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A Diplomatic Mission

Posted on Tue Aug 30th, 2016 @ 2:16pm by Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Nick Archer & First Ramata`tar & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Lieutenant Shrivol Thr'elanon & Lieutenant JG Frank Doyle

962 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: SB400/Sutherland
Timeline: MD1 0700h

Starbase 400

Jewel had recieved message that she is being sent with the Sutherland to Archanis IV to deal with a matter that needed her attention. Jewel had settled her children in her quarters, Katana Leah was kind enough to keep them while both David and Jewel were away. Once she kissed them goodbye, she promised Liberty and Jay they would do something special when she returned.

As she was leaving she tapped her combadge, "General Hurd to Lieutenant McGinnis, Lieutenant Raya, Lieutenant Thr'elanon, Lieutenant Doyle, Lieutenant Commander Roebuck and First Ramata'tar please report aboard the USS Sutherland in 10 mins." Jewel replied then ended the call and headed for the Sutherland herself.

Sasha was in her office when she got the call from Jewel to report to the Sutherland, she shut off her computer and made her way their.

Dr. Raya had just finished with a patient when she got the call, she looked around the room and couldn't find Dr. Shrivol so she told one of the nurses to look after the rest of her patience and to get Dr. Hades if its serious enough. She headed out of sickbay and headed for the Sutherland.

Frank Doyle got the order to report to the Sutherland, and headed in that direction.

Shrivol just finished his third coffee in the morning when the order was received. He grabbed a bag that he kept for such orders and headed towards the Sutherland. He was still getting over his nervousness about starships but he was feeling better.

Roebuck and Ramata'tar were patrolling the Promenade when they received new orders. They sent a message to the Security Office to have another team take over their beat and proceeded to the Sutherland.

USS Sutherland

Jewel arrived on the Sutherland and headed for the bridge and sat down, and waited for the rest to arrive. Sasha had entered, she took one of the empty seats and nodded to Jewel. Short time later Dr. Raya had entered, "reporting as ordered." Raya stated. "I need you to take Science Station One," Jewel ordered. Raya nodded and took Science Station One.

Lieutenant Doyle entered and automatically took Flight Control.

Shrivol ran a quick review of sickbay, everything was in order and ready. He figured he had time to be on the bridge at departure. After a few minutes he arrived and saw General Hurd. "Sickbay is ready and prepared General. May I be of any other service?" He asked, somewhat excitedly.

"No, but keep sickbay ready for a moments notice. Rather be safe then sorry." Jewel stated looking at him. "I'll keep Dr. Raya up here for now, until their is such a need." Jewel replied looking at him.

Shrivol smiled, happy to hear that while he tried to regain his turning stomach. "Thank you, General, I believe I will get out of everyone's way." He said realizing he hadn't gotten over his nervousness as he thought he had. He really wish he had a better stomach for space, he turned and headed towards the turbolift, hoping his temporary office would be more to his liking.

Roebuck and Ramata'tar arrived on the Bridge and found Jewel sitting in the command chair. They walked over to her.

"General, Commander Roebuck and First Ramata'tar reporting as ordered." Roebuck said.

She smiled as they walked in, "Commander I'd like you to take the Executive Officer spot, and First Ramata'tar can you take Security/Tactical station?" Jewel asked with a smile.

Ramata'tar gave a slight nod, "It will be done."

"Yes ma'am." Roebuck replied as he walked around the Bridge to make sure everyone was settled in.

She tapped her commbadge, "General Hurd to Dr. Shivol, I should have waited before sending you to sickbay can you come to the bridge for a moment?" She asked looking around the bridge.

"Acknowledged." Shrivol rushed to the bridge breathing steady to calm himself down.

After Shivol arrived on the bridge, she turned to everyone, "We have orders to proceed to Archanis IV to negotiate with both Loyal and opposing forces in release of personnel and ships." Jewel started, "This way we will be neutral in this situation." She stated looking at everyone.

"We will be leaving in about thirty minutes, so I need the Sutherland all ready to go. Any questions?" Jewel asked.

Doctor Raya looked at Jewel, "No sir." Raya said. Frank shook his head as well. Sasha already knew she would be needed in some sort of fashion so she really didn't have an questions at the moment.

"None from me, General." Shrivol said giving a curious look. He had never been to Archanis but was intrigued by the situation.

Ramata'tar didn't say anything.

Reobuck spoke up, "Are we going along with the Marine force that's being sent there too, or separately?"

"Will be going separate from them probably before they depart," Jewel replied to Roebuck question.

Roebuck nodded. "Then we better depart soon, I know they plan to leave within the next hour." He smirked.

She smiled at Roebuck, "Well I guess we'll leave now." Jewel replied. "Signal dock control and let them know we are ready to depart and once they give us the clear take us out and set course for Archanis." Jewel ordered.

Roebuck nodded. He walked over to the open Science III position and opened a channel. "Starbase 400, this is the USS Sutherland requesting permission to depart."

"USS Sutherland you're cleared to depart. Good luck." Archer replied over the comm.

"Mister Doyle, take is out." Roebuck then ordered.

"Aye sir," Doyle replied tapping a few buttons. Once they had the clear they started moving out of space dock. Once they had safely cleared they set course for Archanis which was going to take a few hours.



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