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Step in the Right Direction

Posted on Sun Aug 14th, 2016 @ 10:04pm by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

1,937 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Hurd Quarters/Tripitz
Timeline: MD4 - 1600h

Jewel was sitting in her quarters staring off, she was beginning to miss her husband. She needed to fix this somehow, she was a wreck and it showed. She walked to her computer, she decided to send a message to David, and she decided to do a recording message so he can hear her, how she felt.

"David, before you delete this please just listen to me." she started as she took a deep breathe. "I..." she started but started to break down over the message. "I love you more then anything, I have made my mistakes and now I got to live with what I have done. I am not expecting you to ever forgive me but I just got to tell you how I feel." She started as her voice was cracking as tears ran down her face.

"I am a wreck, I can't sleep, I can't eat. Our baby isn't moving as much, I know she is ok but she wants her daddy." She stated looking around the room. "You where right, I was wrong. She betrayed me," She stated crying at this point. "what I am trying to say is I am sorry David, I don't know what's going on but, I am scared. I don't want to do this alone, I need you I love you." She said looking down then sending the message then waited.

Sitting in his Ready Room, David saw the message pop up. His first instinct was to delete it, but after a few seconds of thought, he opened it, interested in what Jewel had to say. As the message played, the anger n David's body fled away. And seeing Jewel cry was the straw that broke the camel's back. switching to a new screen, he opened a channel back to her and waited.

She turned her screen on to see David, "Please come home." Is all she said tears running down her face. "I want you home," she said looking at him.

''Calm down and talk to me hun'', he said, the rest of the remaining anger flooding out of his body.

"Please just come home for awhile please," She said looking at him she needed him, she wanted to be close to him. She wanted to talk in person not over a channel.

''Be there shortly.''. Hurd closed the channel, stood and walked to the door. Before he walked out, he turned to Axe, and said, ''Axe, guard''. Axe lay down as David made his way out of the room. After about 15 minutes and two turbolift rides later, he walked through the door and into his home.

She looked up and seen David enter she ran up to him and hugged him tightly crying into his shoulder. "I am sorry David I am really sorry." Is all she said crying, she really did love her husband and she wasn't sure what was going on with her lately. Why her emotions were so out of wack.

''Hey, hey, its alright'', David said hugging her tightly back, emotions flooding through him.

She looked at him tears still running down her face and she looked at his neck and noticed the black and blue mark and made her cry even more. She hated herself for what she done, "I am so sorry." Is all she could say at the moment. She held him again and cried, this was a man that she loved with everything she had and she hurt him. Something she vowed never to do, and she did.

''I said its ok baby, just calm down and talk to me'', he said still holding her tight.

She looked at him placing a hand on his face, she kissed him gently letting him know that she loved him. She walked with him and sat down on the couch. Alena started moving more again, she grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach. "She's missed daddy," she said looking at him as she smiled. She kicked his hand as he held it on her stomach, she smiled as she looked at him.

''I can tell'', he smiled. ''I am sorry Axe started all that and bit that Nanny''.

She looked at him, "don't be you where right, she did provoke the dog." She said looking down. "She lied to me and betrayed me, all I can say right now is she's being investigated, and Gibbs is investigating it." She stated looking at him. "Deela took Jr last night from the nanny, she's been relieved. So, I am looking for another nanny." She said looking at him, "I know what your going to say, but please let Gibbs and Security investigate this and do their job please." She said as she knew what David was thinking, she knew her own husband better then he probably knew himself.

"Right now we need to work on us, we need to work on our marriage." She said as she looked at him. "Were not going to get through this in one night, it's going to take some time to work on our marriage. I can't loose you over what I have done." She said looking at him, "I love you so very much David." she added.

''I love you as well'', David said said. A few moments passed and he added, ''You are never going to loose me, nor are you ever going to be able to do anything to drive me away''. Although, already in the back of his mind rage was starting to build, a black cloud spreading across his soul, all in just thinking about that ''Nanny''.

She looked at him and could tell he was upset, she gently touched his face. "David, please let her get what she deserves and done by the law please. Karma will kick her in the butt as they always say." She said looking at him, "I know I hate counselors as much as anyone, but this isn't your ordinary one, and I can't believe I am even suggesting in. But right now I want to make our marriage strong. But, maybe we can go to see sage together?" She asked looking at him sincerely.

"Maybe we can get down to what really has been going on and work on things, I want to make things stronger, I want to show I am trying to my love. I seen Sage today and has even suggested we do one together. But, my session has gotten me thinking maybe she was right. Maybe we need to work things out together." She said looking at him.

''I tend to agree babe.'' Looking away for a second, Hurd said, ''And you are right, i will let her'', he said with venom, ''go for now''.

She shook her head for a moment, she then laid her head down on his shoulder. "So will go to my session tomorrow morning?" She asked as she cuddled with him, the warmth from his body, his smell, his heart beat made her calm and she felt like a different person then she was before. She loved David and do anything to strengthen their marriage.

''Yes i will, i have already been down to see her as well''.

She smiled and just cuddled with him, "I love you." She said softly as she laid their. "Will you stay home, you can bring Axe back to. I want you home, I can't sleep without you by me." She said looking at him.

''Yes i will''.

"Then go get Axe," She said as she kissed him. "I love you, and again I am sorry for what I done. But I promise to work on things." She said looking at him.

''I love you as well babe'', David said kissing her. Standing David laughed a little bit and said, ''Axe is probably chasing that holographic cat around my ship''.

She shook her head as David left to go get his things and the dog, she decided to make something special for David. She began to cook his favorite meal and surprise him when he got back.

After rounding up his things and chasing Axe across what seemed like half his ship, David made his way quickly back to his quarters, dropping the bag just inside the door and unleashing Axe.

"Welcome back love, I am cooking your favorite." She said looking at him and then looking at Axe. She then got down to his level looking at him, "Axe I am sorry do you forgive me?" She said hoping Axe would, she felt bad for calling him mean things and other stuff.

Tilting his head slightly, Axe barked twice and licked Jewel in the face.

"I'll take that as a yes," She said as she patted him on the head as she slipped him a little something. She finished cooking and set the table and put the food on the table for him. "Here you go my love," she said looking at him.

''Well, thank you'' David said''.

"I hope you like it love," she said as she looked at him as she ate herself. This was the first time since last night since she was actually able to eat something. She watched him eat and just looked at him, with everything that had happened she just watched him as a tear ran down her face. She hated herself for what she had done to the love of her life.

''I love you more than life itself'', David said as he ate. Smiling, he looked up at Jewel, and said, ''Hun, please don't cry, and if you could, can you replicate a piece of steak and give it to Axe?''

"I already did, he already finished it." She said, "I can't help it David just I am really sorry for what I done. It's going to be awhile before I can forgive myself for hurting the man I love." She said as she looked at him.

''Please dont worry about it hun, im fine and i forgive you'', David said sincerely.

She nodded, as she finished her dinner and walked over to David and sat on his lap and looked at him. She placed a hand on his face looking him in the eyes. She kissed him passionately as she loved him.

Kissing her back, David said, ''This sure is nice''.

"Want to watch a movie together? I am sure we can find something we can both agree on and just spend some alone time together." She said looking at him with a smile.

''Well, its up to you hun''

She looked at him, "not just up to me love." She said looking at him.

''Oh yes it is'', he said playfully.

"Oh really?" She asked as she put her arms around him and started play attacking his neck with her lips. "So what do you want to watch?" She said as she still kissing his neck.

'What do we have in the way of movies?''

She got up and headed for the entertainment center and pulled out a movie "How about this? I know we seen it a dozen times but it's my favorite movie to watch with you babe." She said as she looked at him, it was called the 'The Notebook.'

''It sounds interesting''.

She rolled her eyes and put the movie in, "You coming over to the couch?" She asked looking at him.

''Yeah'', he said as he walked over and sat down.

She cuddled next to him, dimmed the lights just right and started the movie she laid her head on his shoulder as they watched.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Hades,MD on Mon Aug 15th, 2016 @ 8:57am

YAY they are back together!!!!!!!