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Defending the Border

Posted on Wed Aug 24th, 2016 @ 6:37pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

411 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Starbase 400, Bremer's Office
Timeline: MD1 0645hrs - Current


Mike had spent the night in his Officer looking over reports from the Klingon Empire, looking over reports from Federation ships along the Klingon border, and reports from Federation planets near to the Klingon border regarding medical supplies and other aid they were stockpiling.

In the overnight hours there had been three clashes between Klingons loyal to Chancellor Martok and opposition forces. In one engagement no less that ten ships had been lost, five from each side. In the other two nearly twelve ships were lost with the loyal Klingons losing eight. Two ships had even drifted across the Federation border near loyal and the other opposition. Both ships had been towed there and the Federation Governor had asked for assistance.

A basic plan had been drawn up. Mike would send General Hurd with a Diplomatic Team aboard the Sutherland to Archanis to negotiate with both Loyal and Opposition forces for the return of their personnel and ships, this way the Federation would keep a look of neutrality. However, with Klingon fighting so close to the border Mike also wanted some muscle at key Federation worlds along the border. He would have General Jackson send a Marine force to Archanis to keep the planet secure and the aid it was stockpiling safe and he sent a message to Colonel Hannon to have the USS Cairo ride shotgun. He then sent messages to other Federation Starbases nearby. Starbase 24 would re-enforce Sherman’s Planet and Danatu. Ba’ku and the Briar Patch already had additional ships nearby and Starbase 99 would send a few more out along the border. That left Inverness. Mike ordered the USS Challenger and Ares to Inverness. He also would be sending the recently overhauled USS Falcon there as she was due to leave Starbase 400 in a day or two.

Inverness was closer to the border, but had a very good defensive net. Archanis was also well defended, but with Klingons already there and tensions high, he wanted the Marines there. If something happened on Inverness, the Marines could send another force there quickly. It was a gut feeling, but he didn't think Inverness was as important as Archanis right now.

After sending messages to Hannson, LaForge, Jackson, Hurd, and others, Mike made his way to the food slot in his office. He ordered a raktijno and a bacon sandwich. An odd combination to be sure, but after reading reports all night it sure tasted good.



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