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Oh My Gosh! A Wolfman!

Posted on Fri Aug 12th, 2016 @ 1:57pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar

2,192 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: TBD
Timeline: MD04 1200


Lai'lira was excited to have lunch with Deela. She'd had a rough morning and looked forward to spending time with her friend. "Thanks again for having lunch with me."

"You are welcome. Deela smiled.

"Where should we eat? Do you have a favourite place?" Asked Lai'lira.

"I have the perfect place. It has everything you can think of." She started to walk to the place, "I think you will enjoy it." Deela lead her to a little cafe on the promenade and they were seated.

Lai'lira looked around. "This is beautiful, This is....Oh my!" She put her hands over her mouth. "A Wolf Man!"

Deela laughed, "A wolf man? Him?"

Lai'lira pointed to a table not far off. There sat a man who looked to be well over six feet tall, he had long unkempt hair and a beard and mustache. Raven black eyes scanned the café back and forth and he ate .... meat and mash potatoes but...with his hands!

"That is Warrant Officer Braxton. He is a medical officer for the marines I believe." Deela never met him but saw his profile when he came aboard.

"Everyone is looking at the poor man. Maybe he doesn't know how to use utensils. Even the waiter is avoiding him." She looked sad. Having known what it's like to be avoided she felt nobody should go through that. "Let's go sit with him. He shouldn't be alone."

Deela observed Lai'lira for a moment. She usually didn't do something like this but she looked so sad. "Okay."

Deela got up along with Lai'lira and walked over to his table, "Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself. I am Admiral T'Lar, Executive Officer of this starbase. And this is Lai'lira. She is new to this starbase as well."

At the word Admiral Braxton stood up and gave a salute a chunk of mash potatoes falling in his eye. Brax cringed. Oh great! I meet the XO and I end up looking like a fool. he thought.

Lai'lira gasped. "You poor man!" He turned squinting at the young woman. Before he could say anything she was pulling at his arm. "Sit down." He was a big man and her pulling on her arm did nothing. He still stood at attention one eye closed and full of mash potatoes looking at the Admiral. She hadn't given the all clear yet.

Deela smiled as she handed him a napkin off the table, "Relax and have a seat. May we join you?" Deela looked away for a moment to let him make himself decent without his superior officer watching him do so.

Brax kept standing. He'd never had anyone ask to join him. A momentary panic seized him. He reflected on the fact that he'd been in Sticky Nicky's company too long. There it was only wild untamed people like him. He wasn't an idiot, he knew this was different and he needed to get used to polite society....and they would talk to him then the panic crested again at the thought of having to talk back....And finally he shocked himself with what flew out of his mouth. "Wi...I mean yes." His Cajun accent seemed to get worse when he was nervous and he lapsed into Creole/Cajun French more often. He had to watch himself.

He let Lai'lira, who was still tugging his arm pull him down but only once the Admiral was seated. Before he could wipe the mashed potato goop out of his eyes Lai'lira had picked up a napkin too and was doing it for him. He just sat still. This little one was a fire cracker. Both women were Empathic he could tell. Being part Betazoid and having strong empathic senses himself. He could tell T'Lar was strong in her telepathic abilities but this young one, although her abilities were somewhat strong she was yet unable to control them properly.

When Lai'lira had gotten the last of the goop off his eye she sat back with a satisfied smile.

Feeling somewhat embarrassed he glanced at the Admiral. This is all new for me. He hadn't meant it as a telepathic communication a thought to himself but T'Lar's expression told him that she'd picked up on it.

Deela smiled once again. Do not worry about it and please, do not be nervous. And please excuse the intrusion but Lai'lira thought you were a wolf man and that you looked a little lonely. She didn't want to embarrass him more than he was already so she spoke telepathically back to him, something that she hasn't been able to use for a long time. "So, have you settled in yet?"

He smiled and looked over at Lai'lira who was looking at everyone daring them to say anything. She had a protective vibe to her and it was like she was protecting him from judgement. He looked back at the Admiral and his smile became sheepish, She's Empathic but not telepathic. Nothing to excuse...I doubt you have a choice with the little spitfire. I'm just not used to....talking or people. My previous CO...well we were outpost rats and while there was a bond and... how you say, friendship we were discouraged from much interaction. Plus I'm not much of a talker...I have a horrible bedside manner and I do look like a wolf. I'll be de-furring later today. Another requirement from the old CO. He insisted on the wild wolf-bear look. He shrugged and spoke in a booming voice that showed signs that it has not been used. "I have met Jackson, I have da day to settle in."

He looked over and noticed that his plate had moved towards Lai'lira, or rather she'd moved it. While he and the Admiral were having their exchange she'd cut up his steak and put little dollops of mash potatoes on the little chunks of meat. She pushed the plate to him in triumph. "Now it's easier to eat."

"Thank you Ma Petite," He turned to the Admiral and averted his face so he wouldn't laugh. He was clearly amused. She's so funny.

Yes she is but she means well. "Good. Jackson is a great guy." Deela looked at Lai'lira and smiled at her, "Do you know what you want to eat Lai'lira?" She saw the waitress coming over to the table.

Lai'lira smiled. "I am allowed to pick?"

"Yes. Anything you want. So?" Deela waited for her to decide.

"Okay! A huge slice of chocolate cake and a grilled cheese." Then she thought a bit. "Am I allowed?" She'd always been told what to eat never been asked what she wanted.

"Yes you are." Deela ordered the same thing.

Brax slid his gaze to Lai'lira. "Lunch, Ladies, she will be on me." He looked over at T'lar Admiral, she... she is sweet and has a good heart but... Mon Dieu she has been through much. I sense it. She fears...maybe covers fear through cheerfulness? Is something I can help? She feels hunted.

Deela smiled again, "Thank you." You picked up on that too? She has been in danger. People have tried to kill her. We are all keeping an eye on her.

He gave a nod and his eyes scanned the area now alert. His protective instincts kicking in.

When the food cam Lai'lira dove into the cake first seeming to cherish ever bite. Suddenly Brax was filled with Sadness for this woman. He wondered what she'd gone through. He slid his gaze over to the Admiral. I will help. I work day but if need be I can take evening or night shift. I wish to help. It wasn't something Brax did but he genuinely wanted to help.

Good. I will let Dr. Hades know.

He grinned when he watched Lai'lira adding chocolate on her grilled cheese. Chuckling he said, "Ma petite that will not taste good."

She smiled. "You have to try new things. Warmatt Officer Braxton." And she did.

Brax through his head back and laughed. "Warrant Officer but my name is Mikhail Gregori and my friends call me Brax."

Lai'lira smiled. "Well I like Gregori it sounds like a wolf's're sure you're not part wolf."

He grinned. "Only on full moons." He looked at T'Lar his eyes sparkling with humour and in that moment he too felt human again, his past sorrows, his pain, his need to shut people out for the moment faded. He hoped he wasn't betraying what he was feeling but T'Lar was powerful so chances are she picked up on that.

Deela wasn't sure if she should mention how he was feeling so she left it alone...for now. "So, why a starbase? What brought you here?"

Brax shrugged. "Family. Hades, he's my cousin we are close like brothers...well we were. He's gone through a lot this past year and I honestly was worried. I wanted to be here for him. was time for change." He liked talking to T'Lar, she was easy to talk to, kind, and frankly he was surprised he wasn't getting frustrated with all the talking. Again, he almost felt like a real person. He thought back to what Bella said. He needed to practice his people skills. Well he was certainly doing that. "How bout with you Admiral. How..." he searched for the word. "How long you been here?"

~Small world.~ She thought to herself, then continued, "I have been here for four years now. Before Starbase 400, I commanded, still do, the USS Essex. When Admiral Bremer had an opening here on the base, he asked if I would like to take the position, and I accepted." She glanced over at Lai'lira who was still enthralled with her food.

Brax glanced around. Admiral. My 12 o'clock. Two Romulans seem to have taken an interest in our table. I'll go find out what they want. He spoke telepathically so as not to Alarm Lai'lira.

Deela nodded.

He stood unfolding his 6"5 frame. "I'll be back. I think I see some friends."

Deela watched him leave, then turned back to Lai'lira, "How is your chocolate cake?" She wanted to keep her occupied.

Lai'lira smiled. "Really good. I'm glad we came here. I like the Warment officer." She said making a mistake in his rank again.

Deela rolled her eyes, "Good."

Brax cracked his knuckles as he stormed towards the two. Their eyes widened and they tried to run. Tried was the operative word. Without much problem he managed to grab both Romulans. After a short conversation while holding he two in a headlock he let them go. He walked back catching the Admiral's eye. Harmless. But they will tell others that she is well guarded. He sat back down when he reached the table. "I should go ladies. I'll go pay the bill and leave my info. Anything else you want order."

Thank you. "No, I believe we are fine. Thank you for the conversation. And if I didn't say this, welcome aboard."

He smiled. "Thank you for the company." He looked at the Admiral Thank you for the telepathic conversation as well. I will go de fur and then I can meet with Hades and we can arrange a schedule for watching her.

Lai'lira smiled as Braxton bowed to both her and the Admiral. "It was nice to meet you Gregori."

He grinned. "You as well Mon Cher. I will see you again."

Lai'lira watched him go. "I like him!" She told T'Lar. "He's sweet just...I get the feeling he doesn't talk to too many people."

"No but I think he was quite comfortable with us. Thank you for suggesting that we come sit with him." Deela smiled at her, "Good catch."

She smiled. "Oh! I got a job!" She said excitedly.

"You did? That is great. Where may I ask?" She inquired.

"Mind and Body and Soul Healing Centre. They need a receptionist / Assistant. The lady seemed nice....Dr. Splendora Sage I think that's her name." She smiled. "You must let me pay you back for letting me stay at your quarters and I have to get Admiral Mikey a gift to say thank you....and you I have to take you shopping!" She suddenly got serious. She scooted over and gave T'Lar a hug. "Thank you for what you are doing."

She really didn't need to do that but Deela knew that she would not take no for an answer, "Hold on there. You have not started the job yet but when you do, I would love to go shopping with you." She hugged her back.

They finished up with their lunch and headed towards the Healing centre parting ways. Lai'lira had assured T'Lar that Hades said he'd pick her up. Lai'lira took a breath and smiled waved at T'Lar and entered the centre.


Admiral Deela T'Lar, Executive Officer
WO Mikhail G. Braxton, aka wolf man, Marine Medic
Lai'lira S'Nai, Romulan

Starbase 400


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