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Uncovering the Truth

Posted on Fri Aug 12th, 2016 @ 11:12pm by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Master Sergeant Charlton Gibbs

930 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Hurd Quarters
Timeline: MD4 - 0800h

Hurd Quarters

Jewel had woke up, she was notified that the confinement was over and that she was free to leave her quarters. But was warned to stay away from David for a while. She took a shower and got dressed in civilian clothes since she was on leave for the next couple days. She needed to check the security footage of what happened, she walked to her secondary computer and turned it on and activated security. She found the time stamp of when the event happened and watched from the time the door opened to shortly after Jewel walked in.

She seen that her nanny did indeed provoke the dog, just to start a fight. She sighed as she lied to her and somehow she wasn't able to detect it in the meld. She sighed and tears ran down her face again, she made a mistake a huge one. One that she would have to somehow correct, she transferred the security tape onto a padd.

She tapped her commbadge "Master Sergeant Gibbs can you please come to my quarters please? I got something to show you. Yes I know I am off duty but I really need you please." She said as she sat their and waited for him to arrive.

After the call, Gibbs has Sergeant Robinson do the shift briefing, and he left for the General's quarters. It did not take long for him to arrive.

"Enter," she said as she seen the doors open and him walk in, "Thanks for coming Gibbs. I know I should have did this first, but my nanny lied to me and even gone so far to trick a meld. She did provoke the dog, and from the looks of it and if I could hear her clearly she's telling Jr that she wanted to cause a fight between David and I in hopes of us breaking up. But some of it is jumbled but that's the just of what I could hear." She said looking at him.

She handed him a padd with the security footage, "look at this and tell me what you think?" Jewel asked as she felt more horrible then before. "I hope I can eventually fix this before it really does end in divorce." She said confiding in Gibbs.

Gibbs looked at the footage. He first got annoyed when the nanny kept shoving and kicking at the dog. But when the nanny started screaming and shoving the toddler, that is when the dog acted. "Well Sir, I am no marriage councilor, but that Nanny went out of her way to upset that dog, not to mention your child. I don't know what else to advise you"

"That's not exactly what I mean Gibbs, I would like a second opinion of the video not a way to fix my marriage, I got to do that myself. Just want a second pair of eyes on the situation." She said looking at him.

"If I were you, I would review more footage to see how your nanny treats your child." Gibbs said.

She sighed, then looked at him. "how would I go about getting access to her security cameras to get footage from their?" She asked as she looked at him. "Can she be arrested pending investigation?" She asked as she closed here eyes and took a deep breathe.

"Sir, first off, I would have to see more than one instance of child abuse for a probable cause to arrest her. Second, I can access the security footage in my office. As a 'victim', I would strongly advise against you going through additional footage. What you saw is enough to have me investigate. In the mean time, since you are off duty for a couple of day, spend alot of time with your child, or make sure Admiral T'Lar keeps her safe, as in you don't need your nanny for now. Tell her to take a break since you are on Admin Leave. I will get cracking as soon as I leave here." Gibbs said.

She nodded, "I got to go to see the Civilian Counselor person then I'll be going to go get Jr." She said as she looked at him as she sighed, she didn't want to believe this was happening. She began to wonder about her twins, was their death an accident or not. Where they mistreated by her, tears ran down her face. "Will you let me know what you find out please," Jewel replied looking at him.

"I will Sir."

"Also, can you look into an incident that happened that my twins where killed in. I am beginning to wonder if she had something to do with that, they ruled in an accident but I am beginning to wonder." She added as she looked at him.

"I will try Sir. That might take a while though, since the incident occurred on Vulcan. Just understand that that task will take some time.", Gibbs replied.

She nodded, "I understand I am just beginning to have thoughts that it wasn't an accident. Now, I got 2 days to find a nanny." She said as she thought for a moment. "Thanks Gibbs," she added looking at him fighting back the tears.

Gibbs did not know what to do as far as the General's condition. So he sought a safe exit, "By your leave Sir?"

She sighed and just nodded, she walked in the bedroom again and sat their as she watched Gibbs leave. She needed to find another babysitter, but guess she had time to find one.


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