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Posted on Sun Aug 14th, 2016 @ 10:27pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Tom Vercetti & Splendora Sage

2,054 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Splendora's Quarters and Healing Center
Timeline: MD4 1745hrs


Splendora Sage Quarters

The figure, angry, out of patience and time threw the dresses on the floor. It wasn't here. They'd been here four times and they'd searched everything. Damn it! She'd unpacked the box he knew she'd found it. Holly would be mad that he'd ransacked her quarters but the Orions were counting on getting that box. After all He and Holly had gone through to get it.

=/\=Holly to Belvin. Get out of there! Splendra's friend and another big ape are coming. Hurry. Meet back at the ship. And be careful not to move anything too much=/\=

He picked up the coffee mug on her desk and flung it across the room. Hurrying he left. Now that he'd ransacked her quarters he knew that time was precious and they had to move. He wouldn't be going to the ship. He'd be going to the centre.

His impatience and anger made him sloppy. He hurried out of the quarters and into the nearest lift. "Promenade." He knew Splendora would still be in her office She'd tell him where the box was. He feared the Orions more then Holly.

What the man was not aware of was that he'd dropped his communicator on the way out.

Tom and Vito walked up to the door of Splendora's Quarters and opened it with the key they had been given. The place was a disaster, stuff was thrown everywhere.

"Shut the door." Tom said as he pulled out a tricorder.

"Someone was looking for something, but this also looks like that someone was angry." Vito said.

"I'm picking up DNA traces of a El Aurian/Betazoid hybrid, so that's Sage...I'm also picking up traces from someone else." Tom showed the readings to Vito.

"We just missed him." Vito added as he looked around. Something caught his eye and he reached down. "Check this out."

Tom smirked, "Leave the lady's panties alone V, we have a job to do."

The two continued to look around, after a moment the tricorder beeped.

Vito looked at a splatter stain on the wall, "Definitely angry, threw a coffee cup against the wall."

"Definitely sloppy too." Tom added as he picked up a communicator.

"Old style civilian version of the Starfleet Type-7 Communicator, but those haven't been used in eighty years." Vito added.

"That means whoever he was talking to is close." Tom said.

"And the comm-channel wasn't highly secured or encrypted." Vito replied.

Tom put away his tricorder. "I think it's time to pay a visit to an old friend."

The com chirped to life in Vito's hand. =/\=Belvin. I'm heading back to the ship. Just checked on Sage, she's in her office. Do not go there. I repeat cancel the trip there. Get back to the ship. Those two apes will probably be looking around her quarters forever. You better have put back everything you touched and please leave my sister's clothing there. Pray she didn't notice that last little bit of lingerie that you picked up. Hurry up Belvin.=/\=

Tom looked at his friend, "V, take this info to our friend, I'll take care of Sage."

Vito nodded and headed off, Tom locked the door and headed to Sage's shop.

The Promenade area the shop was in still a little busy, people doing last minute shopping before places closed for the night.

Belvin had gone straight to the shop after leaving Splendora's quarters. Half way there he'd realized his communicator was missing. He cursed himself but it was time this was over. Holly had been worried about Splendora's Lounge owner friend but Belvin would use that to his advantage. After all what could a burger flipping nothing to do a man who worked with the Orions.

When things had gotten quiet he'd slipped into the shop finding his target right by the reception desk.

She turned. "Hello! I'm sorry I'm closing now but would love to make an appointment for you for..." She didn't get through her speech. With lightning speed the blue man grabbed her by the throat slamming her against the nearest wall. "Where the hell is the box."

She tried to speak but his fingers were cutting off her air. She gasped.

"Where?!" His voice thundered. He let her go and she stumbled away from the wall. Her throat burned.

She coughed and before she knew what had happened the Bolian raised his hand swinging it hard and sending Splendora flying. In a tangle of limbs she flew over the reception desk and onto the floor. Blood pouring from her busted lip, her face felt as if it would explode from the pain.

Before she could recover she felt the air rush out of her as his boot connected with her stomach. "I want the box. I'll be back for it and if it's not waiting for me you and your friend, burger boy, will have to deal with the Orions." He turned and left leaving her gasping for air.

He was in the lift off to the right and just as the door was hissing closed he saw burger boy go into the shop. He smiled. That should scare them both, He thought.

Tom walked into Sage's shop and looked around for her.

Splendora heard the door his open. She groaned behind the desk trying to fight the darkness. She felt something drip into her eye not realizing it was blood from a cut in her forehead.

It was clear a fight had taken place. Tom looked around then heard someone gasp for air behind the desk. He rushed over to see Sage on the ground bleeding and trying to breath. He grabbed his old communicator from his pocket and tapped it. "Vercetti to Sick Bay, medical emergency in the Healing Center, Promenade level two, section thirty-seven beta."

He looked around for a med-kid, not finding one he grabbed a towel to lay behind her head while he blotted blood from her lip with another. "Who did this?"

Splendora's head was spinning. When she'd heard Tom's voice she'd cried out with relief. She focused what little strength she had. "B...Bolian....Box...wan....wants box....Orions...t..." She coughed again She had to tell him that the Bolian threatened him. Tom had to stay out of this. She rubbed her throat in an attempt to relax it. She had to tell him...

A moment later Vito and their friend burst into the room, phasers drawn. Vito looked around while Bremer holstered his weapon. "What happened here?"

The medical team arrived and Tom stood up and stepped back. "She was roughed up by Bolian. They're looking for some box she said she found that was giving her headaches."

"I heard about it, Commander Lokran has it secured in the Security Office. Lieutenants Cole and Gilmore found out it was stolen from a museum, it's some kind of memory altering devise." Bremer replied.

Dr. Raya walked up to her and scanned her, using a dermal regenerator she was able to stop the bleeding. She scanned her, "I'll have to take her to sickbay, he did a good job on her." She said looking at them.

"Vito did you get the info to him?" Tom asked as he watched the doctor.

Vito nodded as he watched the door. "I did."

"I've had the docking bay locked down, no ships can leave. We also traced the comm-signal to a small civilian craft docked in bay thirty-one." Bremer replied.

Tom nodded. "Doctor, keep me updated on her."

Raya nodded and had both her and Sage beamed directly to sickbay. "It will be ok Ms. I'll make sure your taken care of." She softly said as they beamed away.

Splendora gave up fighting the darkness. She let it take her. The last image she had was Tom. She tried to call out but could not. Instead she gave into the pain, her eyes fluttered and then nothing.

"Vito, let's go." Tom said walking toward the door.

Mike grabbed Tom's arm. "Tom, let security or marines handle this." He paused to look at his old friend for a moment. "You said you didn't want to be about this life anymore."

"I don't, but this is personal." Tom replied.

Mike nodded, he understood. "Fine, but I'll have two Security Officers at the airlock just in case." He let Tom's arm go.

Tom nodded and he and Vito left.

Docking Bay 31

"You What?!" Holly screamed.

Belvin noted how much Holly looked like Splendora, the only thing different was the red hair. Where Splendora's was dark brown with only hits of red Holly's was red like flame.

"You idiot!" Her hands flew over the controls. "Damn! We're locked down. We have to hide. Did you at least use a mask?"

Belvin shook his head. "Trust me. It will work out. What do we have to be afraid of. Let's go to the station. We can hide."

Holly pulled out two phasers "Come on idiot."

They exited the ship and walked down the corridor. Belvin spoke. "Relax Holly. Even if she tells Burger boy what do you think he'll do? He flips food for a living." They rounded the corner and froze.

Tom and Vito stopped in the corridor when they saw the big Bolian and a woman that looked striking like Splendora. Both of them drew phasers and took aim. "Stand where you are." Tom ordered

Holly and Belvin raised their phasers. It was Holly who spoke. "So you're the burger flipper. My friend here underestimated you." She took a step back keeping her phaser aimed. "You think you're some hero huh. How about you put your weapons down and we wont hurt you." She saw that the other side seemed clear.

Unfortunately the Bolian opened his mouth. "Listen my little restaurateur you wanna protect your fine lady, I get it but don't get involved in something you can't handle. How is ... Splendid Splendora doing? She still breathing?" He laughed.

Tom would be a great poker player if he liked the game, his face remained emotionless. "I'm not a hero, I'm just a guy with an itchy trigger finger and a bad attitude."

Vito on the other hand smiled, keeping his phaser leveled on the Bolian.

"Let's do this the easy way, lower your weapons and come with us to the Security Office." Tom said.

Holly shook her head. "Now why would we do that?"

Belvin spoke again. "Do you know who you are messing with. We're under Orion protection Burger boy!"

Holly hissed. "Idiot!" She looked at Tom and Vito. "Just shoot him. I'm sure you and I could make a nice deal friend. I'm a lot better then my annoying little sister." The she turned her nose up at Belvin muttering. "I can't believe how stupid you are. You should have finished her off."

Vito smirked at the 'Orion' comment and the woman's reply. "Orions huh, you're dealing with a couple of Italians, our families make the Orions look like kindergartners."

Tom smiked, then took aim and fired at Belvin, hitting him in the chest and shoving him against the bulkhead and knocking him out. "Your move lady, but we don't really have much time to play, I need to get back to my bar before the evening rush."

Holly smiled as she felt the pull of the transporter. In a shimmer she vanished leaving the Bolian behind.

"V, can you track that?" Tom asked.

"Not from here." Vito replied.

Tom shook his head. "Let the security officers the Admiral sent know where to find this guy and we'll look over that ship."

Vito found the Security Officers and told them what happened and where to find the Bolian. One contacted Ops to advise Bremer, but there were no unauthorized ships in orbit of the Station at the moment so the transporter had to be either aboard one of the locked down ships or in another part of the Station and it would take time to track.

Tom looked over the ship, found it was registered to Splendora's sister and had security keep it locked down. As big as Starbase 400 was, someone could hide in near plain site and still be missed.

With Security taking care of things Tom and Vito left to check on Splendora.



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