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A Cinematic Solution...

Posted on Sat Aug 27th, 2016 @ 5:40am by Captain Jack Solomon

768 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Romulan Vessel Docked at Starbase 400
Timeline: MD 1 0900 Hours

Jack had spent the past four hours working on the Romulan vessel that had been towed to the Starbase after the request for asylum had been granted. During the journey, both he and Chief White had ben working on making sure that the vital systems had been stabilised, but Jack had been glad to get some engineering teams on the job once back at 400.

With the Romulan ship now docked and secured with many of the Starfleet Engineering and Operations already working underway on getting the vessel back to normal specs to return to the Romulan Freedom movement, Jack decided it was best to catchup with Chief White to try and learn some more about the unique abilities he had up his sleeve. After the Chief's performance in locking down the core to make the ship safe, he wanted to know more.

Jack headed down to Main Engineering to locate the Chief, having secured the Bridge with Lt. Quan and one of the Romulan officers on board.

The Chief had been working on securing any future radiation leaks from the Singularity Core the Romulan vessels utilize for power. The problem was that the core and backups had been practically fused so he was having to rebuild it from almost scratch. He was almost done when the containment controls started to fail so he remotely accessed the system to keep it controlled while he finished. Problem was, could he finish the rebuild in the ten minutes he had before the remote access shut him down.

Jack arrived outside the Singularity Core Control room and wondered if the Chief was inside and tapped his combadge to contact him. =/\= "Solomon to Chief White, are you inside the Core Control room?" He asked, worrying that he already knew the answer.

His combadge went off and there was a moment of distraction before he answered. =/\= "Yes sir. It's safe and I could use a hand if you have a moment." He went right back to his work.

Jack nodded with understanding. "No problem. What can I do from my side of things?" He asked via the comm, getting the feeling this was urgent.

"Well, if you trust me, come on in. I've vented the radiation and I have a temporary system keeping the containment field stable. It only has about seven minutes of use left but if you can get the radiation out stabilizers realigned while I finish rebuilding the base system then we should be able to be done in five minutes and switch over to a permanent system and not worry about any future leaks at all."

Jack stood for a moment and thought, what the hell. He activated the door controls and moved into the room, seeing the Chief working away. Jack moved over to a nearby console and pulled up the schematics of the Romulan Vessel to find a way to re-align the radiation exhaust stabilizers. "I think I have a way to get them re-aligned, hang on," Jack explained. He typed in various commands into the console, redirecting the flow via secondary systems there were intact after the damaged caused.

The console beeped a confirmation as the redirection cycle completed its new instructions. "And that's got it! The redirection flow is in place, that should hold until a more secure system is in place," Jack advised, checking the flow rate readings as the redirection took over.

As the ship's systems came online to regulate the Singularity Drive, White disconnected from the system with less than a minute to spare. He let out a sigh of relief as he wiped a small amount of blood from his nose. "Thank you commander. You timing was almost, cinematic in a way." He started packing up his tools, "What say we hand this over to a non emergency crew? The thrill and danger of dealing with a miniature black hole is thirsty work. Care to join me for a pint somewhere? I still haven't found a good non-synthehol Stout yet and maybe you could point out a place, if you're free that is."

Jack smiled and nodded to him, "I aim to please in a cinematic fashion, its almost become a trade mark during my career," he explained. "I would love to share a drink, however I have a prior engagement this evening. Maybe tomorrow after shift?" He offered.

"Sounds like a plan sir. I get off duty at 1700 hours. Just message me where." He smiled.

"Excellent, I'll see you then!" Jack answered as the meeting was set.

The chief collected his tools and made his way to his quarters to regenerate.


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