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Coffee with the Admiral

Posted on Sat Aug 13th, 2016 @ 4:59pm by Commander Hades,MD & Admiral Deela T'Lar

1,234 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Cafe
Timeline: MD 04 1445 hours


Still shaken with what had happened at sickbay earlier Hades headed out. He found himself near the Mind, Body, and Soul Healing centre. Busy thinking and mumbling to himself, reliving the events of today he wasn't watching where he was going and bumped into someone...with an Admiral's rank. T'Lar!

"Oh my Gods! Admiral! Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am fine but you are not. Do you want to talk about it?" Being an empath had it's perks.

He surprised himself with the next words out of his mouth. "More then I want to breath." He bit his lip. Hades sighed he hadn't meant to say that out loud. I'm sorry Admiral it's been...a rough few days.

She nodded. Understandable "I have a few hours before I am needed back in OPS. Where would you like to go? Your choice."

"Well since I can't find a black hole to curl up in why don't we go for coffee...and chocolate. I have to have chocolate."

Deela smiled, "Okay, sounds good."

Hades smiled and walked with the Admiral to the nearest coffee shop. They ordered and settled in. "Where to start....first the stuff with Lai'lira and..." He looked at her. "Okay I know you have questions." He smiled. "Let's get through that and then we'll talk about the leeches and the fact that I almost broke my department CO."

Deela gave him a double look when he mentioned breaking the department CO, "What about Lai'lira? Is there more that I do not know about?"

"No I just figured that you had questions. My Cousin already said he'd met you and Lai'lira for lunch. Wolf man." He smiled and shook his head. "She wasn't far off. " He looked at the Admiral. "She's quite taken with you, you know? You remind her of her Aunt and she's growing attached to you and Earl."

"She is a great girl. And I have not seen Earl take to someone so quickly. As for your cousin, we had an interesting time talking. Lai'lira was so excited when she saw him and made us move and go sit with him. He is much more comfortable communicating telepathically than he is verbally but it was okay. It is not something I get to use all the time so it was quite a change."

Hades smiled. "He's always been an odd ball. More so since he lost his wife. It was...traumatic. I remember I was on the Mythic and we were there to assist with escape pod recovery." He shuddered. "Nevertheless he survived and hasn't been the same since. Frankly I'm surprised that he let anyone sit with him. I was even more shocked when he messaged me and told me he'd watch out for Lai'lira this evening and tonight." Hades shrugged. "Miracles happen every day I guess."

"Yes they do." Deela observed him for a moment, "Something is still bothering you. So what are these leeches and what happened with Dr. Thr'elanon?"

He sighed, "Well we were treating an older Romulan woman and Dr. Thr'elanon figured out that the infection was difficult so he used Cardassian leeches.....I basically almost passed out but held it together through the procedure." He ate a chocolate cake bit and then continued, "I was sick in my office twice in front of him and then I went to my quarters to get a new uniform to try and rest and wound up back at the office changed at the office and saw one of those... leeches on my jacket and that was it. I passed out like a medical cadet on dissection day." He shook his head. "Thr'elanon woke me up I got sick again making a total fool of myself in front of him saw another slug and pulled him out of the leeches' way and he hit his head almost broke his antenna off and gave him a mild concussion."

He just shook his head.

Deela almost laughed but she didn't. She did smile though, "Sounds like you had quite a day. So what is your medical prognosis? Is he going to live?" She couldn't get the images out of her head. In order not to start laughing, she dug down deep into her Vulcan side for strength not to laugh.

Hades grinned. He could pick up on her amusement. "Okay so maybe it's a bit funny. He'll be fine but how can I recover?"

"I am sorry but I do not think that Dr. Thr'elanon will hold it against you. From what I can tell from meeting him, he will see the humor in it as well. Look at the bright side, you will not have to ever handle the leeches again now that he knows how you react to them." She was trying to make him feel better but she couldn't tell if she was helping.

He smiled and shook his head. "You're probably right. Not very Vulcan of me is it?"

"Being Vulcan is sometimes overrated." She smiled.

"There is something else and maybe you can help me figure this out." He allowed her to see the genuine puzzlement he held.

"Okay, what is it?" Deela leaned in a bit.

"Okay well I've been a doctor for what seems like ever, lectured, written, one of the steadiest hands in all the fleet but...when I'm around Shrivol I turn into a goof. I swear it's like if I can do something foolish I do. I end up looking like a putts and a I drop things! I'm always nervous and none of this makes sense. He's....he's been very nice to me. He's kind, and caring, an compassionate...I just don't get it."

Deela thought for a moment, "Well, he is your superior officer. Thr'elanon has a certain presence about him that would make anyone nervous...or..." She grinned, "Could there maybe be a little bro-mance going on?"

Hades looked up genuinely curious. "A...bro-mance? I've never heard that. Please explain."

"Bromance, a close, emotionally intense, non-sexual bond between two men. I do not quite understand it but I am told it exists." Deela didn't have much else to add.

Hades thought for a moment. "I see. I'll read up about it and make a diagnosis." He smiled. "I appreciate you listening to me. I feel like a whiny child here."

She gave him a scolding look, "Whiny? Children are whiny. You have some legitimate problems in which you are trying to find solutions, that is not being whiny."

He smiled. "Okay, okay. You convinced me." He looked at the woman knowing he could be good friends with her. Thank you. It's always nice to make new friends. I hope that you will let me return the listening ear some time.

Deela joked, "That will be twenty credits." She smiled, "What can I say, I used to be a counselor." With all joking aside, "But seriously, you are welcome. And I just might take you up on that offer one day."

Hades smiled. "Coffee and treats are on me. And take some to go. By the way your hair looks amazing."

"Flattery will get you everywhere. Thank you for the coffee. I will have to take it on the go because I need to get to OPS right now. You try to have a good day."

"Will do!" Hades smiled.



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