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A Little ''Counseling''

Posted on Sat Aug 13th, 2016 @ 4:58pm by Splendora Sage & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

1,553 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Counselor's Office
Timeline: MD 04 1445 hours


Hurd was mad, more mad than he had ever been in his entire life. Being ordered to take two days off was bad, being ordered to see a shrink was worse Making his way along with Axe, he finally found the door to the Civilian Counselor, rang the door chime, and waited, shaking because he was so angry.

Splendora had finally finished sending out Grand Opening invites to people for next week. She would have her two friends cater he event and the door chimed. She was still closed but taking on clients as they came. She hit the door open button to the centre and smiled standing. "Welcome to the Healing Centre. Mind, body, and spirit!"

She felt the anger was on her in waves and cringed. Her Betazoid senses tingling.

Walking in, Axe sat down beside him as he stated, ''I am Colonel David Hurd Sr, and by order of the Admiral, and since the Starfleet Counselor is on vacation, i have been ordered'', to report to you. ''More like forced'' he thought in his mind.

Splendora tried to smile. "Okay let's go back to my office I think this might be a conversation for there and not reception. She led him to her office down the hall. "Please have a seat on the sofa." She picked up a notebook, pen, and several PADDs.

''No thank you M'am i would prefer to stand'', he said holding Axe's leash tightly, although Axe himself had layed down and was had fell asleep, snorting lightly, which amused Hurd. Facing the Counselor, he said, ''So what now?''

She smiled. "Well your cute doggy sleeps, I sit and write, you stand looking uncomfortable and uppity and talk...or you can sit and look uncomfortable and uppity." She said trying to make the man laugh. To diffuse some of the tension.

Taking the cue, David sat down and said, ''So now what?''

"You tell me what made them order you here."

''Brough home him'', David said pointing at Axe. ''Me and my ''Wife'', said with contempt, ''Had a fight, and while that was going on, Axe bit the nanny, which he would not have done unless she was doing something to endager my family''. ''The wife flips out and i left, we get into a fight, she come over to my Ready Room aboard the Tirpitz, assaults me, and i wind up here''.

"Busy day." She sighed. "Okay just as a bit of info dogs don't attack only for that reason. Dogs, especially his breed. Has a great nose so if he was sensing something on her leg that was a danger to her health he might have perceived it as a danger to you and it could have been a warning. Now as to the flip out and the assault. First question. Are you okay? Physically."

''I am a Marine'', David replied simply, ''I have had a whole lot worse.'' ''And as for Axe, he is a highly trained Protection and Apprehension Dog, he is trained to bite and hold only under specific circumstances.''

She sighed. "Yes, you are a marine and you've had worse but this is your wife that's hurt you. Is this the first time that she's been violent towards you?"

''Yes it is matter of fact.''

"Hmmm. Is this something that started recently? Her anger...have you two had problems as of late?"

''No Ma'am, at least none i am aware of''.

"Okay so over the course of the last year how many disagreements would you say you had?"

''100-150, maybe more''.

"And you claim that there were no problems." She sighed. She was guessing this was going to be difficult. "What's the reason you two argued the most?"

''Honestly, we are both two hard-headed Marines and the reasons we argued are varied, never the same thing twice.''

"In your opinion what was different about this fight? Why do you think she got violent this time?"

''I will be very honest about this''. ''I have absolutely no idea why this spiraled out of control, and why that paper pushing desk jokey did what she did''.

"Wait a second there. I realize that what she did was wrong." Splendora kept her voice level. "But did you hear what you just said about the woman that you married and were suppose to love? Before we get to that Let me ask you why did you marry her? What did you love about her?"

The intensity in which she carried herself, her drive, and ambition'', David said. ''I married her because i loved her.''

"Okay stay with those feelings," Splendora said. "Close your eyes and just think about those feelings. See her as you saw her when you married her. Now picture her on your arm on your wedding day and picture a man walking up. Do you have the image?"

''Yes i do''.

"This man, picture him walking up to her and getting in her face with malice. He calls her a pencil pushing desk jockey. How do you react?"

''He would die,'', Hurd replied simply.

"Ah...yet you just used the same malice filled tone of voice and said those exact words." She let that sink in a bit.

''Well'', he said, ''You may just be right, but i can tell you, i ment what i said'' ''She got into my face and i honestly think she was trying to kill me''.

Splendora wrote a few things down. "Now ignore the anger. Put that aside we've identified that. What other feelings came up when she did that?"

''Sadness, betrayal, and feeling as though i was not looking at the person i married.''

Splendora's heard broke for Hurd. "No doubt about those feelings. You said that you've had arguments before but never like this so I am left wondering when did this person who didn't resemble the woman you married come to be? Has she been more aggressive as of late? If so when did it start? And in fact has she been under any stress as of late?"

''Stress yes, as for her becoming agressive here lately, no, she has not been.''

"So this is out of the ordinary for her. In addition to you feeling sad and betrayed are you worried? Think about his. Fear can sometimes make a person act weird. What if she's going through something that you don't know. Has she tried to talk to you about something as of late?"

''Not as i aware of.''

Splendora sighed. "Well it's a possibility. So what's your next step?"

''Just what do you mean by that?'', Hurd replied.

She smiled at him. "Well it happened. You are angry, hurt, she must be shocked at herself and maybe angry and hurt or who knows what. What do you do? Do you end the marriage?"

His face turning red, David said, ''I dont know what to do''.

"Mr. Hurd. That is the hardest statement you will ever make. It's a scary place to be and I can honestly say that with some people it takes years for them to utter that phrase." She held his eyes and tried to lighten the mood seeing how upset and unsure he was, "Now if you weren't a big scary marine I'd say the next step is to cry it out and eat chocolate."

''Im only scary when i am on the Job'', David replied.

She smiled at him. "Okay so here is how it works. I need to write up a little blurb about what happened for a Mr. Jackson, and the Admiral." She shuddered. "Starfleet and their paperwork. I believe in complete disclosure with my clients so I will tell you what I will say. I will say that you were cooperative and that you genuinely want to find out what's going on. I will also recommend a few follow up visits. That is all I will say. In the mean time you and I have a goal finding out the next step. Sound like a plan?"

''Sounds good to me, you name it, i will do it''.

She smiled again. "Great. So here is the standard paperwork," She handed hi a PADD, "This one is a little questionnaire to help me get to know you a bit better, the second PADD is a consent form to let me speak with medical if every we need to prescribe meditations and if I do a naturopathy treatment so I can consult with your doctor, this one," She shivered, "Is Starfleet saying that you'll see me as your therapist and please know that since I am considered a civilian therapist I don't have to tell the that much. My policy is I will let you know everything that I tell them like I did today. Sound good?"

''Sounds good to me Doc''.

"Well then, One final thing." She handed him a PADD. "This is for you to track your thoughts about this incident and any feelings that you have until we meet again. Are you okay with meeting tomorrow?"

''That would be fine by me, anything else?''

"Not for now." She smiled. "It was great to meet you Mr. Hurd."

''You as well'', David said walking out, Axe following behind him.



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