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So much on the mind

Posted on Sat Aug 13th, 2016 @ 4:44pm by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Vice Admiral James K`Temoc Bremer

834 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD4 1435hrs

Jewel was at the point wondering the Promenade she couldn't sleep or even rest with everything going on so she decided to just walk around and find something to do. Her hair was free flowing from her normal braid and she was in civilian clothes. As she was walking she noticed K'Temoc but just kept walking towards the Skyline lounge and took her normal seat alone in the rear of the restaurant with a view looking out into space.

All she did was order a tea, it was the only thing she could consume. She just wasn't able to eat very much at the moment. She just sat their looking out in deep thought.

K'Temoc was in his own little world. He'd been to three shops already, looking for something and hadn't found quite what he wanted yet. He stopped and looked around for a moment, deciding which shop to try next. He caught Jewel out the corner of his eye and her expression gave him concern. He took a breath and walked over.

"Everything okay?"

She was spacing off and really didn't hear K'Temoc she turned her head and seen him standing there. "Oh, hi." She said as she looked out the window again just sitting there. Her emotions were so out of wack that she wasn't sure what was going on. "I am alright concidering I guess." Jewel replied, she was mad at herself for what she did to her own husband.

"Considering? He asked. He had his own things on his mind, things he'd really never thought about before, so he had no idea what Jewel was referring to.

She looked at him, "nothing." She said as she took a drink and looked out the window. "So, how are you?" She asked looking back at K'Temoc.

K'Temoc gave Jewel a look, as if to say he knew she wasn't telling the truth. "You sure?"

She shrugged, "truthfully I don't know how I am feeling not anymore." She said as she sighed. "One moment I can alright, next I am angry, mad, then next I am crying." She said looking at him, "wish I could turn back time and erase everything that happened yesterday." She said as she looked down trying to collect herself.

K'Temoc leaned back. "Have you spoken to anyone about your...mood swings?"

She nodded, "i have, well guess it will continue for awhile." She said looking down. "Me and David had a major fight, turned physical, now I am paying the price for what I have done. Just wish I could take it all back and start over but, that is going to take awhile." She said as she looked away for a moment to collect herself.

"Starting over isn't going to help, it's not possible. You both need to move forward, talk and work though it. In the end it'll strengthen your marriage. All marriages have their ups and downs." Having never been married, K'Temoc was repeating what he'd learned in class at the Academy as well as things he'd seen of his friends. His thoughts drifted away for a moment.

"The thing is I am not sure if we can fix this," she said looking down she began to be lost in thought again just sitting their. "I could have killed him, I probably would have if Jackson hadn't stopped me." She said looking away tear running down her face. "And Deela snapping me out of it," she added.

"You'll never know if you don't try, and you'll also regret it if you don't try too. Have someone impractical be there when you two talk. He might be angry now, but I'm sure he still loves you." K'Temoc said trying to reassure her.

She just nodded, "so everything alright with you?" Jewel asked looking at him, she looked tired but at this point she just couldn't sleep.

"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. I was reading up on the transfer request of the USS Tigris's XO, but everything with Ninty-Nine is running smooth." K'Temoc replied.

Jewel raised an eyebrow, "Good but until I can come back on duty your in charge of the Task Force." She said looking at him then went back to looking out the window back into deep thought.

K'Temoc looked at Jewel for a moment, he really didn't expect that or even want it right now with him planning to...but it was his duty. "Yes ma'am." He thought about delegating some of his work to Commodore Waldorf one of the Command Adjutants so he'd send her a message.

"I better finish up my errands, looks like I have some paper work to do." He smirked. "Everything will be okay."

"Sure," she said then looked at him. "It's only for a couple of days so I am sure it will be ok." She added, "also thanks." She said as she had gotten up and stood their.

K'Temoc gave a respectful, friendly nod then headed for the the next shop he planned to check.



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