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A family thing

Posted on Sun Aug 14th, 2016 @ 10:33pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Becca Bremer & Christopher Bremer & General Janice Fultian-Bremer

701 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Starbase 400, Bremers' Quarters
Timeline: MD4 1800hrs


With K’Wor and Becca home, Mike had dinner planned for the family. Christopher, Becca, K’Wor, Janice, K’Temoc, Danielle, and himself. Mike had thought about inviting Jewel and David, but decided that they needed to work on their own issues a little more first. They at least needed to be on speaking terms.

The meal was simple, the wine was good, the convocation was great. Both Becca and K’Wor were looking forward to their third year at the Academy, while Christopher was trying to get them to take him with them. K’Temoc told Mike how much he was really falling for Danielle, and Danielle told Janice that she knew she was in love with K’Temoc. Later, there was music and they all looked through some old family pictures and reminisced about the past.

“Have you talked to that girl you met in Charleston a few years ago again, isn’t she also at the Academy?” Janice asked K’Wor.

“She was in one of my computer systems classes last semester. We went out a few times, but it really didn’t go further. She’s really set on her grades and career, she doesn’t seem to have time to me or friends in general.” K’Wor replied.

“That was one of the best things about the Academy, the friends you make while going through it all.” Mike replied. "Harry, Lindsey, Deshaun, Becky...the list goes on. Without each other we all might have washed out at some point."

“I agree, I’ve met some really good people in my class, as well as the class ahead of me, but she just doesn’t see it that way.” K’Wor replied.

“Do you know what ship you’ll be taking your midshipman cruise on this coming year?” K’Temoc asked.

“We’ve both asked to be sent to Starbase 400, not just because Dad is the CO and you all are here, but because of its strategic location and variety of missions we could be sent on.” Becca replied.

“The chance of that is pretty low, but it’s not unheard of.” Danielle replied. “You wouldn’t want to be sent somewhere in the Alpha Quadrant or on an exploration or mapping mission?” She asked.

Becca shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, on one hand it would be good to be on our own, but on the other there’s so many experienced Officers right here on this station that could teach us a lot.”

Mike smirked. “I’m not pulling any strings on this one. I think it would be good to see how other commands operate, but I wouldn’t be mad if you were assigned here for those weeks.”

Becca and K’Wor smiled, they understood, and deep down felt the same way.

“How’s Task Force Ninty-nine looking?” Janice asked.

K’Temoc took a sip of his drink, “Good, we have a good group of ships with experienced Captains. I’m still getting used to all the paperwork that goes along with the new position.”

“Wait til you’re commanding that Task Force, or a Fleet…you’ll think the paperwork of a Task Force XO was nothing.” Mike replied with a smile.

The convocation lasted for hours, late into the night before everyone headed off to bed...

Walking down the corridor to the turbolift, Danielle and K’Temoc were hand in hand.

“My parents are coming to the station next month, I’d really like for you to meet them.” Danielle said.

K’Temoc smiled, “So would I...I mean, it’s only right I meet the parents of the woman I want to marry.”

They stopped in the corridor. Danielle had a smile and a look of surprise on her face. K’Temoc slowly dropped to a knee and pulled a ring out of his pocket. “This isn’t the exact place I planned on, but...”

Danielle cut him off, “Yes…the answer is yes!”

K’Temoc smiled and stood, kissing Danielle. “So, is that a yes you’ll marry me?” He smiled.

“Yes!” Danielle replied again as they kissed, before continuing on to K’Temoc’s Quarters.



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