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Avoiding the Doctor

Posted on Fri Aug 26th, 2016 @ 12:27pm by Lieutenant Shrivol Thr'elanon & Commander Hades,MD

2,073 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Sickbay...and other station locations
Timeline: New Mission MD01 0700 hours


Hades had talked with T'Lar and she had suggested that he speak with Dr. Thr'elanon. He couldn't do it though. Against his new friends advice he decided to avoid Thr'elanon all together.

It wasn't really hard. He was working on a way to help Thr'elanon with his condition and then he worked Gamma shift but the CMO worked Alpha so they needed to meet to go over the night's occurrences. How was he going to avoid that.

The answer came to him late in the morning. An hour before they were suppose to meet he got a PADD, wrote up a report and his comments and put it on the CMO's desk with a note saying he couldn't make the meeting. He then went to his office to clean up a bit before he left.

Shrivol was tired, there had been things going on that he couldn't shake. He tried to get a hold of his sister however she was on a diplomatic mission with the Gorn. He wasn't sure who to turn to to talk about what was going on.

When he walked into sickbay he was already not in the best of moods. He grabbed a large mug of coffee and went to his office and saw the PADD on his desk. "Damn it." He went to Hades office mug of coffee and PADD in hand. "Excuse me, Doctor, but this isn't how this works." he said sternly.

Hades heard Shrivol through the door. He quickly ducked in the bathroom and threw up a mental block. He locked the bathroom door hoping that Shrivol would enter find the office empty and think he left.

Shrivol looked around and tapped his Comm badge "Computer what is the location of Doctor Hades."

=/\=Doctor Hades is located in his office in the lavatory.=/\=

"Hades get out here." Shrivol said not showing anything but aggravation in his tone.

"Sorry doctor I'm not feeling well. I will be in your office shortly."

"If not I will have to take you off duty." Shrivol said leaving.

Damn! Double Damn! Thought Hades. He splashed water on his face. He exited and quickly spoke to a nurse. "Three minutes. Got it?"

She gave a nod.

Hades walked into Dr. Thr'elanon's office. "Doctor I'm sorry for the PADD but it's really been a long day. I'm very tired but I did write everything down."

"It's hightly." Shrivol tried looking at Hades, but every time he did he couldn't seem to talk. A few minutes passed and a nurse came in.

"Dr. Hades one of your patients is asking to see you." Hades smiled at Shrivol. "I should go." He hurried out.

The nurse shook her head trying to escape. Thr'elanon did not look happy.

"What patient, Nurse." Shrivol said motioning towards a chair in front of his desk.

"Um... Mr...Ensign....Snow....Kingsly....?" She said not wanting to get in the middle of this.

Shrivol got up from his desk. "I give up, fine cover for him I don't care anymore, if no one wants to do their jobs here they can leave." Shrivol was angry. "Just next time, either realize I am your CO or come up with a better name."

The Nurse ran out.

Hades figured he'd escaped this time but how long could he really go on avoiding the CMO. He sighed as he headed to the coffee shop. He felt bad about avoiding Shrivol but.... with what happened yesterday at the pool. Sadly he was called back to sickbay for a minor procedure and Shrivol was right there with him. Damn!

Shrivol let it go, he realized why he felt the way he did but wasn't sure how to continue. He thought about what to do. When he saw Hades walk in, Shrivol remained quiet, he thought about going to Admiral Bremer and resigning or at least seek a transfer. He needed to talk to someone and that someone was away.

Hades and Shrivol worked in silence, treated the patient and then discharged her. Hades was just cleaning up the medical bio bed area when he saw the CMO looking at him. "I'm sorry. You asked me yesterday what's really going on before you left the pool. I can't tell you." Hades hurried and left.

"What?" Shrivol went to follow Hades.

A nurse stopped him with a PADD "Doctor, did you want Lieutenant Meyers to have that scan now or later."

Before giving an answer he saw Hades was gone, long gone. "Now!" he yelled as returned to his office.

A few hours passed and he took his lunch heading to the coffee shop, they had decent food that could be made quickly. He placed the order and saw who he wanted yet didn't want to see. Hades, he waved.

Hades' eyes widened. Damn! Double Damn! Hades gave an uncomfortable smile and watched Shrvol approach the table.

'Finally' he said to himself. Shrivol let a smile appear as he approached closer. He sat down at Hades table. "I am glad you're here. We need to talk..." Suddenly Shrivol felt a cup of hot coffee fall down his back as someone tripped and spilled their drink. He stood up quickly to look around as the pain increased.

Hades jumped up shoving the careless Ensign out of the way. "Are you okay?" He asked Shrivol.

Shrivol couldn't answer for a few moments from the burning. "Fine." He answered. "I'm going to sickbay." He said.

"Do you want me to take a look at the burn?" Hades said concerned.

The young Ensign that had spilled the coffee was concerned. "Doctor I'm sorry I...."

Hades rounded. "You," he yelled. "Should watch where you are going. There is no excuse!"

The young man side stepped Hades and stepped up to Shrivol. "I'm sorry I..."

Hades grabbed the Ensign's shoulder shoving him back. "Get the hell away! You've done enough!" Angry and wanting to punch the Ensign Hades helped Shrivol out of the café. Within minutes they were back in sickbay. "Get the shirt off. I'll get a dermal regenerator." He called for a nurse to prep pain meds.

Shrivol took his jacket and vest off, then finally his shirt, he was already blushing at embarrassment. He made a note to apologize to the ensign who caused the accident. "Look it's a mild burn." He said wincing as he finally removed his teal shirt. When his skin was exposed he felt the cool air against his wound. Even in sickbay half naked Andorians were a sight, especially when he was their CO. "I will take care of it."

"You most certainly will not." Hades gently cleaned the wound and ran the dermal regenerator over he burn.

The nurse he'd called administered the pain medication. "Are you alright?" She asked him gently.

"Fine." Shrivol barked. "Please I am a doctor too." He said as he tried to cover up his torso. He looked at Hades. "For you to treat me, you'd have to actually talk to me and it's apparent that you aren't up for that."

"Sit!" Hades said in a tone that said 'don't mess with me.' He was upset, angry, frustrated. "Nurse stop ogling the doctor's chest and get me the mint burn cream.

The nurse cringed and blushed. She whispered to Shrivol. "S....sorry." She ran off.

Shrivol was looking puzzled then blushed. "She wasn't ogling me." He said in a huff. He sat down, his face a mixture of purples that ran up his antenna. He felt and acted like a scorned child. He held his jacket to his chest, he truly was embarrassed and he remembered back to the Academy swim team.

He tried to avoid looking at Hades but he glanced looks at him when he thought Hades wasn't aware. His body responded at his touch, his skin that wasn't burned started changing shades of blue that normally weren't seen in Andorians. "You done yet?" He said, almost urgently.

"No." The nurse brought out the cream and Hades started applying the cream. About half way through the application he called the nurse to finish he application. He felt confused, angry, unbalanced. He left sickbay and headed to an empty airlock. He just sat there. He needed time to think. He'd told T'Lar what he felt, told her he was attracted to Shrivol but was sure that Shrivol would never be attracted to him.

Shrivol waited for the nurse to finish applying the cream. His body reacted normally with the Nurse than with Hades. His color returned to normal and he knew then what was going on. "Damn it." He said outloud.

"Sir?" The nurse said.

"Nothing." Shrivol replied quickly almost too quickly. When she finished he slowly put on his shirt, wishing the undershirts were looser. He went to his office recovering from the pain but not the realization of how he felt. He stared at a PADD that was opened with his request for transfer.

Hades sat in the airlock and out of view. And he did something he didn't do for a long time. He cried.

Back in sickbay the nurse chimed on Shrivol's door.

"Enter." Shrivol said after a moment or two. "How can I help you Nurse?"

She looked at him. "Look Sir, I know it's none of my business but...when it effects the staff and patients it's my duty to say something."

"Speak your mind." Shrivol said straightening at his desk. "I won't push for a court martial."

She smiled a bit. "You and Doc Hades were working well together and now he's avoiding you and when he can't he's trying to get us to cover for him or get him out of meetings early. You're stressed, he's stressed and it's showing. Now nobody has figured things out but I think I have. I went through something similar once."

Shrivol started blushing again. "I'm not sure you have..." he trailed off. "Close the door." He needed to talk to someone. "Let's assume you are right. What did you do about it?"

She closed the door and sat down. "Well I had a problem on the Pegasus. I fell really liked Dr. Hayworth. This was years ago. He liked me too but was afraid and we ended up being at each other's throats. It affected everyone around us and I just decided to hell with it. I told him how I felt. Now here's the thing. You like Doc Hades, I can see it. Others haven't figured it out but I have. I think he likes you too. It's easier for you, you know that you don't like girls. I think that with him he...might be scared to admit he likes you. I also noticed he has a pretty low self image and I think part of it is that he doesn't thing he's good enough. He's scared, feels like he can't trust his feelings around you and the fight or flight instinct kicked in. With him it's flight. So he runs."

She smiled at him. "Wanna know what my suggestion is?"

Shrivol played with what she said in his mind. Truth be told Shrivol had a low image of himself and looked at Hades in the highest regard. " please."

"I know from working with you that you are a thinker. Take a day think about things and where you want them to go. If you choose to go for it. Confront him head on and let him know you'll give him time. Give him a day of space. Let him think he's avoiding you is working. I know it hurts but Rome was not built in a day." She walked over to the door. Before she opened it she turned, "And doctor...delete the transfer order. You don't strike me as the type to run away."

Shrivol smirked. "Not normally. Not in a while anyway." He sat there a moment before she left. "Thank you, this has been most helpful."

She smiled. "Great! Now back to work I go before my department CO fires me for chatting on the job." Her melodic laugh filled the room.

"I hear he is mean." He shouted as she walked out. He felt more at ease, now he had to come up with a way to meet Hades head on and to get him to see what Shrivol saw in him.

Dr. Shrivol Thr'elanon, CMO
Dr. Hades, ACMO

Starbase 400


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