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Line In The Sand

Posted on Sat Aug 13th, 2016 @ 11:42am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Major General Thomas Jackson & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

900 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Division CO's Office
Timeline: MD4, 1200


In Jackson's mind, it was only minutes since he last meeting with Colonel Hurd, and Hurd's announcement that he would be resigning as of 0800 hours today. Tom knew David could be rash sometimes, but damn. Admiral Bremer would be needed for this situation. "Jackson to Admiral Bremer, could you please come to my office."

Mike had left T'Lar's Quarters and the asylum meeting with S'Nai earlier and followed that up with a meeting with the Romulan commanders that had defected the day before, he was starting to think he wouldn't get any time to spend with his kids before they had to return to the Academy next week. He tapped his commbadge, "On my way."

Mike looked at Tamarith. "Let me know if your people find out anything else."

She nodded. "I'll also have one of my people keep an eye on S'Nai."

Mike nodded and headed for Jackson's Office.

When Mike came in, Tom could tell he was not happy, and stretched out. "Mike, I am sorry to take up your time, but your presence is needed. David did not take well to being restricted, and he plans to resign over this. I tried talking to him, but to no avail. He should be here soon."

Mike shook his head. Running away wasn't the answer, and he really didn't have time or patience to for his Officers that were acting immaturely. He then thought of himself and how he acted twenty-two years before when his first wife suddenly ended their marriage just after K'Wor and Becca were born. Mike had resigned his Starfleet Commission and entered the Klingon Defense Forces where he remained for over a year before returning to Starfleet.

"It's alright. There's no need for anyone to resign, he and Jewel just need to talk. One of them has to swallow their pride and make the first move and I'm sure the other will follow." Mike replied.

"My God I hope you are right Mike. He is a loose cannon, but a damn good Marine. I don't want to lose him either." Jackson said, as he awaited Hurd's arrival.

Walking up to the Jackson's Office, Hurd pressed the door chime and waited. In one hand he had Axe's leash, the other, his letter of resignation.

Jackson gave Bremer a nod. "Come!"

Hurd and Axe walked in. Walking up to the two, he put the PADD down on the desk, and waited.

Jackson looked at Mike, then pushed the PADD back towards David, "No."

Standing his ground, David said simply, ''Yes''.

Mike looked at David in the eyes, "Sit down" he said in an authoritative tone. "I heard Jewel's take on what happened last night, now it's your turn."

In his most respectful voice, Hurd said, ''There is nothing to know, she flipped out because me'', David said pointing at Axe who was sitting by the door, ''Attacked the nanny, which the only reason he would have done so is that so called nanny was doing something to hurt my child.'' Clearing his throat he continued, ''I left, and then that paper pushing desk jockey came aboard my ship, entered my Ready Room, and tried to kill me.''

Their stories matched, and while Jewel had seemed upset and sorry for what happened it was clear David was still full of anger. "Let's keep the name calling to a minimum please."

Mike walked a few steps while thinking over his words. "Resigning isn't the answer, and it won't solve your problems. Believe me, I have personal experience. If you two can't make your marriage work, then that's on the two of you. Jewel is ashamed of her actions, and while I don't have all the information that lead up to the fight, I know she loves you...and I know you love her or you wouldn't be so angry now. You both also have a child to think about, and you running away not only from the situation but from him isn't going to help, it's going to cause lasting damage that'll take years to recover from for all involved."

Mike stood up a little taller and eyed David for a moment. "What happens in your personal lives is your business, but some friendly advise would be to sit down together, with a counselor if needed, and talk. As for your professional career, your resignation is denied. Any transfer request that comes in is also denied. You've fought too hard too long to recover from injuries and re-assume that career that giving up now isn't an option. Frankly, that's the same advise I'd give you for your marriage too. I've told Jewel the same, and with Counselor Delair still on Leave, I suggest you two make an appointment with a civilian named Splendora Sage, she just opened a shop on the Promenade. Work it out."

Mike eyed David for another moment as he took a breath.

''I see'', David said, standing there shaking.

"Ride this storm out Colonel. Everyone in this room, yourself included, knows that you are strong enough to do so." Jackson added.

Mike nodded. "Agreed, and I think you and Jewel love each other and you can't let that just go. People make mistakes, but together you both can get though this."

Mike then nodded and left, wanting to give time for David to think about what he and Jackson had said.



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