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A Visit

Posted on Fri Aug 12th, 2016 @ 11:13pm by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Splendora Sage

2,106 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Sage's Shop
Timeline: MD4 - 0930h - After "Unconver the Truth"

After her meeting with Gibbs and taking care of what she needed to take care of. She decided to do what Mike had ordered even though she didn't like it, she hated talking to people who wasn't family or close friend about problems. But, it was something that was a must. She walked down to the promenade looking for this shop. When she found it she walked in and looked around, "hello?" she asked as she wasn't seeing anyone, maybe she would get lucky and no one was hear. After a few moments and still no one she turned to leave.

Splendora had been shuffling things around behind the reception partition when she heard the call out. She hadn't had her official grant opening and she already had 7 clients. The JOY! She bounced out. "Hello! Welcome to Mind, Body, and Soul! I'm Dr. Splendora Willow Sage. How can I help you?"

She thought to herself, 'great someone is here.' She turned back around and looked at her. "I been ordered to 'speak' to someone, so can we get this over with?" She asked as she sighed looking at not really wanting to be here.

Splendora smiled. "Okay...Follow me." She shook hear head. With so many people ordered to be here but wanting to be anywhere else she could develop a complex. "Right at the end of the hall. She showed the lovely woman in and to the sofa. She grabbed a bunch of PADDs a notebook and pen. "Would you like anything to drink or eat before we start?"

"I guess a green tea would be alright," she said as she sat down looking around. It wasn't a bad set up, hopefully this would be smooth and she wouldn't get to personnel.

Splendora smiled and brought the tea over for Jewel. She sat down across from Jewel and opened her notebook. "Okay let's start with your name and why you were forced to be here."

She almost rolled her eyes, "Jewel Hurd, and I got into a major fight with my husband and....almost killed him." She said as she looked away to collect her thoughts. "Over a dog and my nanny, or relieved nanny." She said as she looked at her.

Ohhh this sounded familiar. "Wow. Sounds like a busy day. This might take some time and a few sessions." She said.

'great' she really didn't want to do more then one she just sighed.

"Okay lets start with what led to the violent incident. You said a Dog and nanny. Why don't you start at the beginning," Said Splendora.

She began to explain the situation from the beginning, she explained everything that had happened up until this morning. "That is exactly what happened." She said as she looked at her, not saying anything about what she found out about the nanny this morning as that was still under investigation and couldn't say anything about it. "I am trying to fix it but, I have a feeling it's going to take awhile." She said looking at her.

"Okay, let's try something. I have a feeling, and my Betazoid senses are telling me there is something that you are hiding. I hope you'll tell me as this is all confidential but let's leave it to you to tell me in your own time. Let's focus elsewhere" She said.

"Mrs. Hurd," she sighed. "I have to ask have you ever hit your husband before?"

She looked at her, she really doesn't like this. "Once a long time ago, but that was an accident." She said looking at her, "this time it was out of anger." She added looking at her.

"Why were you so angry?" Splendora simply asked.

She raised an eyebrow, "I explained that already." Jewel said as she was starting to get annoyed but took a deep breathe. "He insulted me, called me some things that was the last straw of the situation and I snapped." She said as she sighed looking down at her tea just staring at it for a moment.

"But don't you feel that you trying to harm him was a bit overboard? I want you to go back to when you were first married. Tell me how you felt about him."

She was getting annoyed at this point, "first of, I lost me temper and acted on it without thinking at the time I wasn't thinking anything about overboard until after it was all said and done. Second off the past is the past were talking about the here and now." She said as she got up to leave, she hated counselors or anyone else that acted like one.

"Well you can go of course but I will submit my report that you were not cooperating and that I suggest heavy counseling. " Splendora said truthfully.

She looked at her, "my past is not does not affect the now." She said looking at her. "We had a fight, it turned physical. Once in almost 3 years of marriage. I lost my temper I acted poorly and I am suffering for it. I have made my mistake and now I got to live with it and fix it." She said looking at her. "It doesn't matter how much I talk to you about it you won't fix it. It's something I got to fix with my husband." She added looking at her.

"Maybe I can help. Maybe the two of you can come together. As of the past it does not affect the now but it is a tool to dissect what happened." She tilted her head. "If you made a mistake why not try to figure out why and to understand your husband's side of things and then work to fixing it."

"For one, we can't be anywhere near each other for a while." she said looking at her "two it was over the dog, I do not like animals the only animal I can tolerate and have learned to tolerate is Admiral T'Lar's white tiger Earl." She said looking at her. "We got into a fight over a stupid dog, that attacked my nanny who then my nanny then lied to me and the rest of that is classified at the moment as it's under investigation." she said as she sat back down.

She sighed. "Being a counsellor I could make an arrangement for therapy. I understand that it was a fight over a dog and the dogs actions. I can understand that and you said that your child was in the room when the dog went after the nanny so your fear about your little one getting hurt is very real and important to acknowledge. But with what happened after. What do you think your husband was feeling when you took him by the throat?"

"Right now I think it be best if we stay separated until things cool down." she said as she looked at her. She thought about the last question, she wasn't sure how to answer that.

Splendora sighed, "Fair enough." She was silent a moment. "So now back to my last question. What do you think your husband was feeling when you took him by the throat? Do you think he felt, sad, afraid, surprised, betrayed? You promised to love him when you married him to protect one another, so you see that the past has a link to what happened. Were you protecting, loving, honoring when you tried to hurt him and even though he was probably angry he didn't fight back."

She again didn't answer, tears ran down her face. "He was probably all of those ok." She said getting up and walking to the window and looked out, "He couldn't as you haven't noticed," she said as she was referring to her stomach.

Splendora stood and walked over to Jewel presenting her with a tissue box. "But I am betting even if the baby was not an issue he would not have fought back and you do not strike me as a woman would hurt someone she loved so we have to figure out why this happened." She placed a gentle hand on Jewel's shoulder. "I will help you."

She just looked at her, "I still told you why it happened." She said looking at her. "It was a spire of the moment, in anger over what he had said." she said looking at her.

"The question we have to explore is why it pushed you to such a violent reaction." Splendora said.

She sighed and rolled her eyes, "Whatever will give me out of here faster." she said as she hated this, she just wanted to leave.

Splendora sighed. "I realize that you do not like this but... I will need you to do a few sessions with me. I will let the Admiral and Mr. Jackson know this." The woman was still resisting.

"I understand letting Admiral Bremer know but as far as General Jackson I do not fall under his preview I am the Chief Diplomatic Officer so I am not under his command." Jewel replied, "I'd rather not do more then one," she stated looking at her.

"Then just the Admiral but there will be more Mrs. Hurd. I strongly feel you need this and I will not hesitate to say so."

She rolled here eyes, she didn't say anything else and just sat their.

Splendora chuckled. "Please tell me you're not pouting."

"Klingons don't pout as you say," she said looking at her. "They just get annoyed at sitting talking to someone that they don't know." She said looking at her just wanting to leave. She had other stuff she needed to do.

Splendora bit her lip to keep from laughing. "You are so pouting." She said as she slid a few PADDs towards the woman. "Questionnaire due tomorrow, Medical release to talk to you doctor in case medication is needed and a journal you are to keep about your feelings."

"I will not take medication especially while pregnant." She growled. "And my doctor is no longer on this station." She said looking at her, she left awhile ago and I don't really know the others nor do I feel comfortable with them." She said looking at her again, "I won't be writing anything down." She added "And as far as the questionnaire that's pointless," She said as she got up to leave.

"Mrs. Hurd!" Splendora could out yell any Klingon. "Now see here. Medication will not be necessary but it is part of Starfleet regulations as I an a psychiatrist. You will do the questionnaire to help me get to know you better and better tailor a treatment, and I will note to the Admiral your refusal to participate in this process. Now take the PADDs and finish them please." She stood her ground.

"I don't care if you tell Admiral, I will NOT take any medication period! I don't care if it's regulation! I stand my ground on that! I'll do your stupid questionnaire but I will not keep a journal." She stated grabbing the padd and walking out. She wasn't going to have a civilian tell her what she was going to take or not.

Splendora followed her. "I did not say you had to take medication. It's standard paperwork. For the love of...Are you always so combative?"

She stopped right before actually walking out of the office completely, "No, I just think this is stupid." She said looking at her, "I shouldn't have to tell someone a complete stranger about my personal life." She said looking at her, "That's why they call it personal, because it doesn't need to be shared with someone else." She said looking at her. "I'd rather solve my own problems," she added.

"Well then you should not have joined Starfleet. Counseling is important and I assure you that I am much less intrusive then a Starfleet counselor is and easier to deal with. Now I am part Betazoid so I know part of this is cause I"m a Civilian but I'm a damned good counsellor and I want to help." Splendora said.

The part about should have not joined Starfleet got her agitated, she closed her eyes and took a deep breathe. "To me your all the same," she said looking at her. "Can I go now or what?" She said looking at her.

"Sure. Your next appointment is tomorrow morning bright and early. Bring your questionnaire and write a page about your feelings on this session. I give you permission to use very bad words."

"Very well," she said as she walked out.



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