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Peppermint Klingon

Posted on Fri Sep 9th, 2016 @ 6:54am by Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo & Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Commander Hades,MD
Edited on on Fri Sep 9th, 2016 @ 5:52pm

1,182 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 01 -1100 hrs - Following : Emergency Surgery


Croesus had been busy for a time with other trivial repairs but was back to the station for his next assignment. Stopping by sickbay, he hoped to have a radiation burn attended to as it was become an issue to his left hand.

* Note to self, acquire a dermal re-generator and add it to my tool kit, Croesus said to himself.

=/\= " This is Lt Commander Croesus, Commander Gallo I have returned from assignments from the North Star and Cutless. I am currently in sickbay and will report to OPS after my minor injury has been seen to," Croesus reported.

=/\= Understood. Looking forward to your return. =/\= That was the response that he got from Holly as she worked in OPS to make sure everything was top notch ready for anything.

Hades had just returned from the Lab. He'd been putting in extra hours and was exhausted. He still had his shift to work and then update Shrivol, as had become their tradition, on the days happenings. He saw a strapping Klingon standing in Sickbay. Gold uniform meant Tactical or Ops. "Welcome to sickbay. I'm Dr. Hades. How can I help you?"

Croesus nodded and approached the physician. " I have a slight burn in need of repair. I got injured during a baryon sweep. " he said showing him the injury.

"Oh dear," he said picking up a dermal re-generator. "That won't do at all." He let the man to a bio bed and started running the re-generator over the burn gently. "Now then how did this happen. I thought they had safety protocol to prevent this." He said.

" A ship was in need of a baryon sweep and I guess a compartment was still over run with baryon radiation despite a complete sensor scan. I beamed in but didn't get retracted fast enough to prevent the burn. Thank you, the pain was becoming unbearable. So what have I missed ? Rumor has it Admiral Bremer was arrested ? " Croesus replied.

"I'm not sure I just got here a few days ago myself. We did have a field trip where we rescued some Romulans and I'm still getting them processed through sickbay," he said as he finished with the treatment. "Stay here. I will return shortly." He went away into the medication storage room and came back with a cream. "This is a soothing cream. The skin will still be sensitive and you might get pain. It's a numbing cream. It cools and it will fortify the skin. It smells like mint so need to worry about sent." He smiled. Now we need to wait a few moments to see if the re-generator needs to be used again. How's the pain?"

" Bearable. As I am half Klingon I have learned to live with pain. I was about to report back to OPS and my department chief. Thank you Doctor." Croesus replied sniffing the scent.

"One moment." He said gently. The doctor applied the balm with gentle fingers and then gave Croesus a hypo for the pain. "There. How's that?"

Croesus could feel the immediate pain easing as his fingers became less numb and tight. The mint like smell even stronger now. Truly a warriors smell.

" Qapla! I am in your debt Doctor."

Hades smiled. "I'm a doctor that's what I'm here for. If anything else pops up please come on back. The gel should be applied whenever you need it my warrior friend."

Croesus cheshirely smiled, " Believe it or not but my degree is in science. I accepted the assistant operations slot to get a posting on this station. Well I've been away long enough. Time to check in with OPS. Thanks again Doctor." Croesus replied as he prepared to head out, his arm now at comfort level and improving.

Hades smiled and waved. "Goodbye my friend."

Strolling past he spied two female Romulan officers also there receiving medical attention. His heightened senses rising like the hairs on a cats back. If Romulan's were aboard the potential for trouble was as well.

Looking back to Hades, Croesus gave him the eyes on expression, hopeful he knew what it meant.

Taking the lift up the tube, as it were, Croesus exited on the operation'd deck of the station. Spotting his work station he headed for it and the officer occupying the chair.

Holly felt the presence of the other officer leave and a new one take the place. Made her turn on instinct to see who it is. Seeing her colleague take up his role she decided to attempt something with him considering up until now it had been all seriousness and official interactions. She had never met a Klingon, even half that had a sense of humour quite like the one she had, so it was going to be worth a try to attempt something. " Glad to see you back amongst the living. Ready to take on the station?" Ok, that wasn't humour but it was something showing her personality a bit to him. Hopefully he would pick up on it.

Croesus was glad to see Holly warming up to him. Most times a junior officer was a nuisance at first to a department chief. Croesus didn't want to be that.
" You could say that. I almost lost a arm during a baryon sweep. So Chief what have I missed ? What's next on our agenda ? "

Holly nodded and put her face back to neutral before speaking,"Right now we are doing the normal monitor and fixing issues with the station. We haven't been put on combat ready mode so the normal station power consumption's should be going on station wide. If not we track the issue and fix it at the source. Sound good to you?"

" I prefer to stay as busy as possible. Idle hand's are the Devil's play things, my father would say." Croesus quoted as his father was human." I received word that the Pegasus has been returned to 400 and requires some engineering teams. But if you think we have some interior issues needing resolving I'll get started on them." Croesus replied.

"By all means go ahead and go with the teams then to make sure that the Pegasus is deployable again. Don't want to be caught with a ship down in the middle of a fire fight. Only so much this station can dish out without a support ship or three." Holly smiled at him as he was thinking allot more logically than most in his position. Was going to be nice to have a right hand man, so to speak, to lean on that had a level head.

Croesus smiled as well, " I'll ready my tool kit and head over there then Chief. I can't wait to catch up on the station news and events. The return of Pegasus is big news."

"Yes it is. That is why I will be expecting you to check in with the station periodically as you make repairs to the Pegasus."

Preparing for Pegasus, Croesus paused.

" There are Romulans aboard this station. Be on high alert mentally Commander. Just a feeling I have."


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