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Meeting the Boss's

Posted on Sat Aug 13th, 2016 @ 5:38pm by Lieutenant Shrivol Thr'elanon & Commander Hades,MD

1,033 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Sickbay 1
Timeline: MD4 - 1500 hours

Raya wasn't really new to Starbase 400, she been on leave for a bit and finally arrived back and heard their was a new Chief and Assistant so she thought she introduce herself. She walked into sickbay and looked around to see if anyone was about. "Hello?" Raya said looking around.

Hades had finished is talk slash coffee with T'Lar and had been on his way to rest before the lecture tonight but he'd been called back. It was yet another call for an Ensign that insisted on reading everything in the medical database and then thinking he had it. It had taken forever to convince her that she didn't have Bajoran Measles....after all she wasn't even Bajoran.

He was still shaky about the leeches when he'd come back and was glad to be heading out again. He was almost out of his office when he heard someone call out. He sighed and smiled. Never a dull moment.

Hades headed out to see who was calling. A young lady with a medical uniform was standing there. "Hello!" He said. "I'm Dr. Hades, or Hades if you like. And you are?"

"I am Dr. Susan Raya I just returned from leave when I heard I had new bosses so I thought I meet both the Chief and Assistant." She said as she studied the young man. "It doesn't take a doctor to figure this out but you look exhausted." Raya stated looking at him with concern.

Shrivol appeared with a PADD in his left hand and a mug of coffee in the other. "Don't worry he usually does look that like especially after this week. Hello, I am Dr. Shrivol Thr'elanon it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Like wise, so from the sounds of it looks like I missed a party." Raya said with a smile.

"It was a blast. Doctor Hades knows how to make emergency triage fun." Shrivol replied before taking a long gulp of his coffee.

"So what have I missed?" She asked now intrigued but the sounds of things. "Also, is there still things that need to be done that I can possibly assist with?" She asked looking at the both of them.

"We have had a surprising influx of Romulans, but most of those have been treated and are in the process of being released." Shrivol looked at Hades briefly, little smile reappearing on his face. "I know we have quite a few new personnel due to arrive for their physicals. What do you have available Doctor Hades?"

Hades smiled at Shrivol and then turned to Raya. "Well like his said physicals and there is one um...lady that you will see in here at least three to four times a day. Ensign Perkins she's a hypochondriac who pretty much has everything in our database from A to Z. I usually give her a placebo hypo, Nurse Lin has the specifics on that and Perkins is seeing the counselor so four times a day is down from 7 as is my understanding."

Hades leaned up against the table to cover for a wave of weakness and seer exhaustion. He hadn't been able to hold down food since the leech thing. "So there is also Ms. Deborah she's a Marine we are currently treating her." Heads handed her a PADD. "All the info is here and we've moved her to special watch. We have four Romulans that are long stay, one is waiting for the organ we grew to mature for a transplant which could be any minute, also me might be rolling out a home visit program." He looked over at Shrivol. "I think that's it right?"

"I believe I have dealt with Ensign Perkins before she can be a handfull." She said looking at them, "sounds good I'll start my rounds and get things in order." She said as she then looked at Hades, "now I suggest you go get some rest things are handled here." She stated looking at him.

Hades smiled. He looked from Raya to Shrivol. "I think the two of you will be friends. He's always reminding me to rest and now you've started." He chuckled.

=/\=Nurse Lin to Hades I'm on level 701 in sickbay 3 Ensign Perkins is here to request emergency surgery. She says her appendix is inflamed. She's requesting you only.=/\=

Hades slapped his forehead. He tapped his com badge. "Acknowledged." He sighed. "I'll let you two get to work and I've got to...go up to see Perkins."

"Actually I'll go see Perkins you get some rest," Raya said "don't worry I'll take care of her." She said with a smile.

Hades smiled. "I owe you one Dr. Raya."

She just chuckled, "better go now before she finds out your really here." She said looking at him.

"Yes please, this is the only time that I have seen Hades actually accept an invitation to rest." Shrivol said with a smile. "Dr. Raya, if you need anything I will be in the lab, it is a pleasure having you on board."

Hades smiled. "Alright, I'll see you tonight for the lecture...I feel like I've said that several times today." He laughed.

"Looking forward to it. You also feel that way because you have." He said with a grin.

"I need rest." Hades face suddenly looked tired. He moved towards the door slowly as if every muscle in his body ached. "Thanks Shrivol."

"Thank you." Shrivol turned to Doctor Raya as they saw Hades leaving "You are either going to have to tell me why he listened to you, or you are going to be in charge of making him rest and not over extend himself." he said in a half joking manner.

Raya shrugged, "I am known to have that touch, or he listens well with women?" She said with a chuckle.

"Probably both." he replied "I will be in the lab if you need me." He paused "even if you don't need me a break from the lab wouldn't hurt."

She nodded, "Well I better get up to see Ensign Perkins before I give her to much time to think of something else." She chuckled as she then headed out.



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