to go.=/\= With that being done she went back to normal station operations on the rest of the station.

Once the area was cleared, it only took an hour to position marine Transports 3 and 4, plus Fighter Transport 1 into the docks adjacent to the Tripitz, and the Cairo.

Present Day, 0650 hrs

Jackson received Admiral Bremer's directive, and it did not take him long to set the wheels of 1st Division in motion.

=/\=Jackson to Colonel Hurd, I am placing First Division on Full Alert. Senior Officers Call to Marine Briefing Room 1 in 15 minutes. I also need Captain Itris, Colonel Hannon, and Lieutenant Colonel Shran to be there as well.=/\=

''Understood'', Hurd said, standing and heading towards the briefing room.

Marcus got the call to head to the Marine Briefing Room in 15 mins, Marcus tapped his combadge. "Sergeant Major Felicia Ecton please report to Marine Briefing Room 1 on Starbase 400 in 15 mins." Marcus ordered as he felt that she should be their as well.

Felicia heard the summons to the Marine Briefing Room 1 and she got up from her desk and tapped her combadge "On my way Colonel" she quickly left the office and headed to the nearest computer. She tapped the control panel and found directions to the room.

Both T'Lyn and K'leela go the call and headed towards the briefing room.

The 3rd had been working toward completing the Captains remodel of their command and service area when they got the call.. Mitchell rubbed the back of his head.. Even disabled like she was, When the Captain heard about this she was going to be furious. She was a hellcat with her wings clipped. "Pack it up kids fast and tight like the Captain wants whatevers happening we're doing this for her..

It took him six minutes to reach the briefing room, mug in hand, coffee, sugar scalding hot, just like the Captain took it.. He took a deep breath as he took a seat...

Braxton felt proud of himself. He'd hit the send button on an experiment that he'd been working on for weeks. Now it was up to Starfleet. He'd either pass or fail. His pride in himself was interrupted by movement outside his office area. He stopped one of the Marines and asked what was going on. He sighed. "No rest for the wicked, eh." He said to the Marine and then grabbed his med bag to start packing. The call from Jackson came in. He left everything and headed to the brief room, or as he called it, the room things to come, not always good things. Usually it meant a slap-down of some kind.

Lennox and Taz had been in a holodeck with Agtx, Ermey, Schmidt, T’ork, and Nas getting an early morning run in when they got the call. They both headed straight for the Briefing Room, foregoing a shower or changing...things sounded urgent. Arriving in the Briefing room, both took seats near the rear.

Walking in, Hurd walked towards the back and stood in the shadows.

Patrick followed the Colonel but remained in front. Something was up and he wanted to a good vantage point.

Val'Mang ducked on instinct. Being Klingon, most doorways weren't high enough for his 6'8" frame. He made his way to the middle of the crowd.

Calthier walked in and stood to the right of Sam Hopper. Ever since the pirate incident, he stuck to the senior NCO like a shadow.

=/\=Jackson to all 19th MEU Marines, commence boarding your ships. 2/22 to board the USS Tripitz, 1/4 to board Marine Transport 3, 1/327 to board Marine Transport 4, Fighters and pilots to Fighter Transport 1.=/\=

Marine Briefing Room 1

Jackson sat in his seat in front of the room, waiting for everyone to show up. He studied a PADD as he sipped out of his extra black coffee.

Aquila and Micklin walked in, already in battledress uniform, minus the tactical gear. It was rare to have a division wide senior officer's call, so MARSOC was ready to go. Aquila's Team was already boarding the Tripitz. Micklin's Team would move with the 18th MEU when needed.

Colonel Shran was the first from the Cairo command to show up. He took a seat, saving the one next to him for his CO.

Marcus arrived and looked at his Executive Officer, Colonel Shran then nodded at General Jackson. "I have called my Command Sergeant Major to the meeting as she's apart of my Command Staff and needs to be here." Marcus added.

"Very well", Jackson said.

Short time later T'Lyn entered and nodded to everyone in the room and took her seat. K'leela also entered right behind T'Lyn and took her seat as well.

Braxton slipped into he room silent. He snarled at having to sit. He preferred to hang in the back listening. He took a seat at the far end so far not surrounded by anyone. He was glad Hades had hired the Nausican bodyguard for Lai'lira as this looked serious.

The Ullian walked in moved her hair slowly out of her eyes . She kept her mind tightly shielded as she didn't want to hear anything that wasn't supposed to. "Colonel" she nodded to Marcus and then looked around as she really hadn't met the others

Nodding, Hurd stood straight and silent as a stone, his eyes as cold as ice.

Patrick smiled and nodded a greeting to those individuals he hadn't met.

Val'Mang simply watched everyone ....... Everyone.

Lennox leaned over and said to Taz, “This must be something big.”

Taz nodded without speaking.

Once the meeting was as fully attended, Jackson started his briefing by displaying a map of the Archanis Sector. The 4th planet was highlighted. "Gentlemen, we have a situation. The Klingon Empire is now in a shooting war with itself. Even though Chancellor Martok's government is our ally, the Federation Security Council has declared our official Neutrality in this conflict. There is also no love for the Federation among the rebel forces in the Empire. Currently, nothing major has spilled over to our side of the border, and we are ordered to do our part to keep it that way. The Archanis IV Colony is no stranger to conflict. It has been settled, conquered, reconquered, handed over, etc... many times in the past 200 years. It lies right next to the border, and is a stone's throw from this star base at standard warp. Our government is shipping, and stockpiling supplies that will assist in this crisis, if needed. And while the colony had a normally adequate planetary defense grid, it would not be enough against a major attack. "

"Colonel Hurd, I hereby direct you to lead the 19th Marine Expeditionary Unit to Archanis IV, and set up ground defenses. How you do it is up to you. You will have three battalions, Combat Engineers, a MARSOC Team, and Tactical Air to do it with."

Arching his eyebrow, Hurd said, ''Understood''.

"Captain Itris, you will provided all the services that come with two groups from 181st Tactical Fighter Wing."

"Colonel Hannon, please make sure our ships don't get blasted on the way there. And once there, you can assist in orbital defense."

"Understood we will be ready," Marcus replied looking at the General.

"Major McMichaels, Captain Lennox, Lieutenant Davenport, since we are low on good help, you will command the designated battalions from your regiments. "

Patrick nodded. "Aye Sir" then looked at his Klingon regimental XO with a grin.

Val'Mang nodded. "You humans are almost as excitable as we are. ........ Almost" he grinned.

“Understood Sir.” Lennox replied.

"Chief Mitchell, since your CO is still on profile, you will lead an Engineer element to help augment this MEU's defenses."

"We're One short, But we're ready General." Mitchell replied evenly. But he couldn't hide his concern for his Captain...

"Chief Braxton, you get to ride with some medics with the 19th MEU."

"Oui, I will be ready Sir." Braxton would have to pack his surgical stuff to. This could get messy.

"Chief Aquila, your Team goes with the Tripitz."

Giaus nodded, "Yes Sir."

"Once the 19th MEU departs, the Saratoga, Marine Transports 1 and 2, and Fighter Transport 2 will dock in their place. Once docked, all elements of the 18th MEU will commence boarding. Be quick about it, because we do not know if we will need to leave in a hurry."

Micklin just gave a simple nod.

Both T'Lyn and K'leela both nodded in agreement.

Val'Mang looked at Jackson and grunted his acknowledgement.

Worth nodded.

"Now if there isn't any questions, let's get moving people. Dismissed."

Marcus got up, made a call for all crew of the USS Cairo to return to ship and prepare for departure. He looked at both Shan and Ecton, but they knew what to do. He left the briefing room and headed back to the Cairo. Shran did the same, walking next to Marcus.

Felcia stood up and walked out of the briefing room following Marcus and Shan. This would be fun she was tempted to use her empathy and telepathy to find out just what was going on.

T'Lyn and K'leela also left the briefing room to get ready and head to the Saratoga.

Braxton headed to grab more gear and then to his station on the ship.

Hurd left, heading straight twards his quarters, then the Tirpiz, Axe nipping at his heels.

Patrick grabbed his bag from his quarters plus a special one then headed to his temporary room as XO of the Tirpiz. He awaited Colonel Hurd on the bridge.


Giaus had time, so he decided to say goodbye to Holly before he boarded the Tripitz. He entered Ops, and made eye contact with Holly, before motioning her to step outside.

The eye contact from Giaus made her wonder why he had taken the time to say something to her before he was being deployed. This was something he didn't do before and something he didn't do lightly. Leaving the marines when active was not in his nature, so naturally Holly was a bit concerned and worried but followed his lead out of operations once she was sure her crew was ready to handle the station without her guidance for a while.

Giaus could see the writing on the wall regarding this deployment. This situation could get sour in a hurry, and his team would be playing a deadly game of tag. He has been in big battles, and this felt like the makings of one. "Sorry to bother you Holly, but I just needed to see your face before I go my Love."

“I don't mind it at all,” Holly said rather quickly to Giaus's apology, “ I know how marines get about instincts and not ignoring them. The last deployment didn't go well and naturally you want to see me before you go on this one because,” she paused just long enough to let her breath out in a sigh like manner, “you think that there might be a possibility of not coming back.” She gave him a breif smile on her face before turning it back to a resting one waiting to see if he would reveal the real reason why he was wanting to see her.

Giaus hated to rush things, so he wasn't going to. "Holly, when I get back, remind me that I have something important to discuss with you. Now is not the time, but remember that I love you." He gave her a gentle hug and kiss, and walked off.

Dock Area

Hopper was walking with his new platoon at a fast pace. He had short notice that he was transferred to 1/327 right after his leave was over. His new Platoon Commander was walking ahead of him. He hoped that Lieutenant Henry would not get the platoon lost on the way to Marine Transport 4. Everyone in his platoon was fully geared up, including a deployment bag with extra food, and power cells among other things.

Braxton had lugged all his gear onto the ship and then secured everything in its place. He sat now waiting for the ship to leave. He sent a prayer up to the Gods of Betazed for everyone's safety.

The 3rd's large units, and earth mover, and four heavy trucks of construction gear and four light combat vehicles were still in the process of loading, it was the hardest part of moving and full combat unit.. The 3rd, Now 178 strong were being very cool and professional, but that did nothing to hide their real concern. No matter who said what, Now Captain Casion had returned the Heart to the unit, given them purpose beyond, Not getting booted from the service. Mitchell thought of her as the daughter that Hadn't rejected him.

Unfortunately, likely by the General's orders, the Unit had been told nothing and to keep there distance. It was an unfair strain of them all.. So, No matter what this turned into, No matter how many they may loose, they were doing this for her. Strength, creativity and Unyielding heart toward the mission was what she'd taught them, it was what they would do...

Before he boarded, Hurd stopped by his quarters, grabbed his weapons trunk, Axe, and his Body Armour. Walking at a swift pace, he boarded the Tirpitz, And went straight to his Ready Room. Dropping the trunk, he let go of Axe's leash, Axe himself sitting down. Pulling on his Body Armour, which was jet black and covered his entire body except for his head, he walked out of the Ready Room a few moments later and started making his ship ready to depart.

Patrick greeted his Captain on the bridge. "I want you to have this, Sir. It's been in my collection for quite a few years" he said to Hurd; handing him a silk wrapped cylinder.

''And just what is this?''

Patrick unwrapped the silk, revealing a beautifully decorated 18th century Japanese katana. He gingerly handed to Hurd. "This was one of the first swords I ever collected. I want you to have it, Sir" he said with respect.

''Thank you'', Hurd said placing it gentlly behind his Command Chair.

===== Marine barracks, USS Tirpitz =======

Calthier settled in and sat on his bunk; meditating before the upcoming confrontation.

====== Marine Transport 1, Saratoga Group ====

Val'Mang surveyed Alpha Company. Hopefully everyone would come back. But realistically, that wouldn't happen. He sighed and sat down, waiting for launch.

The final lockdown of the 3rd equipment took them all deep into the early evening.. "Everyone to your bunks,,!!!" He ordered loudly.. 'Don't forget to say a prayer for the Captain tonight...'

Marine Country

Micklin walked into the MARSOC Room, and filled his team in as they checked all of their gear.

Jackson double checked his gear, even as he was pondered if taking T'Lyn along on deployment was a good idea. Unfortunately, he could not let personal feelings cloud his judgement. T'Lyn was the only other available officer above the rank of Captain that was not going with the first group.

T'Lyn walked in to the Marine Country to grab her gear. She seen the General their as well. "General," she said as kept it professional. She went to her locker.

"Major" Jackson responded. There were so many words to say, yet even unsaid, a conversation was taking place between the two. "As soon as the Tripitz group departs, our ships will dock in their place. Make sure our units start boarding immediately when that happens."

"Understood sir," T'Lyn stated looking at him. "Anything else sir?" T'Lyn asked him.

"Not at this time," Jackson answered.

Maria was at her designated area and getting her gear on when the officers in charge of the whole operation came in and one stopped to brief them as they got read. This was not her first deployment but she was on edge all the same. Having not worked with the group before it was going to be interesting to see how this all would play out. Tension could be felt in the air and she knew that one slip and they could be going into a hot situation. Didn't comforter her very well to know that most in the room had worked together before. All she could do was put on her battle face and gear up like she had done since she could remember, and hope for the best as far as jelling with the rest of the team. Once her gear was on she went to board.

Maal went and got all of his gear ready putting it on as calmly and quietly as possible not saying anything to anyone. He had already heard about some of the latest battles, his house had lost one ship already, a few of his cousins had been killed when the ship was destroyed. Maal was seething.

Docking Area

USS Tripitz

Jackson payed the ship a visit before departure. As he entered the Bridge, he would see Hurd playing the part of task master, pushing his people to be ready for departure. "David."

Brushing his hand across his Body Armour, Hurd said, ''Yes General?''

"Colonel, between the increasing intensity of the civil war, plus possible involvement of the Typhon Pact, I am pretty sure there will be in incursion at Archanis IV. For now, I am planning for me to be your backup when you need it. But if I get diverted, can you hold?" Jackson said.

''We will hold to the Death General'', Hurd replied calmly.

Both a chill, and admiration flowed through Jackson's body. "Just do what is needed David. I hope it does not come to a last stand. Now I will let you get your people out of here. Good luck Colonel." Jackson said, as he offered a hand shake.

Shaking his hand, Hurd said, ''Good luck to us all''. Turning, he said, ''Alright everyone get in gear, we need to get going!!!''

Jewel decided to call to David, she tapped her combadge, "Jewel to David, I just wanted to say before you left to be careful and better return home in one piece." Jewel stated. "I love you David," Jewel added waiting for a response before she let the comm channel go.

Tapping the Combadge on his Armour, David replied, ''I love you as well, and rest assured i will be back in one piece, because i am fighting with the craziest, most dangerous people in the universe''

Jewel kinda rolled her eyes at that statement, "you have your orders." Jewel replied. "Again I love you Jewel out," Jewel replied and ended the comm channel and went about her business.

Braxton settled into his temporary home. He headed to sickbay right away to look over the supplies and get to know what is where. He would stay there for now.

Giaus finally made it onboard after his talk with Holly. In addition to his usual combat kit, he brought along something special. Since Klingons were into mele combat, Giaus was thoughtful enough to include his Gladius. He had a feeling it would come in handy.

USS Cairo

As soon as Shran boarded the ship, he set in motion departure preparations. He also arranged some extra quantum torpedoes to be loaded onboard the ship, just in case.

Meanwhile below decks, Mattis prepped his Company for both possibilities of either defending the ship from boarders, of deployment planetside to augment the planet's defenders. Upon departure, his Marines would be suited up for combat.

Hannon made it to the bridge and looked around and turned to the Operations Officer. "Ship status?" Marcus asked. "Everything is ready to go sir," the Lieutenant stated. "As soon as we get word prepare for departure." He ordered. "Understood," he replied.

"Already on it," Shran said.

Felicia looked around the bridge of the USS Cairo. She hadn't really been on the bridge much. She sent her mind to her husband to let him know that they were back on the Cairo but she was busy and she would meet him hopefully for dinner.

"Colonel. I know I haven't been here long but the Klingons in a Civil War that is going to be hard for us. I can't detect them well and they are strong and fierce warriors. What else can we anticipate?"

"Right now we are just going for support, since the Cairo was made to be more of a firepower type ship then a transport we can keep them from going down." Marcus stated, "right now we are to keep our guard up and keep a watch out while they are doing their thing." He added.

Felicia nodded "I understand Sir. May I remain on the bridge Colonel I may be of some use. You never know what my senses might pick up out there?"

He nodded, "That's fine," He replied as they got ready to depart Starbase 400.

Marine Transport 4

Hopper made sure the platoon was getting situated in their billets, as Lieutenant Henry made sure everyone was accounted for. Hopper was not too thrilled being with a new platoon on the eve of deployment, but her would make due.


With all the ships loaded and ready, Jackson sent an order to Colonel Hurd's group. "General Jackson to all 19 MEU vessels. Launch now, now, now. And God's speed."

The huge bay doors opened on the star base. One by one, the ships left their docks, and made their way into open space, assuming positions in their formation. Marine Transports 1 and 2, arrived from the Kaleb III Depot, stood at station keeping, waiting to enter the station.

With all of the Tripitz Group ships in formation, they awaited orders to get underway.

''Hurd to all Ships, set maximum speed to target and Engage!!'', Hurd said looking at his own helmsman. Within a split second, The Tirpitz, along with with the the other ships, had departed, clearing out the docking area.

The USS Cairo departed the Starbase maneuvering next to the Tripitz as it was to ride shotgun to them and the 18th MEU. The Cairo wasn't much for a transport carrier but was the firepower they may need whenever the time comes. Hopefully it won't have to come to that point but they would not let their guard down.

The docks now cleared, the transports for the 18th MEU docked in their place. Now marines from the 18 MEU started boarding their ships.


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